Chapter 3: The Crash

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I was holding the ladder as Zed screwed in the last two bulbs in his plan. It took us hours, getting to the perfect spot on the road out of town at the ass-crack of dawn, but we finally got it done. Addison had texted me about 30 minutes ago that they were loading up the bus. All we needed was for Zed to hurry up, and get ourselves off the road.

Zoey was off to the side, holding a handful of sparkles. "When do I throw the confetti?"

"You'll know!" Zed said, glancing down at her.

I looked at Zoey. "Or you could just throw it now. I know you want to!"

Zed leaned down and swatted me on the head, causing the little zombie to laugh. I smiled and rubbed the back of my head, winking at Zoey. A sound in the distance made me frown. Turning my head, I saw the cheer bus hurtling towards us. Eyes wide in shock, I leaped from the ladder and grabbed Zoey, pulling her off the road.

"Zed, watch out!" I yelled at my best friend.

Zed, who had just gotten the light bulbs to work, glanced at me. I pointed at the bus, and he let out a scream as said bus hit him. Zed hung onto the top of the bus, but fell off the side not too long after. The large vehicle careened off the road into the surrounding forest. Zoey and I looked at each other, and took off after the cheer squad.

Running up to where Zed landed, I yelled out to Zoey. "Stay with your brother, I have to find Addison!"

Rushing into the woods, I passed by a fence that had a keep out sign on it. That wasn't good. As I got deeper into the wooded area, the trees got denser and it got darker. "Addison!" I yelled out. "Addison, where are you?"

I heard a rustle behind me, and then something bumped into my back. I quickly turned around, only to be kicked where the sun don't shine. Falling to my knees, I looked up to see Addison's worried face.

"Oh God Aidan! I'm so sorry!" She hugged tightly.

Grimacing, I stood up. "It's ok Addie, I didn't want kids anyways."

My sister looked around, frowning. "Where's Zed?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, I left Zoey with him back on the road. I ran in here to find you."

She was about to say something else when there were more rustles around us. "Who's there?"

I pulled Addison towards me. "Zed? Anyone there?"

Glancing around, I saw two people jumped down onto a large boulder, and more in the surrounding trees. Addison let out a gasp, and I turned to see a girl standing on the rock face right in front of us. Her eyes were glowing a yellow gold color, and her necklace was shining blue. She smirked at us, and let out a loud howl. I pulled my sister tightly behind me as more howls surrounded us.

Scared, I turned around quickly, but they were gone as soon as they came. Did I just imagine them? Based on how badly Addison was shaking in my arms, I doubted it. Addison pulled from my arms, and let out scream, punching someone behind her. I turned around just in time to see my best friend hunch over, holding his nose. Damn my sister was violent.

"Zed!" Addison said with a smile, pulling him into a hug.

Zed chuckled and hugged her back. "I missed you too."

Zoey ran up behind Zed, and I could hear the cheer team run up behind me. "Zoey, we're not alone." Addison said, freaked out. "We're surrounded by..."

"Werewolves." I finished for her. Zed looked at me like I was crazy and Zoey seemed excited.

"What? Wolves?" I heard Stacey exclaim.

"What wolves?" Lacey asked scared.

"Here wolves?" JC, the newest addition, let out.

The three Aceys looked at each other and let out, "Werewolves?" They all started vigorously texting on their phones, probably posting all over to social media

The crowd behind them got anxious, and nervous chatter erupted. I rolled my eyes at the three, and turned to Zed. he shook his head, and I could tell he didn't believe me, he felt no one would believe us. I frowned and led the group back to the road. The bus was done for, so we had to figure something out. Apparently, someone thought of that too, because when we got to the road, it was lined with Z-Patrol cars, and my dad was rushing down to meet us.

"Addison! Aidan! Are you ok?" My father asked as he got to us.

Addison smiled softly while I rolled my eyes. "We're ok dad," she said. "I got scratched by a tree but we're ok.

My father grabbed us by our shoulders and looked us over. I get he wanted to protect us, but we had said we were ok, there was no need for this. I rolled my eyes again and pulled myself from my dad's grip.

"We're fine dad. Stop worrying." I told him as I made my way towards his car.

I could feel a gaze follow me to the car, and when I turned around, I caught sight of glowing yellow eyes. I knew I should have felt scared, but these eyes were different. I felt drawn to them, I wanted to know who they belonged to. I had half the mind to follow them into the woods. I was pulled from my trance when Zed placed his hand on my shoulder. I glanced away from the eyes for just a second, but when I looked back, they were gone.

"Hey man, what are you looking at?" My best friend asked me.

I frowned and shook my head. "Uh, nothing. I thought I saw one more cheerleader in the woods but I must be trippin'."

Zed laughed. "Alright, dude. Always knew you were crazy! C'mon, let's get back home. Your mom has called an emergency council meeting."

I smiled and nodded. With one last look at the woods, I got into my dad's car. Zed, Zoey, and Addison crawled into the backseat. It took a few minutes for my dad to give his men orders and directions, but once he was done, we made our way to town hall. All the way into town, I couldn't squash the feeling of turning around and finding those yellow eyes.

Wyatt P.O.V.

We watched the humans and zombies leave from the shadows. They came crashing into our forest uninvited, then left their trash behind. Willa, Wynter and I were at the edge of the forest, with the rest of the pack farther back. I was looking for the girl with the white hair, the Great Alpha. Willa didn't believe me, but I knew she was out there.

Finally, I caught sight of her near the road. She was talking to an older human, two zombies, and....another white hair. Our prophecies never mentioned two white hairs. The Great Alpha was wearing a cheer uniform, but the male was only in a baby blue hoodie and jeans. Did the Great Alpha have a brother? Does that make him our Great Beta? The more I looked at the guy, the more I felt drawn to him. I couldn't explain it.

I watched as the adult human grabbed his shoulder, and I felt a growl rise in my chest. What was that about? Willa looked at me questioningly, but I just shook my head. I watched as my white haired boy shrugged off the elder's hand and--wait, MY white haired boy? What? Frustrated and confused about my emotions, I let my wolf take over, eyes shining bright yellow.

Just as I did so, the boy turned around and locked eyes with me. I couldn't look away from him, everything about him drew me in. My inner wolf howled in happiness, and I could feel the air leave my lungs. This was him, this was my mate. I had always imagined finding him, had always wondered how it would be. Our gaze is broken when a zombie comes up to my mate, and I quickly burn his image into my memory.

Turning around quickly, so that my mate doesn't see me again, I see Willa looking at me. "Wyatt...I know that look. Is that him?"

I tilted my head towards her, looking at the ground. "Yea. It's him."

Willa nodded and smiled slightly at me. "Ok, brother, we'll figure it out. For now though, I need you to go into town and figure out what they're doing. We need to find our Moonstone, quick."

I nodded my head and made my way through the forest towards Seabrook. My thoughts were running a mile a minute. I had found my mate, and he was a human. A white haired human at that, one that may be related to our Great Alpha. I shook my head and took off. For now I needed to focus on the task at hand. Finding our Moonstone was the most important thing at the moment.

Flesh and Bone // Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now