The Truth Always Comes Into The Light At Some Point

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Catra's POV


Yesterday did not go as planned... not at all.

Yesterday my plan was to tell Scorpia about everything, everything I've been hiding from her, what I've been going through, everything I haven't told her about.

But no, I was so pissed about the interaction I had with Ms.Weaver that I ended up making pot brownies and came to school high as fuck. I can't even remember where I got the drugs from to even make pot brownies but Adora has been teasing me and has been talking about it for the last 26 hours in a row now since I came down from my high.

I was starting to regret actually getting to class fifteen minutes early, Scorpia was sitting in her desk to my left laughing while Adora sat to right and continued to tell me about all the dumb shit I did yesterday while I was stoned because I can't remember any events that took place yesterday at all.

"It just really amazes me how you've never been to jail or juvie in your entire seventeen years of living." Adora said with a laugh.

"One, can we please stop talking about this? I'm already embarrassed your little buddies saw me in such a vulnerable state. And two, I know how to avoid the police, I'm a master at it." I groaned, covering my face with both of my hands in annoyance.

"Okay okay, but first, do you remember whose house you burned down in middle school?" Scorpia asked me.

"Octavia's of course, we never liked each other from the very beginning. I warned her to stop talking about my family and picking on me so much and she didn't. Bitch did it to herself, plus, she had two houses at the time. I'm sure she survived, I mean, she wasn't in the house, which sucks, but yeah."

"Catra!" Scorpia said in utter disbelief, raising her tone just a bit.

"What?! You asked! On a plus side though she stopped with her bullshit after that after she found out it was me nearly four weeks later."

"Wow, I can't believe I have classes with a criminal." Adora chimed in, which earned her a glare from me.

"Oh shut up, like you wouldn't be my partner in crime if I ever needed you to be." I said with a huff, removing my hands from my face crossing my arms instead with a small smirk.

"And what if I said I would happily be your partner in crime?" Adora said, leaning closer to me in her chair, a smirk of her own on her lips.

I looked her dead in those pretty blue eyes and chuckled, "Unfortunately for you Adora, I already have a partner in crime. Plus, I wouldn't want to get in the way of what's more important." I replied, gesturing to the entire school building.

Adora's smile disappeared for a moment, but then returned just as fast, "Well, that's a bummer."

I was about to ask her if she was okay, but our homeroom teacher came in and started taking attendance just three minutes before the bell rang.

When she scanned the room and locked eyes with me, her eyes visibly lit up, "Catra! You're actually on time and here for once!"

"Don't get used to it." I grumbled.


It was already an hour until the school day ended and I still haven't been able to tell Scorpia what I needed to tell her. But every time I feel like I'm ready to tell what I need to tell her, I choke up and end up talking about something else.

We were in our last class for the day, and Scorpia literally had to carry me over her shoulder and bring me to class herself because I refused to walk there myself. I needed to tell her today though, because I knew if I didn't do it today, I sure as hell wasn't going to do any other day after that.

Don't Touch Me (Catradora HS AU)Where stories live. Discover now