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We drove in my car back to the abandoned construction. "so", Roger began, his voice full of sadness. "Melissa's body is still in the morgue. It was taken for autopsy on the day she was found, but they still want to do further research. Hopefully, we will get her body back for cremation in the next two or three days. They'll send it directly to the funeral house."

 "have you all worked out the details of her funeral yet?" I asked. "I have already contacted the funeral house and told them to have the floral arrangements ready by the next three days. The Pane's said that they wanted a total of three eulogies- Mrs. Katherine, you, and me"

 "okay. I'll work on it when we get back", I replied with sad smile.

We reached the building. This time we parked the car closer to the building. I hopped out of the car and swiftly showed Roger the way. "he came all the way here! This place is just a mess!" Roger exclaimed, referring to the sheriff. 

"yeah. it must have been a really important package because you won't find a single soul out here for miles. So, no one will even know", I replied as I retraced my steps. "we were hiding behind this pillar and the car drove in from there", I thought aloud."there is a lot of wild grass growing here. Finding one small bracelet is next to impossible", Roger told me. 

"nothing is impossible", I said with a grin. "come here. Take a good look at this. The car stopped right here. The grass is squashed only till here, so the tyres stopped at this very spot. Assuming that the passenger seat is somewhere here" I said taking a few small steps back. "the hand must have handed the packet... here! Ta-da!" I grinned as I bent to pick up the fallen bracelet.

 "bingo!" Roger exclaimed happily. "Let's head back now. On our way can we stop at the Pane's? I forgot to pick up my stuff from Mel's room when I was over there earlier."

We rang the bell at the Pane's. "hi kids. Come in", David said. His eyes were swollen, and dark circles were formed underneath. His voice sounded hoarse. Clearly, he wasn't sleeping well. "how are you holding up David?" I asked him sympathetically. 

"I am okay. Haven't been sleeping to well", he replied. "that's understandable. I know you and Katherine along with Roger have got things under control in regards of the funeral, but in case you need an extra hand or two, please do let Jason and me know." I told him. 

"of course."

"Mr. David, did any news regarding autopsy come back?" Roger asked politely. "they said they wanted to conduct a few more tests. All that they told us for now is that she died because she drowned. I know my daughter. She was the best swimmer in Halesville. She simply cannot drown so easily. I think somebody is trying to cover up a murder", David said to us. 

"that's extremely evident. Now what we need to know is who and why", I added. "kids you don't think Sheriff Manny is involved, Do you?"

 "actually, yes we do. We suspect he is up to something", Roger replied softly.

Anger was evident in David's voice and eyes. "I'll get that asshole fired. I swear. He will regret the day he ever heard the name Melissa Pane." "no please. Please do not do anything. Then he'll know we are onto him. Calm down. Jason, Roger and I have this under control" I spoke frantically.

 "okay. I will stand down. Kids you all are messing in some seriously dangerous business. I suggest, let the experts handle it."

 "not going to happen. With sheriff Manny in charge, it's impossible for Melissa to get justice. But I promise you we will. Just have faith" Roger added before we proceeded to Mel's room.

Roger opened her closet and pulled out a couple of hoodies and t-shirts. "Mel loved wearing my clothes. She always told me that my clothes felt like home to her. So she kept a few here as well." I helped him pack all of the clothes in my bag.

When Blood Runs Bad (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang