A Day Away From The World

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Adora's POV


When it came to Catra, I could never predict how my day would start and end. It could be fun, depressing, emotionally draining, exciting, fearful. I just simply couldn't predict.

It was around 7:20 and school didn't officially start until 8:00. I was leaning against my locker with Bow on my left side and Glimmer on my right, The events of yesterday are still fresh in my mind and I couldn't stop thinking and worrying over Catra's well being.

"So she won't go to the police because she feels like she has something to prove?" Glimmer asked.

"Yep, her reaction when I asked her basically confirmed it for me, I'm going to give her time to handle things herself and come to me if she needs it. But if she doesn't, I'm taking matters into my own hands. Regardless of whether or not she likes it." I replied.

Bow sighed and faced the both of us, "Now I feel bad for not checking up on her when the signs were so clear, regardless of what her reaction would have been if we asked."

"No one is blaming anybody for anything, except that horrid bitch that Catra lives with. But if you guys feel like you want to make up for it you are not than welcome to help me out."

I knew this was private information that should only be between me and Catra, but I trust that Bow and Glimmer will keep this confidential.

"Alright, so then our next course of action is to just stand very close by and step in when needed." Glimmer nodded firmly as Bow and I silently agreed.

I was about to the little moment of peace I had until I heard someone running down the hallway yelling my name.

"Adora!! I need your help PRONTO!!!"

I jumped in surprise and saw Scorpia rushing up to Bow, Glimmer, and I with a limp Catra draped over her shoulder and a nervous expression on her face.

"What happened to her?" Glimmer asked with a confused look towards Catra's limp form when Scorpia reached us.

"I don't know, we usually meet up with each other in the school parking lot and when I parked next to her she was laying flat out on the ground face first muttering something about colors." Scorpia answered in a worried tone.

She carefully lifted Catra up and off her shoulder with her large hands and helped her stand up right.

"Catra? Say something." I said.

"...I can see every fucking equation."

At first glance, you would think she was drunk with how she could barely stand straight. But she was actually high. Her left pupil was contracted so much it looked like a pin prick while her right pupil was blown so much you could barely see her iris.

"Catra, why the hell would you smoke before coming to school?" I asked.

Catra ignored me and instead stared at Glimmer for a moment, "You're very colorful."

"I- thank you?"

Then Catra looked at me, "Pretty."

I felt my face heat up a bit hearing that, which was odd because I wasn't all that hot right now.

"Catra, I'm going to let go of you for a moment okay? I need to test something out." Scorpia said.

When she released Catra, she seemed fine. Then she suddenly fell onto her side before any of us could reach out and catch her. When she hit the floor, we all flinched at the loud smack that echoed in the empty hallway.

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