Chapter 23

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December 23, 1995 Miami Florida
"They could've killed you Nick. Why did you come?" I ask, looking into Nick's blue eyes. He looks at me, his blue eyes sparkling bright.

"Because I love you Lili." he says. Wait what? Before I can say or do anything, he leans in and cups my face. He presses his lips on mine and starts to kiss me softly.

His face is cold from the rain, but his lips are warm and soft as they move against mine. I don't kiss him back at first. But I realize I've been feeling something for Nick ever since he left my house.

I loved Nick, I realize. So I wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him back. After a few seconds, we pull away.

"I love you too Nick." I say, my eyes watery with tears of joy. Nick smiles and holds my hands.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, looking up at me. I smile and nod.


Nick is smiling from ear to ear. I blush, and look around. We're at the beach. Nick follows my gaze and he curses.

"Shit, what beach is this?"

"Umm." I point to a sign. It says Miami Sunset Beach.

"Miami Sunset Beach?" Nick scratches his head.

"I've never been to this beach."

"Neither have I." I admit. Then I shiver.  I realize I'm still in this stupid red dress and it's raining like hell.

"Shit your shivering." I hear Nick say. I look at him and nod sheepishly. Nick gets up and extends his arm. I take it and he pulls me up.

"I guess we'll have to just keep walking until we exit the beach." I frown.

"Yeah." Nick said, running his fingers through his wet hair. I try not to stare, but it's difficult. He looks cute with his hair all messed up and wet. I look away, before he catches me.

We walk for a long time, laughing and talking and shivering. Finally, we reach a bus stop.

We sit and wait on the bench. Nick takes off his wet coat and drapes it over my shoulders.

"I know it's not warm and dry, but-" I put my finger on his lips, silencing him.

"It's perfect." I whisper. I remove my finger and lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back. I pull away, smiling.

The bus comes and we quickly get up. The driver looks at us, and takes Nick's wet money. As we find a seat, we see the people giving us odd stares. I guess it was hard not to.

I mean, you have two soaking wet people, which is still sorta normal, considering the weather, but I'm wearing a slutty looking dress. We sit all the way at the back and I lean my head on Nick's shoulder. He puts his arm around me and we ride back to Tampa.

As soon as we get to Tampa, Nick and I get up and leave the bus. Thankfully, the rain calmed down and its sprinkling now.

Our hair is still wet and our clothing is still dripping water. We walk back to Nick's home, and I'm nervous. I realize that I'm going to meet his family. Nick reassures me that they are going to love me.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask, trying to calm my nerves. Nick laughs.

"Yeah I have four other siblings. I'm
the oldest."

"Wow so you're the big brother?" I laugh. Nick nods and smiles. "Yeah."

"What are their names and ages?" I ask, curious.

"I have a younger sister named Bobbie Jean, but we call her BJ. She's thirteen." Nick says.

"Barely a teenager huh?" I crack a smile.

"Yeah, we get along pretty well. We would always get into trouble when we were younger." Nick laughs. So do I.

"And then I have another younger sister named Leslie. She's nine years old. We also get along, but I talk more to BJ than her to be honest." Nick admits, rubbing the back of his neck. I smile.

"What about the last two?" I fiddle with my hair.

"The last two are twins."

"Really? How old are they?" I ask. I'm always curious when it comes to twins.

"One is a girl and one is a boy. Their names are Angel and Aaron and they are seven years old."

"What are they like?" We cross the street and turn the corner on the street where Nick lives.

"Angel is the older twin but she's sorta loud and outgoing. Aaron is loud as well, but we get along most of the time." Nick stops talking as we reach his house. I take a deep breath. I can't help it, I'm nervous. Nick sees me and cups my face again.

"Hey it's okay, don't worry. They'll love you." I nod, and he gives me a quick kiss and he goes to unlock the door. He takes my hand and we step inside.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: The OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz