Chapter 34

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"We need to scan him right now, he just had surgery a few weeks ago and a cancerous tumor was removed," a doctor shouted orders to everyone around him.

Nurses and doctors nodded, hurrying off to prepare the rooms for Ashton's arrivals.

"I need vitals done on this boy right now!" The doctor ordered, grabbing the nearest nurse and putting her to work. "Life or death, people! Life or death!"

The words echoed in my ears. The world seemed to be spinning faster than a toy top on a table. Bright lights surrounded me and the smell of blood invaded my nose. I reached out for something to grab and was greeted by a hand. 

"Emma, I'm here," Ashton's voice whispered in my head. The world stopped spinning as violently as it had been and I was able to focus on his face. His mouth was still propped open and dried blood still trickled from it. His breathing was more regular, but he was still out cold.

"Ashton?" I asked, out loud, afraid of my own voices condition.

"Emma. I'm here, just hold onto me. Please don't let go."

"I've got you, Ash, I've got you."

"Thank you."

The nurse finished his vitals and I noticed none of the numbers were good signs at all. I looked at the boy before me and willed him to keep fighting. He couldn't die, not like this. 

"Sir, the machines are ready for scans. Proceed when possible."

The doctor nodded, "Thank you." He turned to his available staff, "Alright people, we need to get this kid conscious and then run some tests. We need to figure out what the problem is here and stop it."

A chorus of "yes sir"s errupted from the group and suddenly everything was in motion again. I looked down at Ashton and willed him to wake up, knowing that the faster his eyes opened, the quicker they could find out what had happened.

"Doctor, he's awake," a nurse piped up, noticing Ashton's eyelids fluttering opened.

"Scan room, now," he ordered.

In no time, we were in motion again. I gripped Ashton's hand harder than anything before and followed them in and through all the tests.

When we were back in the ER room, the doctor came forward. Ashton was barely conscious, but still made an effort to listen. The craziness had died a little and the scene seemed to sink into slow motion.

"Son. The surgery you had missed a small tumor. It's still in you, but the odds aren't looking too sharp. We are going to put you in an emergency surgery and try everything we can I assure yo-"

He was cut off by a muffled sob. The doctor and I turned around to see Anne standing in front of the bed. "They told me he was better," she whispered, "They told me he was cured!" Her voice was scratchy, yelling, loud. "They told me it was out! They lied! They lied! The fucking lied! Those fucking sons of bitches they lied to me! They fucking failed my boy," she quieted down a bit, "My boy," she broke into sobs, "My baby boy," she fell to her knees.

"Ma'am," a nurse whispered, "This happens a lot unfortunately. This disease is relentless. But please calm down, we have him going into surgery," she brought Ashton's mom into her arms and allowed her to cry into her chest. "He will be okay."

The nurse nodded to the doctor and he turned to Ashton, "We're going to give you medicine now boy, fight your hardest. You can beat this."

Ashton nodded and looked to me, "Help," he whispered, to me but the doctor nodded.

"I am helping. This will help too," He tapped around Ashton's arm, and slid the needle into his vein, delivering him the medicine he needed. Ashton's weak eyes fluttered a few times before falling closed.

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