Chapter 27

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Kristina continued scolding herself for her actions as she quickly brushed by the gawking people backstage. She ignored Karen who called her name and went straight for the backstage exit, hoping that someone would bring her guitars back to the hotel. She sure as hell wasn't staying to bring them herself.

Out in the street, away from the stadium, she leaned against a wall and tried to calm herself.

'What the hell was I thinking?!' she yelled at herself.

She knew she had just been caught up in the moment, but she hadn't just exposed herself, she had also exposed her feelings. And Michael. How the hell was she going to explain this to anyone? And what was Michael thinking of her?

She sighed as she looked down at herself. Since she had been so busy to get away, she was still wearing her stage outfit and with that and her heavy make up she stood out quite a bit. Kristina kept her stare on the pavement as she reached out her hand and hailed a cab.

An hour or so later Kelly walked into their room hoping to find Kristina. No one had seen her since she fled the stadium, and she was worried about her friend. She found on her bed, in the middle of emptying out their minibar.

'Hey, that stuff is expensive!' she said as she shut the door.

Kristina just glared at her.

'Well, I'm glad you're safe. I was worried about you.'

'I'm worried about me too,' Kristina grumbled as she downed a mini-bottle of Bailey's.

'Yeah. So... What exactly happened?'

Kristina just shook her head and raised her eyebrows.

'I have absolutely no idea. I guess I just got caught up in the moment.'

'Well, I get that. I mean, Michael DOES have really pretty eyes. It's hard not to want to kiss him sometimes, I feel that way too. And it's obvious that you two have a spark between you.'

Kristina looked up at her.


'Duh!' Kelly said as she sat on Kristina's bed next to her with a comforting hand on her knee.

'Did Michael say anything after the show?'

'No... There was a really awkward silence, and he left as soon as he got offstage. He didn't look upset though, not from what I saw. He kept it professional.'

Kristina sighed and shook her head again, reaching for another Bailey.

'You might want to take it easy with that,' Kelly said, reaching for the little bottle.

'Right. I just feel so stupid! I don't know what happened. He was looking at me with that look, you know, and holding me so tight, and then he bit his lower lip and he knows that I LOVE when he does that, and I just... Urgh!' Kristina exclaimed and buried her face in her pillow.

She was so embarrassed by her behavior, and she hoped it wouldn't have consequences for neither her nor Michael.

Kelly looked at her friend and started scratching her back. She knew that always relaxed Kristina.

'Um, Kris?'

No answer.

'I know you don't like to talk about this kind of stuff, and I hope you don't think I'm being too nosy... But are you and Michael... You know, involved?'

Kelly held her breath as Kristina's body stiffened. Silence filled the room.

'Yes...' Kristina answered a few seconds later in a low voice, her head still in the pillow.

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