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Bakugou pov

I watched the girl curl herself into a ball for a few minutes then suddenly go back to normal. I was weirded out. a lot.

"I'm sorry was I acting weird?" Todoroki asked me. I nodded a short quick nod. She looked down and covered her arms. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. No not like Deku. was what I was hoping when I asked my next question.

"Hey, uh, todoroki-chan may I please see your arms?" I asked her. she looked at me with slight fear in the multi colored eyes. then she slowly nodded her head holding them out to me. I sighed and rolled up the sleeves. I stopped once I saw what littered the beautiful skin. cuts....in the shape of letters that formed words saying something that made me think twice.

'If you don't want your brothers to die you bastard better act like a girl.'

the hell was this writing. then it hit me. was Todoroki-chan actually Todoroki-kun? was she I mean he a boy!?

"Todoroki are you really a girl?" I asked them. they looked at me and backed away from me a tear escaped their eye.

"please s-save me...I-i'm not a-a girl..."

I'm not a girl ( depressed Todoroki )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon