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"I'm nothing like you" Jeno snarled as I spoke at the same time.

"You have a what?"

Jeno sighed, rubbing his temple as he glared at the floor with a sudden hatred. "I'll tell you the story but you have to promise to listen to the entire thing."

I nodded hesitantly, that sense of nausea enlarging with every passing moment.

"I'm sure you've heard most of the story from Taehyung but there's more than what he ever knew. Firstly, the story about my sister being killed by a failed experiment was 100% true; I would never lie about that. My sister was the pride and joy of my family and no one loved her more than my father. I know you view him as this evil monster..." Jungkook scoffed in agreement. "But, he wasn't always like that. He was a loving parent who cared about his children. When she died, he changed. He committed himself to bringing MediHeal down from the inside. However, only months later, Test Subject 311 was created as their first success and my father's motives changed. The desire for power corrupted him and, instead of taking over MediHeal, he wanted complete control over their 'secret weapons'. So much so, that he was willing to sign his son up for the experiments."

I gaped, placing my hand over my mouth in horror. When Jungkook had revealed that Jeno had an enhancement, I assumed it was a newfound thing- something he'd willingly committed to. I'd never imagined that this whole situation would've been forced on the boy, especially when he was so young. If my maths was correct, he couldn't have been older than ten years old at the time.

"From then on, my story is parallel to what you probably already know. My enhancement was a mystery for years and, for the majority of that time, I was deemed as a failed experiment. The lab wanted to keep me for close analysis and my father had no desire for me to return. I wasted away in that cell for years before Taehyung arrived. He was my first friend and, like most childish fantasies, I assumed we'd be together forever but on that day, when him and the others escaped, he left me. He forgot about me."

Jeno's voice rose in volume and it had a bitter edge. He wasn't facing me anymore. In fact, it looked as though he was trying to blink away tears.

"When Test Subject 313 burned down the laboratory, everyone forgot about the little failed experiment locked up in his cell. Even my father didn't have the desire to rescue me," he spat at the floor with a fiery anger I'd never imagined the boy to contain. Jeno was usually cool headed and, seeing him in such a flurry, was alarming. "When they returned, I was sat in a pile of ash. Everything surrounding me was burnt to a crisp. I was terrified but unharmed. In that moment, they realised that they'd underestimated my skills."

"I don't understand." I breathed out, that sense of sickness returning in a suffocating wave. I couldn't believe that they'd left a young child to die alone; it was despicable.

Jungkook leaned forward, holding a hand out for mine. I instantly surged forward, holding my hand out eagerly, only for Jeno to restrain his hands behind his back again. Jungkook struggled but eventually let out a huff of resignation, blinking up at me from under his long wave of hair. If we ever got out of this mess, I'd have to cut it again.

"Hayeon, he can replicate powers," Jungkook said, bucking against the hold that Jeno persisted with. "Right now he's harnessing my strength and, that night, he utilised Yoongi's power to protect himself from the fire. He's a leach."

Jeno let out an angry growl, throwing Jungkook towards the ground instantaneously. His body soared, before clashing with the ground with a sickening crunch. I screamed in alarm, rushing towards his mangled body. However, Jungkook held up a hand as he wobbly rose to his feet. Cracking his knuckles, he took a step towards Jeno with a look of complete hatred and disgust.

TEST SUBJECT 312 || JJKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora