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Bakugou pov

how the hell did he know I was hiding?! guiltily I stand up and walk over to him. he takes a step back when I try to look at his injuries.

"don't. well bye." he said bluntly. uh...where the hell was he going? he can barely stand up and he looks like someone who got run over by a truck then put back together. I didn't know how he even was standing.

"No you aren't going anywhere. You're too hurt at the moment. I don't even know how the hell you can stand after that." I say eyeing him. His long hair was draped over himself like a cape making me remember how I had earlier thought him to be a her. 

"bye." was all he said before walking off. I blink he wasn't even limbing and if it weren't for the bandages I would've thought he wasn't injured at all. I begin to follow him and I notice he's walking to Midoriya's apartment. he goes into the building and I follow trying to make up an excuse for why I might have been going to Midoriya's place. I see him knock on the door. Seconds later an anxious looking deku opens the door. 

"Todoroki-chan!! what happened to you!?!" he said in a panicked tone. 

"oh Training got a bit rough I sorta hurt..." he trailed off. Deku let him in and about ten minutes after I went into the apartment. Todoroki stared at me knowing that I must followed him.

"So what did you wanna tell me Todoroki-chan?" wondered Midoriya. 

"w-well Bakugou-kun already knows this. I figured you should be the next to know. please don't tell anyone. and just keep assuming me female with others. I'm actually genetically male...I had to pretend to be a girl for certain reasons regarding my family status and stuff like that. also Bakugou-kun and Midoriya-kun don't call me Todoroki anymore. please call me Kori-kun. Kori is the name of my mother's family and now the only family I have left...." he says. 

w-wait? was he kicked out of his house?! why? was it because I knew the secret? I wondered.

"Oh my god!! I had no idea you were actually a boy!! I'm so sorry Todoroki-ch I mean Kori-kun." Deku said his mouth a bit open in pure surprise. I'm pretty sure I was also really surprised at the words that had just come out of the boys mouth.

"Uh well the other reason why I came over here is because i need a place to sleep.." his face went red when I realized in horror he HAD been kicked out of his house and was no longer going to be considered a Todoroki. 

"O-ooh you can stay here for the night!! and you too Kacchan because It's getting late and I don't want you going back home alone. there have been a lot of villain attacks at night on UA students." Deku stated as if we didn't know that our selves.

"yeah sure ya damn nerd. I say though not paying attention to him more on the boy with the long hair. he sat still looking like a girl hands spread neatly on his lap curled into fists hair pouring down his back like a waterfall. His eyes were down at his hands and lap his legs were together and slightly shaking. either from fear, or the cold. most likely the cold since I was also half freezing. which also meant that I couldn't blast Deku to hell if I wanted to. he meant to turn the heat down making it cold every time I was at the apartment so I didn't kill him with my quirk.

"well let's get ready for bed now." Midoriya says leading me and Todor-Kori  to his room where we all begin to get settled into bed. Kori-kun goes to Inko's room and combs his long hair into a braid which looked cool with the mixed hair colors. we settled in and turned the light out. I was sleeping on a beanbag chair and Midoriya was on his bed. Kori just sat on the desk chair looking at both of  us. he probably had insomnia or something which made me feel bad for him. 

Kori pov

I watched as the two fell asleep next to me. I was just sitting on the desk chair. I never slept....ever...I was always too scared to. the memory of the last thing that Enji said to me played back in my head.

"you bitch telling someone only means one thing. leave my house you wretched Kori. join your dumbass mother in a hospital!!"

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