what do you think your doing!

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Parked, mew looked over his house with a depressed face. He needed to get some work done and be with pico, but he didn't want anything to do with hoa, what he really wanted to do was to grab pico and go back to gulf. That environment, even with two men, would be better then this one.
Signing, he took a deep breathe in to get out.
Going in, he took his shoes off, to hold his head up a bit confused.
There was an alluring smell, following it yes eyes widen.
Hoa was to the stove, and she was actually cooking, looking to the table, he saw pico and he was doing his homework.
Turning her head, hoa went to mew to smile, to place a kiss to his cheek, his face fell a bit, to turn.
She moved back to give him a huge smile.
"Welcome home. Our son is doing his homework and I am making very healthy breakfast. Sit mew. I'll take care of you both."
Hoa turned to go back and mew raised an eye brow, this was confusing him. The 5 years he has known this woman, she never cooked.
Gritting his teeth, he went to pico to sit close eyeing him.
"Hello pico, how have youve been? Getting your homework done I see."
He nodded.
"Mommy woke me up early, said to get dressed.....I did it all on my own, then she said get your homework done. I'm doing it daddy...."
Pico smiled to continue to write.
Mews eyes narrowed.
This was not normal, hoa never did such a thing ever.
Turning his head he eyed her back. What are you up to hoa?
Moving about with the plates full of food, she placed them down to then sit to look over pico work. She then started to help him.
Mew raised an eye brow.
Shaking his head, he hung to consume.
The rest of the day, mew was to the living room, completing he's work and drawing up things for him and gulf to complete, he also kept an eye to hoa.
She was too the corner actually playing with pico, building with him, he looked to her with bright eyes having a great time.
This whole thing was just confusing him.
After the two played, she went to the kitchen to make dinner.
Her and pico ate too the table, mew stayed to the living room to complete, hoa then went to give pico a bath to then come out to go to mew to rub his shoulders. Mew stopped writing to look up.
"What... Are you doing?"
"Just giving you a bit of a rub down. Pico is in the bath. We could...."
Mew shuffled himself out of it to hunch himself over the table.
"You need to be with pico, hoa. Go."
Signing, she Turned to do just that.
Mew shook his head to stand.
What the fuck.....
Taking his plate to the kitchen he eyed the sink to roll this eyes. It was filled with dishes from there morning breakfast and now dinner.
Rolling his sleeves he couldn't keep it like this.
After, he went to the living room to gather his things, to go pass pico room, to narrow his eyes.
Pico was pulling the covers back and hoa was there with her back to him on her phone.
Mew shook his head.
What are you up too hoa?
Turning his head, he needed to take a shower before he went to bed.
Inside, letting the water wash through him, he placed a hand to the wall, to look down.
What..... Is going on with hoa? She's cooking and playing with pico and helping him with his homework but...... It seems like it's all an act..... But why...... And why now?
Signing, mew was overly confused.
Done, he cut off the water to get out to dry and dressed.
Going out, he hesitated in the door way to see hoa to the edge, a giant smile, arms behind herself, wearing a see through red dress, he had bought her, upon her request, for there anniversary 2 years ago.
His eyes narrowed.
"What...... Are you doing?"
Hoa took a deep breathe in, to step to mew, to place her arms around him.
There eyes darted, he kept his hands to the side.
"Haven't......I been a good wife to you. Did everything I should have so now...... Since our son is asleep......I need to take care of my man....."
She lowered her eyes to take a hand down to try to unbutton his first button, just to stop. Mew placed a hand to her wrist to stop the action.
Hoa looked to him.
Mew lightly chuckled.
"Ah........ So this is why your cooking and taking care of pico. You want to have sex. Guess that's all you really want, other then money that is."
Shaking his head, he gently pushed her away, to move about her. She looked to the ceiling in a bit of anger to turn to eye mew getting into the bed to lay on his side.
She went straight to the edge.
"Now you listen to me mew......I am still your wife! You can not deny me...."
Mew sat to eye her to laugh.
"You are nothing but a gold digging whore, who lost her therapist. I do not want you. You can clean this house top to bottom, take care of our son and cook everyday, does not change the fact that you spreaded your legs for another. When pico turns 18 we are done. Now go put on some clothes. You have nothing I want."
Mew then laid down to turn to his side to smile.
Wonder what gulf would say if he was here.
Hoa breathed heavily.
"So...... You won't satisfy your wife...... Who are you satisfing then? Hmmm? You are being so high and mighty with me, but I know your fucking a....."
Mew got up to eye hoa.
"Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare hoa. I do not have a woman on the side. Now you need to get dressed and go to sleep!"
Turning he went back to lay down, telling her a half truth.
Hoa darkly chuckled.
"Sure mew..... Sure..... Well.... If your telling the truth you won't mind when I just come to the office at any time. Know this dear husband. I am going to be stick to you like glue."
Turning she went to her closet to gather some clothes to go to the bathroom to slam the door.
Mew gritted his teeth.
Hoa...... You are crazy..... What the hell is wrong with you! Why are you like this.......
Mews face fell to close his eyes.
She..... Can't be serious..... Can she?
He signed.
Gulf....... Seeing her around me..... Will break his heart..... Damn it.....I need to divorce her.....I will not hurt my heart in which gulf has.
Drifting a bit, he needed to talk to gulf about this and hopefully get him to see the light and be okay with mew needing to divorce her and now.

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