Camila looked at him, her eyes drifting from his arms to his face. The more she did that, the faster her heart raced. Sofia's tiny voice was drowned out by her pulse in her ears. Shawn just looked at her curiously.

"The thing is—and this might seem backwards to most people—but I'd rather be on stage in a play than in front of a camera in a movie."

"Oh, yeah, I get it." He smiled.

"You do?"

"Sure." He went back to the stove and heated up the pot with the cinnamon mixture. "On stage, it's like, it's just you... and you have to make the connection with the crowd. There's nothing else to lean on, so it's more personal."

"That's... That's it exactly, how do you know that?" She stared at him.

"Because I feel the same way when I'm on stage with my guitar." He smiled shyly, his eyes down on the pot as he stirred. "It's like, I feel so vulnerable, but in a good way."

"Yeah..." Camila smiled at him.

There was only the warm scents of cinnamon and vanilla, and the soft sounds of snow pelting against the window. Camila was starting to hear Sofia's voice less and less, only the sound of her heart pounding again, when the door to the kitchen opened.

"It smells so good in here!" Aaliyah gasped.

"Yeah, no thanks to you." Shawn took the pot off the stove. "I managed to finish everything, though. I think I even found a better assistant."

Camila turned away, blushing. Sofia trailed behind Aaliyah, giving Camila a look almost like a scowl. Camila ignored her and took the butter out of the fridge.

"Let's drink these, I can't wait." Shawn went to the cabinet for mugs.

"Butter? In a drink?" Sofia watched him scoop up the mixture of butter and spices.

"It sounds weird, but it's really good!" Aaliyah assured her.

"Yeah, and all the fat will help keep you warm." Shawn said.

Camila didn't like to think of it as drinking fat, but she reminded herself this was vacation and it was okay to indulge just a little.

"I got it, go take a seat for now. See what's on tv." Shawn said.

Camila reluctantly followed the girls back out into the living room. They sat on the couch, Camila pulling a quilt over her lap as Aaliyah reached for the remote.

There seemed to be a string of holiday movies on. Camila didn't think she'd mind settling on one, until she noticed a sickeningly cute and familiar face.

"Ugh, it's Marlene!" Camila gasped and Sofia giggled.

"Who?" Aaliyah asked as Shawn walked out carrying a tray of mugs. He set them down on the coffee table and looked at the tv.

"She's Camila's rival." Sofia explained.

"Yeah, she get's every part I want because she's so cute and perfect." Camila growled. "Can we change this, please?"

"Yeah, okay." Aaliyah flipped to a different channel as Camila reached for a mug.

"I'm nervous to taste this—no offense." Sofia said, taking a mug.

"It's good, though." Aaliyah took a big sip but Sofia still looked unconvinced.

"Will it make you feel better if your sister tries it first?" Shawn glanced at her.

Camila blushed, feeling everyone turn to watch her. She tried to remain impassive outwardly, putting on her acting face and ignoring their eyes—Shawn's especially, as she took a sip of the drink.

THE SLOPES | shawmilaOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara