Chapter 24

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December 23, 1995 Tampa Florida
As we step inside my house, I see that the living room is empty.

I grab Lili's hand and lead her into the kitchen. I smile at the sight in the kitchen. I see AJ eating cookies from a jar and Brian and Kevin are laughing, and Howie is digging in the refrigerator. I look at Lili, and she's studying the guys. I clear my throat and they all look up.

"Nick!" They exclaim in unison. I let go of Lili's hand and I rush over to them.

"Where have you been?" Kevin asks, hugging me.

"Miami." I say, grimly. Brian hugs me as well with AJ and Howie.

"Wait you're soaking wet." Brian says, frowning at the huge wet patch on his shirt.

"Yeah, sorry about that man. We came running in the rain then took a bus to get here then walked here in the rain again." I laugh.

"You're gonna get a cold Nick." Howie sighs.

"Yeah I know." I say. I look at AJ and see that he's not looking at me, but at something behind me. Crap, I forgot about Lili.

"Oh right." I mentally face palm.

"Guys this is Lili." I grab Lili's hand and pull her forward. She looks at the guys one by one and smiles.

"Hi." she waves.

"Hey." Kevin smiles.

"Damn you weren't kidding when you said she was hot." AJ grins. I turn red and look away, and I feel Lili look at me. She grins and laughs.

"Awww Nick's blushing." Howie teases.

I give him a death stare, but he just grins and holds his hand it for Lili to shake.

"Howie." he offers.

Lili takes his hand and shakes it with a smile.

"And I'm the amazing AJ." AJ smirks. I roll my eyes. But Lili laughs and I can tell AJ likes her already. In a friendly way.

"And I'm Brian." Brian smiles at Lili.

"Hi Brian." Lili says.

Then she looks at Kevin. I can tell that she feels immediately at ease with him.

"And I'm Kevin." He extends his hand, and she takes it.

"Nice to meet you Kevin." Lili grins.

"Oh by the way." I take Lili's hand.
"We're a thing now. I told her." The guys cheered, and Brian pretended to wipe away fake tears.

"We've been waiting so long, just can't hold it back no more." AJ sings.

"Hey! That's my part!" Brian whines.

Lili's face lights up.

"Hey about that! You won't believe it. I heard your song on the radio earlier today." she bounces slightly.

"Wait what?" Kevin looks beyond excited.

"Yeah they said it was by a new group called the Backstreet Boys and that it was your first single." Lili recounters.

"I love the song by the way. It's super catchy." Lili looks at us.

"And that's how you know she has good taste." AJ snickers. We laugh. I run my hands through my hair, and realize that we're still soaking wet.

"Crap, we're getting the floor all wet." I curse, seeing the drops on the floor.

"I really want to get out of this dress. Is there anything I can wear?" Lili asks me.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: The OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon