you should come first too

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Parting, mew was to the sink, gulf to the wall eyeing his sullen deamoner.
"Mew..... What all happened?"
Mew with his head hung signed.
"Hoa's mother pulled me to a room, and accused me of cheating. Apparently, she had followed me when I went to your place."
Gulfs eyes widen.
"Does..... Does she know about us?"
Mew shook his head.
"She thinks I'm cheating with a woman. I parked between 4 different complexes. I'm sure that's why she has been showing up to the office, to see who I could be with. However, I don't think she knows it's you. Even though she has seen us together a bunch of times."
Gulf took a deep calming breathe to nod.
"Okay. Then what happened?"
"I told the truth, I'm not cheating with a woman. Was able to tell her mother everything. She then left in a huff but I did tell her mother she cheated first ."
Gulf chewed his inner cheek.
"Did.... Her mother say anything?"
"That she cares for pico. The thing is, she's gone through something like this."
Gulfs eye brows rosed.
Mew looked to him.
"Hoa's father is an asshole, been cheating on her mother for years, however she is too comfortable and deals with it. I never wanted to have that type of relationship with her, hoa promised that would never happen, then......"
Gulfs face fell, to gulp, he peered his eyes down to the ground.
"Well..... Maybe you two..... Could still work things out mew......"
Mews eyes widen.
"I don't want to work things out."
Mew stepped forward to place his hand to Gulfs face to stroke it with his thumb.
He kept his head hung.
"Gulf.....I love you. Only you. There is no future with this woman anymore. You cheat on me, even once, I don't want anything to do with you again. Hoa is also a selfish, conniving bitch who only cares for herself, also I think she is crazy. I have no idea what she could have gained with this."
Gulf nodded to look up.
There eyes darted.
"I love you too,mmm...... We need to get back to the party mew, today is about pico, shouldn't be about this. I do hate hoa for doing something like this today. She needs to take better care of her son and be there for him like you are."
Mew smiled.
"Tell me something gulf."
"You don't think......I still have feelings for her do you?"
Gulf brought his hand up to place it over mews.
"Rather you..... Admit it or not.....I know you will always care for her..... In a way.... She is the mother to your only child. But I know you love me. Hahaha...... You even made this cold hearted man fall in love for the first time. I'm not going to let you go..... At least not easily...... Now...."
Gulf tried to leave, by placing a hand to the nob, but mew brought his other hand up to lock.
Gulf raised an eye brow.
"Do you really think..... After what you just said..... I'm going to let you go....."
Turning them around, mew placed gulf to the other wall, to wrap his arms around to rub them around sensually.
Gulf kept his head turned to eye.
"Mew...... It's your...."
Mew placed his forehead to Gulfs back to start taking his hands lower.
"I..... Know.......I know just gulf......I really need you...... Right now...... And....."
Gulfs eyes darted to take a hand to his mouth, keeping it a bit away.
Mew looked up to the action.
"You..... Need to be taken care of too my love..... Do whatever you want, just try to hurry....."
Mew smirked, to take his hand to Gulfs pants to unbutton to unzip to lower, to take his hand back to spit, to go to his pants to unzip to lather his member, to go straight in.
Gulf lifted his head back to moan into his hand.
Mew went to his ear.
"I love you gulf...... Wish didn't have to hurry..... Thank you.....mmm.... Thank you for this..... Remember...... I'm not only after your body......aaaah but your heart has well..."
Gulf nodded to move his body a bit back, with his other hand, he went to his member to stroke. Mew was not the only one who had missed this.
After, the two fixed themselves to look to another.
"Gulf...... Can I come over to your place tonight?"
Gulfs eyes darted.
"You need to be with your son mew, it's his birthday."
Mew hung his head to nod.
Turning, he placed his hand to the door, gulf stepped to him to place a hand to his shoulder to stop him, to go to his ear.
"You can come to my place, but only after you take care of pico."
Mew smiled to look to gulf.
"I really do love you gulf. I..... Hope these 12 years go by quick. I want to live with you. Not with this devil."
Gulf cocked his head to the side, to turn mew around to place his hands to his face. There eyes darted, looking adorly to another.
Mew brought his hands up, to wrap around his wrists, to extend his thumbs to rub the top of the back of his hands.
"Mew....... I've been thinking.....I..... Don't believe.....I can wait 12 years."
Mews eyes widen, he cocked his head to the side.
"Gulf...... Please don't tell me your going to break up with...."
Gulf smirked to shake his head, he then went to mews ear to whisper.
Moving back, mew was frozen.
Gulf looked him over to place his lips to his to then let go of his face to then leave.
Mew stood there for a moment, not comprending what he was just told.
Turning his head, a wide smile placed itself to his face.
Turning, he opened to leave, going to the back yard, mew saw pico had gotten gulf and pulled him to the cake, everyone started to sing happy birthday to him.
Looking around he saw hoa to a chair, looking the other way with a pout.
Mew rolled his eyes, to look back to gulf.
He was singing the loudest while holding pico.
Mews smile never left his lips.
You are one incredible man gulf...... I love you with every fiber of my being. Would say heart too, but you have to share with pico, but I know you understand. You just made me the happiest man alive.
Mew then went to gulf to place his arm around to sing.
Gulf: I can't wait the 12 years for your divorce, you should do it now. I'll be right beside you every step of the way. I love you so very much.

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