something to say

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After, getting pico to bed, mew could not hold himself back another moment, grabbing his hand, he pulled gulf to the bathroom to lock the door.
"Mew....I already...."
Turning, mew placed his hands to either side of Gulfs face to pull his mouth to his.
Gulf wrapped his hands to his wrists to reciprocate and in full.
Parting, mew laid his forehead to his, to breathe heavily.
"Gulf......I owe you so very much. Please..... Let's take a shower together."
Gulf smiled and wide.
"You owe me.... Right?"
Mew nodded.
"Then..... You better clean my body."
Gulf let go to go to the shower to start, mew then took his clothes off to go to gulf to do the same for him, kissing his neck and nuzzling the flesh.
Gulf cooed.
Inside, gulf was to his stomach, palms face down, his lower back a bit up, to be thrusted into and sensually, his body went up and down with the friction.
Mew had a hand to his member to stroke, while the other was to his mouth for gulf to moan into.
Gulf kept his head to the side, eyes to him.
They both looked to the other with lust.
Both coming, gulf turned to wrap his arms around to place his lips to his, later his tongue.
Mew started to move up and down with his erection, it didn't go away, neither did Gulfs.
They both moaned heavily into the others mouth.
Taking his hands down, he helped gulf jump up, to wrap his legs about, mew couldn't control himself.
Gulf didn't mind, he was quite enjoying.
After another hot and passion filled round, gulf was with his back to mew, he was being cleaned.
"I.... hope.... Pico didn't wake up......"
Gulf darted his eyes growing a bit concerned.
"If he did, we would hear knocking. I've told you he is a deep sleeper."
Gulf smiled to turn his head to eye mew, he then looked up, to lay his body to his back, to take a hand with the cloth to clean his front.
"You...... Are so..... Good to me mew."
Mew lightly chuckled.
"You are too incredible for words gulf. You have no idea what is awaiting for you, after I get this divorce."
Gulf furrowed his eye brows a bit confused.
"Mew...... All I want.... Is you. I don't care about money. If we are to one day...... Move in with another. I want us to stay humble."
Mew smiled and wide, to drop the cloth to the shower floor, to wrap both arms around his body, to lay his cheek to his upper shoulder to squeeze.
"No one..... Has ever told me...... They don't care about my money and wanted only me...... Think..... We need to get out of the shower...... You may not be able to live tomorrow if we stay."
Gulf lightly chuckled to nod.
Parting, they dried to dress.
Out, they looked to the bed, pico was asleep, laying to the middle, to his back, belly exposed.
Gulf went to the side to laugh quietly.
Mew smiled.
They both got into the bed to do the same thing. Hold there hands above picos head to close the eyes.
"Mmm.... Gulf?" Mew whispered.
"I love you."
Gulf smiled.
"Love you too."
They then both fell asleep.
The next day was about the same except but gulf went to work instead of class.
To his desk, he worked to lean up to look to the back of mews door. That was not normal.
He was unaware that mew was on the phone to his lawyer, receiving un settling news.
Slamming the phone down, mew stood to look out his window, in anger.
Hoa...... You haven't even..... Called or texted .... But you.... Do this..... You are such a.... Evil bitch!
Turning he needed to tell the secretary to keep gulf away, mew was overly angry and he was not going to un load on him.
Turning his head, mews secretary went to gulf to tell him mew would be in meetings all day.
He nodded to eye the door.
No...... He doesn't..... What is.... Going on? Is he...... Re thinking things?
Gulf hung his head to take a deep breathe in.
Gulf..... Even if she did.... Something bad.....a man and woman.... Make more since then.....
Hanging his head further gulf became a bit depressed.
At 3, he was able to leave to get pico. Gulf placed a fake smile to his face and picked him up.
The rest of the time before mew, was about the same, except he let pico do most of the thinking has he thought.
By dinner, mew came back, to the table there was a tense astromospehere.
Mew kept eyeing gulf a bit confused by this.
Done, gulf was about to get up to help pico get ready for bed till, mew got up, to place a hand to his shoulder to push him down.
Gulf turned his head to look forward.
"Allow me. We..... Need to talk."
Pico looked to them, to make a face.
Mew turned to grab pico to take him to bed.
Gulf then looked around the table at the dishes to sign.
I...... Think he is going to want to..... Break up and.... Go back to.
Gulf took a deep breathe in, to get up to take everything to the kitchen.
Cleaning, he then washed his hands to go back to the table with a sullen face.
You..... Should have known.... This is to good to be true....... You can't just step in gulf..... This is her family and....
Tensing he heard mew.
Going to the other chair, mew sat.
Gulf peered his eyes down. He couldn't look mew in the face.
Mew cupped his hands to look to gulf with a business like posture.
"Gulf......I...... Received some...... News today.....hoa......has gotten an lawyer..... Filed that I kidnapped him and......I have been cheating on her for years, and I'm neglecting my son."
Gulfs eyes widen to look to mew.
He nodded.
"Things...... Are going to.... Become more..... Tense and stressful. I'm going to..... Have to gather a lot of evidence against this. You and I both know none of this is true."
Gulf nodded.
"I know."
Mew then reached a hand over to place it to Gulfs.
He looked to it, fighting back tears.
Here it comes..... We have to break up....
Mew took a deep breathe in.
"Gulf......I know this is going to be.....a rough patch.....I may.... Even vent to you..... Be an asshole.....I will try my best not to do that..... That's why.....I couldnt meet with you today. You do not deserve my anger. You are too..... Amazing to ever have to deal with it. I love you gulf but..... I'll understand if this is too much for you and..... You want to break up with me."
Gulfs lips parted, his heart raced to look up.
He saw tears coming down mews face.
Gulf shook his head to get up, to wrap his hands around mews head to pull to his body.
"Shhhh....... And here I thought..... You were..... Going to break up with me....."
Mew shook his head to lean back, looking up.
"Gulf.....I will never break up with you.... You will have to be the one to do so. I can never leave you. You have..... Been over the angel to me..... Through all of this.....I need you, but..... There may come a day....I might.... Yell or say something....I.... Don't want to ever make you cry or...."
"Mew...... Then just do what you did today....I understand..... Your ex...... Is an awful person....I know this all will work out..... Then..... We will look for an apartment together."
Fresh warm tears went down mews face.
"Gulf...... Why are you so...... Why are you like this for me?"
Gulf lightly chuckled to place his hands to either side of mews face to wipe his tears.
"Mew...... It's the power of love, you have installed in me. I..... Never felt this way for anyone else, never would do has I have done for anyone else but you. I love you and..... Want a future together."
Mew smiled to stand to wrap his arms about.
"Then...... It will happen. We will live humbly, just need...... To take care of this bitch and now! I...... Will try not to lose my temper......I love you so much gulf."
Gulf brought his hands up to grip his back.
"I know you won't, you love me way to much, to see me cry."
Mew nodded.
Has they held each other, gulfs eyes darted.
I..... Will find a way to help you mew..... Everyone leaves a trail..... I'm sure she has too, don't worry..... You and pico..... Will be rid of her soon..... Mark my words.

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