The Potion Incident pt.4 (Continued)

Start from the beginning

You looked at Draco like he was crazy and then slowly put your cup up to your mouth, still looking at Draco and slowly let the pumpkin juice into the cup.

"Happy?" You set the cup back down at the table.

Cedric stood up from his spot at the table now and looked at Draco.

Draco and Cedric are about the same height. But since Cedric is a year older than both of us, he stood a little taller beating Draco's height.

They both think there better than one another for me. You rolled your eyes.

"Okay. What's your problem Malfoy?" Cedric said crossing his arms.

"I certainly don't have a problem with you at the moment, unless you make it one."
Draco leaned closer to Diggory as he reflected Cedrics body language and crossed his arms as well.
"I have a problem with Parkison. Have you seen her around?" Draco gave a sarcastic smile.

Cedric slightly looked down at you.

"Yeah she was talking to one of my friends before y/n got here. What's your problem with her?"

Draco quickly leaned over to you and sat down next to you.
You looked at him as he sat shoulder to shoulder with you. You secretly grinned. Draco noticed your face movements and secretly grinned back.

He grabbed Cedric's cup and examined the pumpkin juice.

"Oh for fucks sake-" Cedric now very angered that he saw that Draco sat down at his seat and pulled his out from Draco's position.

"HEY-hey!! Bloody hell watch the CUP FULL OF LIQUID!!" Draco yelled as he was being pulled out of the Hufflepuff table. He still had Cedric's drink in his hands and he stumbled on the ground making sure the pumpkin juice wouldn't spin on him.

So overdramatic.

Some of Cedric's friends started watching. Some of his friends pointed to a group of Hufflepuff girls and they started to watch the three of you too.

"A little bold of you to sit in my seat Malfoy" Cedric hissed

"Cedric, careful- and Draco, what the actual hell are you doing?" You stood up out of your seat. Now you, Draco and Cedric were all standing up with Draco in between you and Cedric.

Draco examined the pumpkin juice more.

"It's Pansy. You were right y/l, she was brewing a love potion. But she's also been working on a hate potion." He turned to Cedric.

"I know Pansy's roofied you, Diggory. I just can't tell if it's a love potion or a hate potion."

Draco then looked away from Cedric back to you.

"I think Pansy is trying to get Diggory to fall out of love with you or have him love someone else." Draco looked at me with worried eyes.

You opened your mouth to say something but you haven't processed it all the way through.

You were right. Pansy was up to something. That little brat....

Cedric was probably processing it too. He just stared at Draco like he was stupid.

Draco looked at us both and then carefully set the cup down on the wooden bench of the tables.

The Potion Incident Where stories live. Discover now