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Mitsuki Bakugou pov

I was just leaving the room when I heard the self proclaimed boy say that he needed to cut his hair. I couldn't agree more and without thinking walked right back into the kitchen and slammed my hands on the table saying that I'd be more than happy to give the boy a hair cut. I wanted to get to know my sons friends. I mean he had some very strange taste. The first was a boy with spiky hair and sharp teeth and the second was a stupid yellow haired boy the third and edgy purple haired rocker girl and the fourth a pink haired cutie who tried giving my son a makeover which he had needed but now. I really wanted to know the story behind the quote and very girl like boy that was sitting in the house hands pressed on his lap and eyes downcast as if shameful about living. 

" uh I don't want to trouble you ma'ma." He said in a soft voice. It eve sounded girlish. I realized that something was very wrong with the boy and he wasn't very happy. I glance over to my son and he nods confirming a silent mother son language that we knew. It only made me want to know more about the boy.

" oh sweetheart it wouldn't be bothering me at all. Come on let's get you a haircut!" I say with a bright happy smile. He looks at me slightly confused. Which made me confused. 

" alright." He said in a small monotone voice. He didn't understand my excitement? I get out and do does Todoroki along Gil with Katsuki who whispers something great into the boys war I cannot make out. The dual haired boy nodded and smiled slightly.

It took me a total of seven and a half minutes to set up a beauty salon in the backyard with contained a chair sitting on the grass with a tarp underneath it to catch the fallen multicolored hair.

" ready?" I asked while waiting for the boy to sit down in the chair. He looked at katsuki with wide eyes that could only mean one thing he was terrified and j couldn't do not one thing about it. As I began to cut his hair his eyes would dart around watching everything around him and a few times he actually started to whimper as if in fear of someone appearing out of thin air. I wasn't able to calm him but my son was able to. It was kinda cute how Katsuki had gone inside to get another chair to sit opposite of the boy and whispered I a soothing voice how he wasn't gonna let anything bad happen to him. I wondered what they were talking about or meant by the word BAD but I knew asking would most likely bring up a horrible unwanted topic of conversation.

K finished cutting his hair. He only wanted his hair to Ben a bob hair style and not too short that it would made him look boyish. I wondered why he was so bent on looking feminine. Was this boy actually trans and just never told anyone. If so I'd be very overprotective and an ally to him or her. And yet my head told me that it wasn't the case and the story behind the long hair and girlish persona along with the scared look was something bad.

" well uh thank you Ms. Mitsuki..." todoroki trailed off before immediately asking Katsuki if he'd still hold the appearance of a female which he most certainly did.

" it was nothing!" I say back smiling.

~time skip~

It was after the boy left and Katsuki seemed to be texting with MIDORIYA which was out of the norm. I go to sit next to him.

" so that friend of yours. He seemed a bit uh strange..." I didn't know how to bring up the fact that he seemed very distracted and scared the entire time. Katsuki barely glanced up from his phone which ticked me up.

" Beat tell me about that todoroki boy you were hanging out with earlier!" I snapped at him. This time he looked up but not annoyed more of a concerned face. Before blurting our words that surprised me and alarmed me at the exact same time.

" we need to help!" He blurted.

" what the fucking hell?!" I say back trying not to sound even more annoyed at the fact he'd ignored my question and stated something back.

"We need to save him! He's being chased by Endeavor!! Todoroki's needs help now!!!"

I'm not a girl ( depressed Todoroki )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ