bad Christmas party

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Another month went by with about the same things, mew went home to a cheating wife after long nights with his intern, who he was a bit confused by, and mew tried his hardest to wear a smile for his son.
Christmas Eve, mew, took in a deep breathe to straighten his tie, looking himself over in the full length mirror.
Mews depression was getting worse, however, he didn't know why, but when he had late nights with that intern, it lifted a bit, the 20 year old antics were quite comical.
A small smile went to mews face when he started to think of them. Even after 3 months, Mr. Harima was still nervous, shy and shook.
Mew lightly chuckled, when the other day, he had to go get coffee and when the intern came back, has he handed it to mew, he spilled a bit, then quickly cleaned up has he fell to the floor.
Mew looked himself over, guess I'm more scary then I thought.
Coming in, hoa had her head cocked to the side, placing her earrings on, to then straighten up looking over mew, with a scowl.
Mew took a deep breathe to turn eyeing her.
"Well, I'm wearing red, your wearing blue. Shouldn't we.....I don't know match. Really pretend were a happy couple?"
Mew gritted his teeth.
He just bought this suit, for this occasion. Mew bought it specifically in her favorite color, he thought it would make her happy.
"Sould I change then?"
Hoa looked him over to roll his eyes.
"Too late now. You should really think of these things. And your the boss of your company. Hope someone checks over your work. Let's go."
Hoa grabbed a shawl from the bed to part.
Mew watched her her flexing his jaw.
Signing, deeply, he went to the side table to gather his phone to look down at it.
Dialing, he wanted to check in pico, who was staying at his grandparents.
Hoa came back to stand in the doorway.
"Mew! Let's go. I wish to get this over with then...."
Looking up, he turned to look at her.
"Are..... You really going to go to...... After this?"
Hoa's eyes darted.
"Why would I come back? Now let's go! He is fine."
Hoa turned.
Mew gritted his teeth to place his phone in his back pocket.
In the car, mew gripped the steering wheel, hoa had the odasity to call her lover while they were in the car, she giggled and teased has mew drove them off.
He could not believe she would actually be doing this.
Mew blamed himself.
Maybe......if I didn't work so hard, things wouldn't have turned out like this.
To the company building, they parked.
Hoa ended the call, to lean forward to re apply her lip stick.
Mew shut the car off to look to her.
He used to love watching her apply now he despised it.
Smacking her lips, she placed her lip stick away.
"This is the plan, we get through this, exit together, then I'm going to my lovers."
Mew watched has she left.
He took a deep breathe in.
I hope tonight goes quickly.
In the party, one of the employees gave mew a drink but he just held it to smile, with his arm wrapped around hoa's waist. They acted very well has the perfect couple.
Mew looked to the side to see his intern just coming in to talk with happy facial expressions. That confused mew.
Guess it really is me. What is so terrible about me?
Mew signed to down his drink.
Hoa looked to him to go to his ear.
"Don't over do it. Don't get drunk and embarrass me."
Parting they looked to each with smiles.
Gulf weaved his head through the crowd to see the happy couple, it hurt his heart, but he was over Joyed to see mew looking so happy, but, something seemed off. Gulf just didn't know what.
Awhile later, mew had to make a speech, with hoa to his side, after they shared a brief kiss, everyone clapped and cheered.
Gulf clapped with a sullen expression.
Good for you mew, you deserve the best life possible.
Parting from hoa, mew, wished to part from her and call in to see how his son was.
Going through the crowd, gulf took his chance to go in front of mew, to eye.
Mew stopped to look to gulf.
"Wow. Is that a new.....suit. looks very extravagant."
Mew smiled to nod.
"Bought it for this...... Occasion. It's..... My wife's favorite color."
Gulf smiled even though his heart was breaking.
"She sure is one lucky woman to have someone like you with her. Where is your son? Did you bring him with you?"
Mews eyes widen.
"Not this time. If you excuse me, I need to check up on him. Thank you for your kind words."
Gulf nodded to move to the side.
Mew left with a smile. He needed that.
Looking to the front, gulf saw, hoa looking after mew with an angery expression, she downed her drink and followed.
Gulf watched confused.
To an empty room, mew sat to the table to smile.
"Are you being a good boy for your grandma and grandpa?"
"Yes daddy...... I'm being spooled...."
Mew lightly chuckled.
"Uh huh...... There letting me stay up til...."
Mews eyes widen, he stood up to look to hoa, she snatched his phone, to shut it looking to him in anger.
"Listen to me mew, he is fine. I want to leave. Given enough of my time to be here. Let's go!"
Mew looked her over, her speech was a bit slurred.
He rolled his eyes. She was such a hypocrite.
Her eyes narrowed, to then step to mew.
Mew leaned his head back.
"What? Do you have something to say?"
Mew flexed his jaw but said nothing.
She scoffed, to eye him up and down.
"So pathetic...... Not man enough to say anything. Happy I have a true man who gives me what I want."
She then placed the phone to the desk, to turn to freeze in the doorway.
"Last I remember I gave you want you wanted. Maybe there is more then one man for your greed that you go see hoa."
Mew stepped to her to place his hand around her arm.
She looked to it.
"Let me help you to a taxi. You need to..."
Mews face went to the other side, he breathed heavily.
She took her arm away to look to him in anger.
"You...... Are a son of a bitch to say what you did. Fuck you mew. I'm going to go and share my company with a true man, who is not has ghastly and pathetic has you are!"
Hoa turned and left.
Mew hung his head to close his eyes to take deep breathes.
He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and balled his fists.
Why hoa, why are you like this to me? What have I've ever done to you, to deserve this level of disrespect?
Hearing a noise, mew opened his eyes to look about.
Seeing nothing, mew turned to grab his phone to loosen his tie, he was tired of the party. He left to go to his office, unaware, someone was there and they saw it all.

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