Chapter 7: Zombies Do

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I caught up with Zed and Eliza walking down the hallway. The two zombies were talking about how they needed the werewolves to win the election. I chuckled and shook my head, of course I couldn't get away from those wolves, no matter what. My life was basically surrounded by them now.

"Werewolves are the swing vote." My best friend said, determined.

Eliza looked at the two of us. "Wolves are key to winning this election, but you know winning over the wolves is gonna be hard."

I glanced over to where the wolves had congregated by the end of the hallway, and locked eyes with Wyatt. He smiled softly at me, and I smiled back. Maybe winning the wolves over wouldn't be that difficult. Maybe I could talk to the boy about it.

"Trust me, I got this! We're gonna win the wolves votes, and more. We just have to show them how to fit in, like us." My best friend said as the wolves started scaring the students around them.

I still had my eyes locked on Wyatt as the bell rang. He smirked devilishly at me before he howled loudly with the rest of his pack. I flinched back, not expecting it, and the wolves walked away.

Zed sighed and walked down the hall, Eliza following him quickly, leaving me in the dust. I frowned, and headed towards the library, where I knew Addison would be.

With Zed's mind solely on winning the election and Prawn, I've been feeling a little left out. It's not his fault really, I mean this is a big thing for him and zombie-kind, I just wish he could still be the Zed we all know and love. Still be my best friend.

I found Bree sitting at a table by the library doors. She saw me and smiled, waiving me over. I sat down beside her as she pulled out her homework and started working on it. I was about to speak up, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of the wolves walk in, including Wyatt.

He must not have seen me, as he walked towards the other side of the library, while three other wolves came to sit at the table behind Bree and I. They were staring at us weirdly, and I could tell Bree was getting uncomfortable, but I wasn't paying much mind to that. My eyes were still on Wyatt, who was currently hiding his face behind an upside down book. What was he doing?

Addison walked around the corner, and Wyatt peaked out from behind the book. My stomach churned at the way he looked at her. I frowned, was I jealous? No I couldn't be...but I couldn't help but want to be the one who had Wyatt's attention.

Addison obviously noticed the "hidden" wolf, and flipped his book over for him. Wyatt gave her an adorably nervous smile, and Addison turned to make her way back to us. I locked eyes with her, and she gave me a very nervous look. I would be nervous too, if I had werewolves following me, the way Wyatt followed her.

I felt someone grab my chair and turned to see a shorter werewolf leaning into Bree's space. The cheerleader noticed, and flinched a little as the werewolf grabbed a page of her homework and took a bit out of it.

"Hey, that dog just ate my homework!" Bree exclaimed.

I let out a bark of a laugh, and quickly covered my mouth with my hand as Bree glared at me. I don't even think she realized the joke she made.

Addison quickly took the seat next to me, and I jumped back when the leader of the wolves slammed a stack of books down on our table. "Lies! These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers, but they struck first and stole our moonstone!"

I could feel someone walk up behind me, and put their hand on my shoulder. Glancing up, I saw it was Wyatt, who gave me a small smile, I turned back to look at the curly haired girl in front of us, face growing red. I could barely pay attention to what she was saying, Wyatt's hand on my shoulder stealing my thoughts.

Flesh and Bone // Wyatt Lykensenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن