Welcome Home Amy

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(Two days later )

Amy walked down the line of her jet,with her two new friends  Miu and Saki. She meet them in America and they were also from Japan, so they  choose to fly back with her. "Miu,saki comdown I'm sure Hiroto and sosuke will be her soon." Amy said trying to comdown her friends. "I'm so excited to see my Ani." Miu said. Ani was Miu's pet name for Hiroto. "So are we going to meet this King? Saki asked. "Maybe if he's on time."Amy said. (Outside the airport ) "feel better Meeko " king said ending the call. Meeko got sick and wouldn't be able to meet Amy yet. The next thing he herd was go on gold Tuch down. "Ani!"Miu said happy to see her boyfriend after 6 months. "Hiroto no fair this was  a race  by leg not wings. " "sosuke! "Saki said hugging him. "Saki." A voice said. It was  saki's older sister shanchuu ."wow Amy you have one great jet here. " she said looking around and noticed hiroto standing next to miu and saki. "Hello there. "She said. "I'm shanchuu" she said  taking his arm and pulls him away from Miu . "And you are ?" She asked. "Hiroto sutou." He said taking his arm back knowing that Miu was mad. "Did  you just say sutou?" Shanchuu asked. "Yeah "Hiroto says. "As in hiroto sutou the son of billion air Ren sutou that is very single ". Shanchuu said. "yes and no." He said. "What do you mean? " she said." Everything  but the last part is true." He  said . " What do you mean "Shanchuu asked snuggling into his arm. "I'm all that but I'm not single. "He says walks to miu. He puts his arm around her and kissed her cheek. ( King was taken to a room with all the private jets land)

" Amy "he said trying to get her attention. "King!" She said running over to him and hugging him as he picked her up. "Wow you look amazing."king said looking at Amy . "So do you, is your  hair longer." Amy said. "And you,you look more beautiful than when you left." King said. she pulls him to her friends. "King this is Miu,Saki, hiroto, and sosuke." Amy said. " um hello. "Shanchuu said. "And this is shanchuu saki's older sister." Amy said. "Hello everyone." King said. "Hi there  king you sure are cute." Shanchuu said. "Thanks "king said. "Do you have a girlfriend? "She asked. "Yeah."He said putting his arm around Amy. "Yeah  when do I get to meet Meeko? " Amy asked. "Ehhhhh your not his girlfriend?" Miu asked. "No we are just really good friends " Amy said. "Oooooo". They all said. "Come on gentle is waiting on us." King said. "Who's gentle?" Miu asked. "My butler. " Amy said. "Butler? " Shanchuu asked. "Do you by any chance have an older brother?" Shanchuu asked  "yes but he has a girlfriend and I have a sister but she has a boyfriend. Amy said . "Yeah where are Ahim and Joe?"king asked. "They are part of the Gokai team with captain marvelous Ahim ' s boyfriend ,Luke murfey Joe 's girlfriend, Don,and Gie." Amy said. (Outside the airport )every one but king , amy ,hirtot ,and miu said "wooooooooooow ". They all got in and road to  Amy's house. They pull into a huge Mansion with others on inside. The center house was Amy's, the one on the left was hirtot 's ,and the right one was Miu's. They walk into Amy's house. " SURPRISE! " Everyone pop's out."welcome back Amy! "They said. 

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