being comforted

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The next morning, mew woke on top of gulf, to peer his eyes up with a smile. Turning his head, he took in a huge inhale to close his eyes, he was in heaven.
Shuffling a bit and breathing in deep, gulf placed his hand to mews head to stroke.
"Mmm..... Are you awake?"
Mew nodded.
"Is my man hungry?"
Mew lightly chuckled, to turn his head to place his chin to his chest. There eyes darted with smiles.
"Starving...... What would you like gulf?"
He lightly chuckled to lean his head to his to press his lips to his, to then move back.
"Nuh huh. I'm cooking for you. Mew..... You had a horrible day yesterday. Let me comfort you. I'll cook your favorite."
Has gulf started to get up, mew rolled off to lay to his side, head to his hand to watch gulf get up, to bend over to grab his boxers and mews shirt to place upon himself.
Mew took a deep breathe admiring.
Gulf turned his head to smile back.
Turning he went to his kitchen to start on breakfast.
Mew laid to his back to look to the ceiling, stretching.
Mmm.......I could get used to this. God I need to divorce that bitch and move in with gulf, pico I know would love that.
Mews eyes darted.
But, would I lose the company? Could I get fired for being gay?
Mmm, I highly doubt that since we have a clause where your sexual orientation does not matter. I could sue the bosses above me if they tried. What I'm more worried about the treatment gulf would receive. I once thought he was just trying to sleep his way to the top, others might think that has well, if I divorce the whore and gulf would essentially take her place, what would they think?
I don't want any bad rumors or harm come to my man. That boy does but deserve any harsh treatment, not when he has changed me and for the better.
Leaning up, mew turned his head to look out the open door.
I...... Don't want anything bad to happen to him...... What can...... Should I do? I want him in my life, he is the only person who has ever truly loved me for who I am and wanted to help me. He saved me from drowning in that shame of a marriage.
Mew signed.
Moving to the edge, he got up to place on his boxers to go to gulf.
Going to the kitchen, he placed his body to the door frame to watch.
Gulf had his head hung, stirring the food in the pan, still smiling.
Mew smiled back.
I..... Never want this man to not smile.... So what can I do? I want this......I want him to move in with me......I want to marry this man, even if we haven't been dating more then a month, I don't care......I don't want to ever let him go...... It would also help pico to have someone to play with and love him back.....I don't know what is wrong with hoa but......I don't think she is capable of actual love.....
Smiling a bit wider, gulf chuckled.
"Didn't take my boss would be a watcher."
Mew shook his head to come back into reality to go to gulf to wrap his arms around to place his chin to his shoulder looking down.
"Mmm......I love when you make this."
Mew then turned his head to place his lips to his neck to kiss.
"Mmm..... Then I think you would have loved my mother. This is her recipe that you love to eat."
"I already do. She made you. Do you remember anything about your parents?"
"Just recipes from my mother and my father under a blue moon who would take me to parks. I was mainly raised by my grandparents even then. My parents were workaholics. Kind of like you, but you make time for your child. I..... Actually learned a hard truth before they died. That's why I didn't...... Care when they died."
Mew widen his eyes, to lift his head up to eye.
"What truth?"
Gulfs smile disappated to take a deep breathe in.
"I...... Was told..... By my father..... Who was angery because I wouldn't leave him alone has he was getting ready for work......I really wanted to go to a park......I wanted him and my mother to take me...I settled for my father since my mother already left....I..... Missed them......."
Mews eyes darted.
"Gulf........ What were you told?"
Gulfs body shook had he kept stirring.
"He told me.......I shouldn't have happened...... That I was a mistake...... That he was mad at my mother for not remembering to take her pill."
Gulf breathed in deeply.
Mews eyes widen to take the pan off the burner to turn gulf to wrap his arms around.
"Oh my God gulf....... Your dad was an asshole! There has.... I can't tell you how many times..... Pico has been that way with me..... But i never lost my cool and said such a thing. You are not a mistake."
Gulf moved his head a bit to mews chest, to take his hands up to grip his back.
"That's....... Because your an amazing father and human being mew. After........I didn't talk to my father or asked him to take me to the park even though he offered. Then they a month later......."
Mew patted his head.
"Gulf..... If you want to cry..... Please.... Let it all out.... I'm here."
Gulf lightly smiled.
"I..... Used to cry all the time before them...... Since.....I never have......"
Gulf shrugged, taking a deep breathe in he leaned back.
There eyes darted.
"I...... Love you mew...... Don't know how...... But I do. Now let's have peaceful breakfast before you have to......"
Gulf hung his head.
Mew signed to place his hands to either side of his face.
Gulf placed his hands to his wrists.
"You know gulf......I can divorce her now...... We can, with pico move into a...."
Gulf lifted his head to shake.
"13 more years mew...... We need to think of your son here...... Not about us......"
Gulf leaned up to place his lips to mews to then lower his hands to turn. Mew eyed Gulfs back sullenly.
"Mmm....13 more years...... Of.... "
Mew signed to turn to grab the plates.
Gulf gritted his teeth, he didn't like it either but it was going to happen.
After a quiet breakfast, mew got dressed, gulf gave him his shirt, they had a longed kiss at the door.
Parting, they both had long faces, alone gulf felt his heart was breaking, he didn't like this arrangement but gulf knew pico was more important.
To his car, mew looked up to Gulfs apartment complex.
I will divorce her before the 13 years gulf, we all will move in together and I will make you my wife. Just you watch.
Turning his head forward, mew drive off unaware of hoa's plan.

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