Making New Friends And Creating New Bonds

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Catra's POV


It's been a week since I've finally told Scorpia about my parents and my home life, and I noticed I've been a bit more... relaxed and cheerful lately. I'm not as tense and on guard 24/7 like I used to be.

I felt great, to be honest.

I guess others started to notice as well because I was greeted by a few of my peers and I even got a few smiles from others as well that honestly brightened up my day a bit more, but of course still took caution to not touch me.

"Hi Wildcat!"

A grin broke across my face as I jogged over to Scorpia who was waiting by my locker, "Hey Goofball, what's up?"

Scorpia gave me a smug smirk, "I couldn't help but notice how relaxed you are today... OOOH! Is she rotting in jail?"

That got a laugh out of me, "Sadly no, but soon, trust me."

"Very soon I hope. How are you feeling today though?" Scorpia asked, I could hear the worried tone in her voice.

"I feel ... light, like a feather. If that makes any sense. This is a new feeling to me so I'm not sure." I said with a small shrug of my shoulders as I opened up my locker and started to put some books and other supplies away.

Scorpia only hummed in response as her smug expression turned into a soft smile.

I finished putting away my things and glanced at the time on my phone, "We have a half-hour before class, feel like doing anything right now to pass the time?"

Scorpia stared at the ceiling for a moment before pulling out her phone and her earbuds. No words were exchanged (simply because they weren't needed) as I smirked and grabbed one earbud to put in my ear. But groaned when I heard the all too familiar song start to play.

"Scorpia, you're gonna get this stuck in my head. How long are you gonna listen to this song for?" I asked, but despite my slight annoyance, my tone was playful.

"Until I find a new favorite song. Besides, you like this song, don't lie."

"Damn, okay then, just come for me like that I guess. Felt that." I did like this song a lot though, not gonna lie.

We both laughed and started to unintentionally sing the song out loud and walked in sync down the hallway, where we were going I couldn't tell you, we just started walking through the school hallways aimlessly.

"Is this on loop?"



"L- is for the way you lie to me~" I started.

"O- is for the other ones you see~" Scorpia jumped in, and for ten whole minutes it was just us switching lyrics or sometimes singing together in some parts until we ran into Adora and her friends.

"I thought I heard a familiarly beautiful singing voice nearby," Adora said with her full attention directed at me and I felt my face heat up a bit.

Then she turned to look up at Scorpia, "I had no idea you sing too. Y'all sound great together."

"Thank you, Adora, I had a talent for it and interest in singing but I didn't get into it until recently," Scorpia answered, pausing the song and pulling out the earbud that was in her ear, I did the same and handed the one in my own ear to her.

"Are you two gonna audition for the talent show in the winter?" I heard Glimmer ask, making her presence known.

"Talent show?" Adora asked before Scorpia or I could give Sparkles an answer.

Don't Touch Me (Catradora HS AU)Where stories live. Discover now