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"Jason! Turn off the alarm!" I grumbled sleepily. "Anne!" he got up in a shock. "Anne! Get up! it's 8am! We're gonna be late!" "fu*ck!" I sat up straight onto the bed. "no! no! no! First day of senior year! We simply cannot be late!" I told him as I threw of the blanket and rushed inside the bathroom. "seriously! Bathroom-hog!" Jason banged on the door. "I'll be done in fifteen minutes!" I said with a chuckle.

I dressed up in record speed. I stepped out wearing high-waisted black jeans with a plain V-neck maroon crop top. I wore my ankle boots. "finally, out!" Jason muttered. I headed into the kitchen to find a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch on the table with a bowl and a jug of milk. Jason had breakfast and kept some ready for me. I smiled at his gesture. He really is the best. Small things like these, count!

Jason and I sped towards Victoria High. We made it with fifteen minutes to spare and caught up with Roger in the parking lot. "Senior year! Excited?" Roger asked as we headed inside the school building. "of course!" I grinned. As soon as the boys and I stepped inside, the hallway went silent. A lot of heads turned our way. We saw Noah, Chad and a few other friends of ours. The three of us made our way towards them.

"Roger!" someone called from behind. "hey Anne, hey Jason." She chirped. "Hi Mia!" I smiled. "oh, you remember me?" she said shyly. "of course!" Jason grinned before slapping Roger on his back. "Hey Mia." Roger bent down to hug the shorter girl. "aww you guys are so cute!" I gushed. Mia's cheeks tinged a bright pink.

"well, si-since I-I am new here, I was won-wondering if you guys could show me around? Y'all are the first ones I've come to know around here." Mia asked quietly. "of course! You can hang about with us." I said with a smile. "come on, let's head to the school office to collect our schedules." I linked my arm with hers. "thanks." Mia replied. She was really sweet and perfect for Roger and even Jason didn't mind her hanging with us. Jason and Roger walked ahead of us. They busied themselves in football and basketball talks. I began showing her the different classrooms on our way to the office.

"So, Mia" I began. Time to play matchmaker. "Roger's been my best friend since years now and I tend to understand his feelings. So, I just wanna ask you, how do you feel about Roger? " "I..."Mia began. "well you can be honest with me. I won't tell him if you don't want me to. And Roger's hot. He's my best friend and even I can see that." I prompted.

"well, I actually do like him. He's really hot like you said, and he's a real sweetheart. He's really unlike any other guy I have met. I really like him, Anne. We've been texting and calling back and forth ever since we first met. And I know he is still grieving Melissa, so I don't wanna push anything." Mia added.

I knew for sure, in that very moment, Mia was perfect for Roger. "just don't tell him anything please. I really don't wanna force him." she added. "of course." I smiled. We collected our schedules and checked for same lectures before Mia left to find her locker. "hey Mia!" I called. She turned back, "sit with us for lunch, yeah." I told her. "I'll be there. Thanks." She waved shyly and went on her way.

"hey Anne." A junior waved shyly. "hey there." I smiled kindly. Wow! That was the fourth 'hi' from someone I didn't know. "hey, a bunch of people just keep staring at us. Am I wearing my shirt inside out?" Jason wondered.

"no babe. It's perfect. Even I was wondering the same thing." I chuckled. "maybe because the swim, football and basketball team captains are together?" Roger suggested. "maybe." Since I was co-captain last year, and Mel wasn't there, I was promoted to captain.

We headed to the gym for the start-of-the-year announcements. "Welcome students to our Senior year at Victoria High" the Principal began. A loud cheer reverberated through the gym. The principal then gave us some start of the year announcements and some more notices.

"is it just me or do these 'start of the year announcements' give you a Hogwarts vibe?" Jason whispered. I tried to stifle a laugh, "no, it's not just you. This explains the Harry Potter book collection at the Principal's office." "seriously?" Jason snorted. Several eyes turned towards us. I elbowed him playfully. "oww, stop it!" "then shut up." I hissed trying to contain my giggle.

"We now have a special announcement. Please pay attention." The principal added. "as you know, in the beginning of this summer, we lost a student, a very dear friend and Victoria High's swim team captain." The moment these words came out of his mouth, the entire gym went silent. "I am sure you all must have heard about Melissa Pane." He added. A furry of emotions rushed into Roger's eyes. Pain mixed with a little triumph. Her loss, and her justice.

"I am sure the news must have kept you all updated with regards to her case. But I must shed light on three of Victoria High's students. Anne Stark, Jason Large and Roger Meadows, could you please come forward." The principal called us. Jason and Roger were just sitting still with their eyes and mouth wide open. "boys! We need to go! get up!" I shook them both and we headed to the centre of the gym at the podium where the Principal was standing.

"these three, were the first to recognize the true reason behind Melissa's death and when police refused to take any action, they did not stay quiet. Anne, Jason and Roger, brought forth the truth. And for this bravery, we salute you." He spoke.

Another cheer went up. We received a thunderous applause. "we now present Anne, Jason and Roger with the Victoria High bravery medal." The Principal added. The clapping did not stop. Tears filled my eyes. This was a very big deal for the three of us. I clutched Jason's hand as one of our teachers brought three very shiny medals on a golden tray. I could see Roger's and his eyes shine as well. One by one, a large, shiny medal was hung down our necks by the principal as the gym echoed with cheers for us.

"also, this year's annual fund raiser funfair is in the memory of Melissa Pane. We now come to the closure of today's assembly. You can head back to our classes now. Thank you." the principal concluded the assembly. Students vacated the gym slowly. "This was by far the best first day of school ever." Jason said. "yeah it was." Roger replied. I smiled and slung my arm around both the boys as I walked between them. I was Mia struggling with a map in the corner.

"hey Roger, why don't you drop Mia to her class?" Jason said. "oh yeah okay." Roger rubbed the back of his neck and jogged up to Mia. "now you Mr. Adams can drop me off to my class." I told Jason. "why of course Mrs. Adams." He replied in his fake British accent. I kissed his cheek lightly before heading into class for AP English.

Author's note: Something is brewing between Mia and Roger!!! Our three heroes were finally awarded for their bravery!!! Isn't that just amazing!!!!!The next chapter is slightly different and I am sure you'll enjoy so definitely catch it once it's released. 

You know the drill, vote comment and share the story if you've enjoyed it! Until next time, love love. 

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