Chapter 2: We Got This

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I laughed loudly as Zed emerged from the sand. He was really playing out his whole zombiness, groans and all. Screams erupted from Zoey and her friends, as they rushed around, avoiding Zed. He ran around and grabbed his little sister, hoisting her up in the air. I walked up to the siblings smiling, tickling Zoey while her brother held her. The little zombie squirmed out of our grasp, and took off down the beach. Zed and I looked at each other with grins on our faces, and took off after her.

It was good to see those two here at the beach, it meant the times were changing. Zombies and humans intermingling. You see, the anti-monster laws were getting disbanded in Seabrook, and that meant both towns were open to everyone. And things were booming! Humans had shops in Zombietown, and zombies worked in Seabrook. Everything was getting better day after day!

We finally caught up to Zoey, and called it a day for the beach. Zed took Zoey's left hand, I took her right, and we started walking towards Zombietown. As we got closer to what was the new unification gate, Zoey again took off.

"Woah! Hey,wait wait! No, Zoey! Wait for us!" Zed said as he tried to catch up with his little sister.

I just chuckled and shook my head, lazily making my way after them. Zoey was a rambunctious little kid, Zevon definitely had his hands full. I made my way down Zombietown's main street, and saw my two friends just down the road. I caught up with them quickly at Coach's Fro-Yo cart. I grabbed Zoey's and and made my way towards the older man.

"Hey hey!" Coach said as he saw Zed and I walk up.

Zed smiled, "What's up coach?"

"Oh, football off-season has been good to me, fellas!" He slapped his cart. "Invested in a Fro-Yo cart. Little side hustle, gonna go global. Gonna buy a car, get some dress shirts, go on vacation. Without my great aunt Edna. Though she loves swimwear weather. You know I might just bring her along!" Coach smiled widely.

All the while coach went on his rant, Zoey was glancing at the flavors. "Cauliflower brains mocha crunch please!" She said sweetly.

Snapping out of his rant daze, coach smiled at the little zombie, "You got it!"

"I'll take a vanilla, coach." Zed said.

Laughing, I looked at my best friend, "Out of all the flavors he has, you choose vanilla?"

Zed looked at me and shrugged, "What? I like vanilla!"

I just shook my head laughing, and turned to the older man, "I'm good, coach."

After coach gave the two zombies their Fro-Yo, we went to take Zoey to her friend's house. The siblings munched down on their cold treats, and we started talking about how Zed was going to ask Addie to Prawn. Addison was at cheer camp for another day, so we didn't have much time to gather everything. We got to the little zombies friend's house, and said our goodbyes.

"So Zed, are you sure this is such a great idea? Like can't you just ask my sister to Prawn when she's back in town?" I asked my best friend.

Zed looked at me like I was crazy. "Absolutely not dude! I've got to make this perfect! Addie deserves the world, and this needs to be memorable!"

I chuckled lightly at his excitement. "Ok, ok, fine! But have you even heard from her? I haven't heard a peep."

Zed looked down sadly, "No, I haven't heard from her either. She's been there for almost a week, man, is she mad at me?"

"Nah dude, she's probably just busy," I put my hand on his shoulder, "You know how Bucky can get. He may be family, but guy's crazy!"

Zed laughed and smiled, knowing I was probably right. We made our way over to the old power plant to see Zevon at his job. "You know, I did good." The zombie said,

Flesh and Bone // Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now