Chapter 6: The Meeting

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Everyone was in the main atrium, getting ready for presidential nomination announcements. JC and I had hung Buky's sign up on the student walk-way, and now a few cheerleaders were up there, waiting to let it drop. I stood beside Eliza and my sister as Principal Lee spoke to the crowd.

"Ok! Are there any more nominees for president?" She asked us. "Just a reminder that being part of the student body means that we get to hang! Anybody...anybody wanna hang? Just...anyone want to hang out? Anyone? Oh! We could come up with our very own complicated high five! That'd be fun, huh? Like..." She started high fiving herself awkwardly.

I felt bad for her and almost raised my hand just to take her out of that embarrassment. Before i could do so though, the bad started playing, and Bucky made his grand entrance. The banner dropped, revealing Bucky's face for president. Almost everyone stood up clapping, and Bucky performed a round off double-back handspring double full to the stage. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics, but clapped along with everyone.

Bucky faked a high five to Principal Lee and basically pushed her off stage. I frowned at him as he made his speech. "Great news, we have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year. ME!" He did his trademarked Bucky hand flare.

The crowd started chanting my cousins name as he danced on stage. I saw Zed by the band with an odd look on his face. From beside me, Bree waved at Bonzo, which caused the zombie to freak out a little. Bonzo hit Zed in the back with his instrument, and my best friend fell down the bleachers. He popped back up quickly on the stage and pushed Bucky out of the way.

"Zombie strong!" My best friend cheered. I whooped and threw my fists into the air. I had no idea he was running, but I was here for it! "Hello everyone, my name is Zed, and I'm running for president!"

My sister gasped happily beside me and cheered harder for her boyfriend. Bucky frowned and huffed beside Principal Lee. "Zed can't steal my spotlight!" Said principal tried to get him to stop talking, but jumped back a little when my cousin turned to her. "What about the whole anti-monster thingy?"

I frowned and Addison yelled out. "Anyone can run for president, Bucky."

"Yea Bucky! He's a student here, and any student is allowed to run!" I called out to my douchey cousin.

Principal Lee pointed at me and Addison, and nodded. "They actually have a point, Mr. Bucky." She said as she walked off stage, with Bucky quick on her heels.

The Aceys squealed. "A zombie president? Ew!"

Zed just smiled at Addison and I, and continued with his speech. "As the first ever zombie president, I will allow Zombies to go to Prawn! If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" He yelled to the crowd.

Everyone cheered, with Addison and I being the loudest voices. The crowd started chanting his name, as my best friend started bouncing around on stage. "As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and --"

Bree, who had looked behind us for a second, yelled out, "Werewolves?"

I frowned and looked at her questioningly. Zed also looked at her confused. "Uhm, no. Why would we want --," He gasped and looked at the back doors. "Werewolves!"

I turned around quickly, and saw werewolves rushing into the atrium. The crowd ran around us, rushing to the front of the room. I ran with the group, closer to the podium, making sure my friends were with me. I pulled Addison behind me, as the wolves spotted us.

"There she is!" What looked to be the main wolf said.

Zed yelled out from his place on stage. "Football team, defense, Z-24, right!"

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