15| Dance Pe Chance

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Aaaaaand I'm back with another cutesy chapter, but this one goes a bit deep!

So as the story goes on, you'll realise I'm leaving quite a bit of hints here and there, about a recurring pattern in one of the characters. What and who, that you'll find out later, let's see if you can figure it out🤝

Song of the Chapter: Chedkhaaniyan, Bandish Bandits (LOVE this series!) 💖


The music started playing, something very mellow and slow, yet not something that'll bore the audience to death, Abir noted with interest.

Nirvaan had Ayaana in a firm, yet soft grip, as she too forced herself to look right in his eyes.

"Just an audition. Just an audition Ana."

She kept repeating to herself in her mind as the two moved and waltzed around the stage, while Nirvaan kept chuckling silently, knowing full well that she was having a whole conversation in her thoughts itself.

The two didn't even realize when the song ended, with one lost in her thoughts and one in amusement.

Lavanya cleared her throat andclapped loudly, making both of them snap out of it and spring apart, as Ayaana had bright red cheeks and Nirvaan kept his hands in his pocket, looking here and there

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Lavanya cleared her throat and
clapped loudly, making both of them snap out of it and spring apart, as Ayaana had bright red cheeks and Nirvaan kept his hands in his pocket, looking here and there.

"That was lovely! Well done, Ayaana! I can't really tell you what the final decision will be about the role, but you have really given us a lot to think with your audition!"

Miss Singh said with a wide smile and joyful expression as always, making Ayaana smile too.

"Oh and yes, thank you Nirvaan. I hope your acting audition tomorrow will be just as good as this one."

Miss Singh said to the floppy-haired boy on stage, who took a charming bow and nodded.

"Professor Wandell, you won't say anything?"

He asked cheekily, knowing of the old professor's immense dislike for him.

"You have certainly exceeded expectations, Mr. Malik."

The stern professor said with a shake of the head, making Nirvaan and Abir chuckle, as Lav and Ayaana giggled.

"And you were brilliant too, Miss Murthy."

He continued with a smile, mistakenly calling her Miss Murthy out of habit, he did love Nandini as a student too, after all.

"Miss Malhotra."

Nirvaan corrected with a twinkle in his eyes, before Ayaana could smile and accept Prof. Wandell's compliment.

"Never thought I'd see a Malik taking offense at Miss Murthy being called otherwise."

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