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" It has returned to Derry again!?"

(Author's note: read this story if you're over 13 years cuz there is gonna be graphic stuff in, this story contains explicit content just like Stephen King's novels if you've read his books you'll know exactly how graphic they're. This part is gonna describe a little bit of what happened after It chapter two and shead some light on the losers club's fates I hope you enjoy it!)

We've all heard the legendary shapeshifting evil clown named Pennywise the dancing clown, who eats children and lurks in the deepest parts of Derry's sewers right? The clown responsible for Derry's many famous child disappearances,however we all know it wasn't long until people (mostly curious children looking for ghost stories to have fun with) start to notice the pattern of the clown's tracks by investigating further into derry's history. Most of the children in Derry were too afraid to face the clown and try to stop him. He had a taste for very young blood after all and children's minds are so easy to break and mold too, just exactly how Pennywise likes his meals. His evil feedings were suddenly interrupted when he targeted a group of jr high/high schoolers called "the losers club" who defatted Derry's mysterious sewer monster not once but twice and put the clown in early hibernation that lasted as long for 27 years. The losers club confronted the monstrous clown when they were kids and confronted him again as adults 27 years later. They did the ritual of Chud to put a decades old nightmare to rest for good, but did they really succeed? Was this another one of Pennywise's sick tricks? Unfortunately yes it was, for another 27 years of hibernation he's made his return once again. Sadly the losers club have grown too old to face the monster again. Because they truly believed that they destroyed the clown monster that had tormented them so many times, they only told their descendants how they successfully destroying the monster and to not worry about his return for they truly believed Pennywise was no more. Unfortunately some of the losers club members moved very far away to leave the painful memories behind, so they can have a happy family safe from the trauma. Some of the losers club members didn't even live long enough to tell the heart warming tale of their friendship. Even Mike one of the last members who only stayed in Derry to make sure if "it" would return after defending it when the losers club were still children. Believing that "it" was gone Mike decided to go live his dream in Florida. Now none of the members of the losers club lived in Derry anymore and no one besides the losers club knows about the dark truth that resides in the dark grey sewage water flowing under Derry's streets. So far away from home but not forgotten by the losers club. They say you'll never truly die as long as the memories of you still live on. Is it true? Will "it" return? We will know for sure after 27 years.😉

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