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Yay! Another chapter I guess?! I'm still writing the other stories don't you lads and lasses worry your butts off. This is just a short filler story. Ten chapters total

Nightmare's POV


I watched as my beautiful mate fell asleep and chuckled. I picked the perfect mate. So cute. He'll be starving when he wakes up. He can't have any raw food either. Hmmm, I must go get some food for him then. I make my way to the door and gently open and then shut it behind me, sealing it with magic. He won't escape. Not on my watch. But, little does he know that the vial I gave him also has an obedience potion in it as well. Slowly but surely, he will want to stay, and finally, he will be all mine. I chuckle sinisterly and slither over to the entrance to my room. I then open up the vines and I see Cross and Dust guarding the entrance. I come out and close the vines behind me as I say, "Where is Horror and Killer?" Cross immediately answers, "They went hunting, like you asked my lord. They should be back in a few minutes. Did you need them?"

Nightmare nods and says, "Tell them to have the munchkin cook the meat for my mate and tell them to have munchkin give it to me when they are done. No one else." Both nod and I slither off to find some fruits for my mate to eat for now. I take a long winding path towards the storage room and I am met with Bill and 404 who are the guards and distributors of the food. Error is there as well, arguing for chocolate. Again. I hiss a warning and they all stiffen. I say, "Idiots. Error, you already had a chocolate bar this week, you know the rules. One chocolate bar per week." Error whines but nods in submission and slithers away. I then nod the Bill and 404 and smirk as I say, "So, when are kits happening?" 

They both blush and Bill says confidently, "We are going to try this mating season my lord. Do we have your blessing?" I nod and say, "Of course, have fun!~" They both blush and eagerly think of names as I open the vine curtain and go into the stock room. I look around and grab a melon, a banana, and two apples. I also grab a blanket, knowing my mate will be cold and slither out of the room. I wave goodbye to the Bill and 404 and begin to make my way back to my den. When I get there, I am met with munchkin and his lazy older brother. They are the swap brothers as we call them. Blue or as we fondly call him munchkin, and his older brother, Stretch. Blue is always a bundle of energy and Stretch is powerful, but just lazy. Both are great cooks. Blue is mating with Dust and Error while Stretch is with Red and Edge. Blue then eagerly hands me a wooden plate with cooked and seasoned meats on it with a wooden fork on it as well. There is some vegetables and bread with butter on the side as well. I nod at the selection and say, "Thank you munchkin. Go on then." He nods eagerly and he and his brother slither away. 

I then nod to Cross and Dust and open the vines to my room and close them behind me. I then slither into my room and open the hidden door with my magic. I shut it again, and also locking it, taking no chances that my mate will try to escape again. I slither over to the table next to the nest where my mate is sleeping soundly. I then set the fruits and plate down on the table next to the bed. I turn to face my mate and see he is dirty. I sigh and take a rag from the table and wet it from the trickle of water dripping down the walls into a small pool. We have a bathing area, but he is so peaceful and I don't want to risk him trying to escape just yet. I wash his glowing stomach and bones gently and rinse off the rag and hang it to dry by the embers which are magically heated. 

He mumbles and moans through the gag and shifts. He shivers and I take the blanket and cover him. I wrap my tail around him and he snuggles into my coils. He fits perfectly. My mate. Mine.

After an hour more or so, he stirs and opens his eyes blearily. He looks around and jumps and tries to run away when he sees me, but I wrap my arms around him and prevent him from moving. He squirms and chokes out fearfully, "Please, please! Just let me go!" I just pat his head. He sobs and I coo, "Hello mate. How are you feeling?"  He glares at me through his tears and I chuckle. His stomach growls and I smirk. I say, "I have food, if you behave, I can take the muzzle off and you can eat.~" 

He hesitates, but his hunger wins and his shoulders slump. He nods and I grin. I gently reach over and take off the muzzle. His face is soiled with tears and I take the rag and clean it up. He flinches at my touch, and I know he soon won't be doing that anymore. I take the plate and hand him the food. He wolfs it all down, finishing everything, and all that is left is the peel of the banana and the cores of the apples. I gently clean his face again and teeth. The plate is set aside and I smirk, knowing that I had put another vial in the food. He looks around the room eyes now more focused and clear. Looking for a way to escape. I chuckle and gently rub his stomach. He yelps at the sudden touch and I grin.

He sees the eggs for the first time and whimpers. He stares them and stutters out, "H-how long?" I look at him and say, "Seven to eight months, love~ Then they'll come out and you'll have to wait a week or so for them to hatch. After that, you'll have the breast feed, and help them grow. Next season, we will try for more."

He flinches at my mention of more kits and mumbles, "Well, at least he can't fuck me while I am pregnant." I chuckle and say, "Who said that? Of course I can!" He looks up at my face horrified and says, "Please, please no! No!" I grin and say, "Oh yes, my mate, I'm sure you are already needy.~" I rub his pelvis and feel how wet he already is. I coo, "Oh, you're so wet already.~" I plunge two fingers in and begin to scissor in him. He shrieks and begs, "Please, no! stop! Stop! STOP!" I don't and go faster. He moans with pleasure and I add two more fingers. His hips buck and thrash and he cums. I lick his lips and my fingers. I say, "Seems like you want more?" He shakes his head but I just summon my dick. Only one this time because we aren't mating.

I gently ease into him and wait as he sobs and begs for me to stop. I push in further and begin to move. I thrust slowly and he moans in pleasure. I gently increase the speed until his moans and screams are louder. He begs me for more. I comply of course.

I finally cum in him and it fills his womb, the eggs absorbing the nutrients it contains. He sobs and tries to wiggle out of my grasp but I just lick his pussy and hold on tighter. He cums again, wall clenching on me. I pull out and dispel the cock. He sobs and I wipe away the tears. He chokes out before I strengthen the collar so he can't speak, "Why? Why me? Why not some other slimy snake?" I smirk and up the collars restraints and his eyes widen as he can't speak anymore, and kiss him firmly. After we break away drool chained from each other's mouths and whisper, "Because you are mine and mine only. I wanted you the first time I saw you in the forest my little mate. That elemental is not for you."

My mate's eyes widen at my mention of his date mate as I laugh and his eyes fill with more tears. We snuggle in closer and I wrap him up in the blanket. He starts to look tired. I rub his stomach and back gently and coo, "Sleep little one, sleep." He can't stop from sleeping and he promptly falls asleep. I curl tighter around him and fall into a light sleep as well.


Grillby's POV


It has been a few days now and still no sign of Sans. Toriel, Muffet, the Dogs, and other friends of ours have been searching the entire time. We can't even catch a scent of him anymore. I am so depressed. But something in my soul tells me he is alive. I found out we had a small soul bond. I can follow it to at least an area where he could be. Some of Sans' former colleges from the University helped us look for tunnels under the ground as they knew about the Lamia's and believed in them. We now had a location. It was underneath a large system of caves and tunnels, hidden with magic. We couldn't get in, yet. We were researching spells to force the door open, but it would take months to find the perfect spell. I just hoped Sans would be alright.


Okay that's all for now. More later

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