Chapter 15

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December 17, 1995 Tampa Florida
After Lili heads upstairs to shower, I finish getting the snacks out.

It takes me about 20 minutes. As I put the bowl of freshly baked cookies on the coffee table, I hear footsteps on the stairs. I look at the clock and it's almost 6:00 pm.

"Is everything ready?" Lili asks from the top of the stairs. I glance up, and holy shit.

Lili is wearing a white v neck shirt with little Winnie the Pooh's all over it which kinda sticks close to her body, which allows me to see her the curves of her upper body.

Damn, she's hot as hell.

She's wearing red fuzzy shorts which show off her amazing legs.

Lili's hair is damp, and turning slightly curly, as she lets it dry naturally. She's also wearing black fuzzy socks, which I found adorable.

"Nick?" Lili's voice breaks through my thoughts.

I realized that I'm staring.

I cough and say "Yeah it's all ready."
I sit down on the couch, and lean on the couch arm.

"Great." she smiles. Lili joins me in the living room and I try not to look too much.

"What should we watch first?" she asks, as she plops down on the couch next to me, but leaving an open gap with more space than I would've preferred.

"Uhh I dunno." I stammer.

"Well let's see what we have." Lili starts listing everything and we decide to watch a Disney movie first.

"How about the new one that came out in June?" I suggest.

"Pocahontas?" Lili asks. I nod.

"Sure why not." Lili puts in the tape and we lean back and watch the movie.

We eat the cookies and popcorn and drink our sodas while watching the movie. During the movie, I snuck glances at her.

Little did I know she was doing the same to me.

When it ends, Lili looks over at me and grins.

"That was a good movie." she says, happily.

"Yeah, but they got the history all wrong. Wasn't Pocahontas like twelve when they met?" I protest.

Lili smacks my arm. "It's a Disney movie!"

I just laugh and we watch another three movies. The last one is a horror movie, and without realizing it, Lili scoots closer to me. I don't tell her.

I like her being this close to me. Two thirds in the movie we finish our snacks.

When the movie finishes, I realize that Lili is snuggled against my chest and is sleeping soundly. I look at the time.

Yikes. It's 12:30 am.

I turn off the TV with the remote. I look down at Lili; she's breathing softy and looks so relaxed, I don't want to wake her up.

As usual, I find myself staring at Lili, the curve of her shoulders, her jawline, the outline of her lips. I gaze at her and feel myself awash with affection for her.

I feel suddenly that I love her, and it's beyond anything I've ever felt with my previous girlfriends. I wrap my arm around her and fall fast asleep.

"Guys come on!" I yell, and Kevin and Howie appear with their luggage.

"Where the hell is AJ?" I ask.

"I'm right here dude calm down." AJ comes into the lobby with a suitcase.
We got a phone call from Nick's mom saying they found Nick and that he's ok.

We convinced Lou to let us fly to Tampa after a long argument.

"Come on! We can't miss the plane!" I insist. The guys nod and we get a taxi, who drives us to the airport and we board the plane to Florida.

Three hours later, we land and order another taxi to Nick's house in Tampa.

We knock on the door and Nick's mom lets us in and puts us in the guest bedroom and tells us that Nick will be here in the morning.

We all thank her and gratefully surrendered to the sleep that we missed.

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