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Another chapter! 

Sans' POV


Nightmare and I both relax in the steaming elemental pool and I am curious about the goop on his figure. It drips all over his body yet doesn't wash off him in the elemental pool. What is it? I hesitantly reach out to touch him, but I shake my head and retract my hand and think, "Not now Sans, this is not the time to go all scientist on Nightmare. You need to think about escaping." I shake my head and decide to wait a bit longer before moving. I listen as I hear his breath even out and the crystals around the room dim. It must be nighttime. I feel Nightmare's grip go slack around my wait and I gently push the arms and tentacles off my waist and chest slowly. I wait a bit each time I push the arms off my body further until they are completely off my waist. I hold my breath as he shifts but doesn't wake up. I gently, well as gently as I can being huge, and very pregnant, get out of the pool and wince at the loud sounds it makes. 

I freeze as Nightmare shifts and turns and mumbles in his sleep. He settles down again and I breath a sigh of relief. I dry myself off as quickly as possible and wrap the blanket and towel around me to hide the warm and very bright glow of my ecto-stomach and other body parts. I quietly tip toe towards the front of the room and find the entrance not guarded. It must be very late if the guards have left. I peek out from behind the curtains and see a few lamias slithering around here and there but on the lower levels. I am relieved when I look up and don't see any movement. I am assuming the entrance to this place is up, so I'll climb up the rock slide. I decided against using the pulley system, because it is very obvious when someone is using it. Also the pulley system is in the middle of the spiral shaped colony, so everyone, even from the bottom of this place can see if it is moving or not.

I begin to climb the slope huffing and puffing with exhaustion. I am not used to this much weight on my stomach. I clench my stomach as the eggs jostle and stop for a moment to catch my breath. I have not made much progress to my dismay. I keep moving as the night goes on. After what seems to be an hour or so, as my internal clock is all messed up, I reach the top. I stop and catch my breath, leaning heavily on the wall. I can see the door and hurry towards it. This is it! I'll escape! But do I want to? I hesitate and look back down at this intricate colony I so desperately wanted to study and learn about all those months ago. I shake my head and scream internally, "They RAPED you! No you need to leave, it is not good for you here." I nod at my inner monologue and move forward. I step through the first doorway and see a tunnel and a turn at the end. I hurry as fast as I still have the blanket and towel wrapped around me. I turn the corner and sob with relief as I see the exit. I can see the sun! See ya Nightmare!

All of the sudden, the sun is blocked out and the door is slammed shut. I jumped at the sudden motion and speak of the devil and he shall appear. There he was standing at full height and glory is Nightmare. He tentacles waving in a menacing way behind his back. He looks very annoyed, no, he looks furious. I quiver in fear and freeze in my tracks. I can see next to him on his left is Edge and on his right Sci, and Sci had his medical equipment next to him on the floor, all ready to go and those rubber gloves on his hands again. I turn around to run but behind me is Blueberry, Stretch and Blackberry blocking my path. Before I can even do anything, Stretch gently grabs my arm and says softly, "There, there, you tried, it's all going to be okay. It's alright." I scream and sob as I thrash and struggle in his grip, to no avail, which he then tightens in response. He motions to Blue and says quietly, "Bro, ya gotta inject him, he is not gonna corporate." Blue look guilty as he slithers up to me as I thrash and struggle. It is no use. Blue gently pierces my neck and I feel the venom flow through my body.

I begin to go limp, losing all feeling in my body. I am paralyzed! I whimper as Nightmare approaches me and gently takes my from stretch. He nods to Edge, Stretch, Blue and Blackberry and says, "Thank you, you may go." They all nod and slither off and I realize Nightmare was never asleep. He never let his guard down in the elemental pool. He wanted me to try to escape. So I would know that he is always watching. I slump down into Nightmare's arm and start to cry. He looks down at me and his angry face softens. He takes us back down the slide, Sci following behind and we make it back to his room. A few doors down we can hear faint moans and screams and Nightmare smirks. He says quietly, "Well, well, looks like Bill and 404 are having fun~ If they are that loud to break the sound proof spell, well they must be having a lot of fun~" 

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