Chapter 2-First Day(Jayvya)

Start from the beginning

“Who doesn’t” whispered the nerdy boy to a cheerleader girl next to him. The girl pulled a face and said “Mr Rory and Jaki from 89C."

As I meandered to my desk I wondered, ‘Where have I heard Jaki before? Have I met her somewhere? Or are one of my siblings friends with her or are all of them friends with her?’

Jaki's POV

I had the weirdest dream last night. I met some people named Jayvya and Adreean. Though the names were painstakingly familiar, I couldn't remember anyone who had those names. Suddenly, I felt extremely dizzy. My body started to randomly tingle, heat flowing through my body, then extreme chills shaking my body. Everywhere my eyes fell, a hundred other pairs of eyes stared right back at me. The walls started moving. Before everything went black, the last thing I remembered seeing was the neighbourhood stray cat.

When I finally came to, the cat I seemed to have seen earlier was on my bed. "

"So your finally awake" it purred. I almost fell out of my bed.

"I must be loosing it" I said to myself.

"Trust me your not". I started choking and spluttering. It had spoken again!!!!

"You did not just talk to me then, right?" I asked the creature who I think is my cat. It rolled its eyes. A feature I wasn't aware that cats could do. "Yeah, I am. And before you say something—" it replied before I could get a word out, "I AM a shapeshifter. Wow, you are still as simple-minded to the obvious as the last time I was in human form. Which was when you were about one and a half years old. Can you imagine that? Me, the most awesome and powerful shifter ever known to exist in all the world, cleaning up YOUR messes. How unfitting!"

"Now, don't be too modest" I muttered sarcastically. "I heard that you ungrateful...rude...thing!" I burst out laughing. was that really the best thing he could come up with? " You know how grandmas usually say that their bonkers cat drives them up the wall? Yeah, that would fit your image perfectly. Assuming, of course, that you're the grandma?" The cat countered. "Assuming that you are the bonkers cat. Anyway, what am I supposed to call you?"

"Jaki. Yes that is my name. Don't look at me like that". The cat had been smiling at me the whole time. His face dropped. "I can smile if I want to!" he snapped. "Aww, don't be a sour puss!" I countered, trying to stop my smile from breaking out. "You know, for a cat that's supposed to be, like, a century old, you act pretty immature." This cat was just begging for my witty comebacks.

Jayvya's POV

I grinned as Blondie glared at me while I opened my schedule. After about two minutes, I totally lost it and snapped in her face.

"What is it? What was your name That would explain your brain IQ. Wow, I'm a poet and I don't even know it. There you go, I did it again. BTW, your name was...?"

"Bessie. Are you feeling alright?" She was looking at me with a wierd face, like she was constipated. "Are you?" I snapped. After a while, I noticed why she thought I was bananas. Suddenly everything went black. When I came to, l was with Adreean. He was on a bed as well. Then he got up and said "You started talking wierd as well"


And they say he doesn't talk...

"Listen, I had a dream that I was stuck in a room with a girl about my age named Jaki. Now where have I heard that name before?"

"I got that same question in class when Bessie said the name Jaki"

"For me it was the teacher when he asked who doesn't like homework"

Suddenly I had a brainwave.

"Adreean, did that girl have pale skin dark eyes and dark hair?"

Maybe it was the same person I saw in my head...

That statement kept on repeating in my head.

Anticipating for an answer I almost yelled "Well?!"

"Yes, yes and yes"

So it was the same person...that's interesting....I will ask Jaxun and Samyula.....Then Mum and Dad

"So maybe it was the same person but we are only telling Jaxun. Samyula will tell everyone she knows and Mum and Dad will take us to the doctor to get our brains checked. Got it? What?"

I had been staring at him the whole time through that.

"I thought that not said it. You read my mind"

"You know I've never noticed this but-"

He suddenly stopped talking. I sighed. "Mum's right behind me, isn't she?"

"Mum's behind you right now, which makes Dad a monkey's uncle." Adreean muttered under his breath.


"You both saw a girl called Jaki? I have a feeling that you two have something to do with her."

Mum started to go blank and immediatly a picture of a young girl just about a year or two older than me appeared in front of her. I looked at Adreean. He had a wierd look on his face. A look that I had never seen before.

"Yep. I've seen her before" Adreean started and then stopped when he saw Dad's face.

He looked wierd as well.

"So it is true. The prophecy is true"

"And what exactly is the prophecy?", Adreean and me said at the same time.

WOW..Talk about syncronized talking. Adreean was probably thinking the same thing because he was grinning at me.

And syncronized thinking...

Dad grinned and said "You'll know soon".

"BTW, where are Samyula and Jaxun?"

Mum had an blank look on her face so I waved my hand in front of her.

"Mum, are you alright?"

Then she smiled and said, "Jaxun and Samyula are coming now"

Then as she said they walked in. I guess something must have struck me because I was communicating to Adreean using telepathy. Adreean, what was the prophecy Dad was talking about? He is obviously hiding something from us. And how are we able to communicate like this. It was considered impossibe long ago. My reply was quick.

I don't know. Mum also guessed that Jaxun and Samyula had walked in. Prophecy shemophecy Dad is playing with us. Adreean was probably right. Dad is making a joke out of us. He usually does that with us.

Immedietly after that Adreean sighed. I gasped. He was breathing fire!!!!! My hands started feeling wet. I stared at them. They were full of water. As I try to tip it out my hand gets cold and as I watch it the water in my hand freezes.

"Mum, what's going on. Adreean is breathing fire, I have water in my hands and when I tip them out it freezes."

As I say all of this Jaxun starts getting a tornado in his hand and Samyula gets a mound of dirt which starts building up int a montain on her hand.

Mums says "Samyula is the strongest. If she gets emotional, the whole world can get destroyed. She can control the natural things just with the wave of her hand."

"You knew about this? You knew about it and you didn't tell us? I know we are elementals. This is why we keep moving? This is all your fault". I couldn't help it. The words had just flown out of my mouth. Samyula started crying and the floor started shaking.

"There, there it isn't the end of the world. Wait, it is if you keep crying." That came out of my mouth too. And that just made her cry more. When I thought it was over the walls started to crack and the floor seemed to open into a blinding red light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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