Chapter 4

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Kristina was only about ten minutes late, but she obviously crashed an audition that had already started. About 50 heads turned towards her, when the door slammed shut loudly behind her in the big echo-filled theater. She closed her eyes, trying to take in the embarrassment and cursed herself for being late. So unprofessional. She felt even worse when she looked around the room and saw many talented guitarists from well known bands, and... Oh my God, is that Orianthi Panagaris? Kristina was a huge fan of the female guitarist, who was one of the best out there. She had also been the lead guitarist on the last two Michael Jackson-tours.

'Yes?' a man, who stood in front of the crowd, said, asked. He had been interrupted when Kristina came in, and he didn't look happy. Kristina figured he would be Travis.

'Yeah. Sorry I'm late, I-'

'This is a private audition, honey, I'm sorry' he said, talking to her like she was a child. Kristina felt the anger inside of her. He was the one who had wakened her up with hangovers to get her here!

'I know. I'm Kristina Jensen? I was told to be here at 10,' she said, staring with a raised eyebrow at him. Jerk.

Travis' face lit up when he discovered who she was.

'Kristina, of course! Thank you for joining us. Everyone, this is Kristina Jensen. Michael picked her out for this audition specifically himself!' he said. Some of the others gave her an acknowledging look, but Kristina noticed Orianthi Panagaris shooting her a strange look.

'Please, sit down, we were just about to start,' Travis continued, gesturing Kristina towards a chair. She smiled thankfully at him and sat at the nearest one. While Travis talked about the music behind Michael Jackson, something about them being an extended arm of the album-version and how this tour would be different musically, Kristina couldn't help to look around and take in the sight of some of the people, who had been her heroes ever since she was a little girl. She also couldn't help but notice that they all seemed way more professional than her. Their guitars were really good brands like Epiphone, Gibson or Fender. Some of them were collector's items, she saw, and all of them were extremely exprensive. Kristinas black western-guitar had cost her about 100$ when she arrived in the states. That price wouldn't even be able to pay for the strings on Orianthi Panagaris' beautiful sunburst Gibson. Then she noticed that all the others were carrying electric guitars with them. Kristinas western, which she had named Francine, was purely acoustic. Had the electric been a demand, she thought nervously.

'Oh God, I so don't belong here!' she thought.

'Well, I think it's time we get this audition started! Just give us five minutes to set up the Marshalls,' Travis smiled.

Most of the other musicians there knew each other from other arrangements, and they started getting together in little chatty groups, hugging and laughing. Kristina knew no one, and she really began to feel like the fat kid in gym class. Travis looked at her and came over.

'I think you would be perfect with Orianthi over here,' he said pointing to Orianthi Panagaris, who was also standing alone, talking to a chuppy guy smoking a cigar. Kristina recognized him as Frank DiLeo, Michael Jacksons manager. Of course he would be here, he never let Michael as much as go to the bathroom without being present, Kristina thought. She gathered up her courage, and walked towards them to tell Orianthi that she was a huge fan of hers.

'… I mean, she's obviously not even a professional! And what's with that broke ass guitar she carries around? Does she even know HOW to play?' she then heard Orianthi say infuriated to Frank DiLeo.

'Michael saw her play last night at Venice Beach, and he wanted her here. I didn't know her name until a few hours ago, so I haven't been able to check up on her, but Michael seemed really impressed. But don't worry about it, I'm sure you're still his favourite lead guitarist,' he said reassuringly, trying to calm her down.

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