♤ Chapter 15: Travelling Jitters ♤

Start from the beginning

"I think that is cool for you to do, but how is that going to help prove that I'm innocent?" I asked, looking at the random clothes and meticulous items that had been tossed in the sack. There sure was a lot of blue, but something seemed to glint near the bottom of the bag. I leaned forward to grab it, but more clothes were thrown in before I could get to it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie!" she cried. "I didn't realize that you were going to look through that." I looked at her before I waved my hand.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I shrugged. "So, how are we going to get in?"

"I'm not going in with you." She sinched up the bag and picked it up with a low grunt. She began to walk towards the door as she called over her shoulder, "The wolf is going to take you there. She'll be able to get in you."

"What? How is that wolf going to get me in and prove my innocence?" I asked as I walked after her.

"There is more to her than you know, Allyson," she chimed as she placed what she was carrying on the left side of the door by a large overgrown bush. "If she comes with you, then you will automatically be welcomed in and any kind of rumor that you were the one that got rid of Chad and Amenah will be dismissed." I stared at her.

"But why?"

She paused for a moment, playing with the ends of the blue bush and refusing to look back at me. "You just have to trust me with this. It isn't my place to tell her story. If she wants to, then she should be the one to tell you that."

"It should be the same way with if I want to go on this journey or not," a voice piped in. I turned around to see the preternatural wolf hopping down the edges of the steep hill around the cottage; it could almost be considered a cliff, but the fall wasn't quite so drastic, nor was it tall. "I never said that I agreed to go on this trip."

"Please, you know that this is pretty much your job," the older woman sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "We need you to go with her, or else we're all doomed."

"We're doomed either way," the wolf growled as she rolled her eyes. "We have been for such a long time. Why are we trying to change that now? At this point, it is best for the majority of humanity and any species close to humans to kneel and admit that it is time for them to accept their demise."

"You must be fun at parties," I muttered.

"I am incredibly offended that you think that I would waste my time with just any inferior race with such trivial activities," she huffed.

"Yep, a real charmer," I grumbled again.

"You best watch your actions and words carefully, girl." She bared her canines as she took an offensive stance, her ears pinned back against her head. "You are the weakest being here. I could easily rip out your throat and gnaw at your boney arms. You wouldn't make much of a meal, but you might satisfy as a mid-morning snack." Traisha walked in between us and held her arms around on both sides so they were in front of both of us.

"You two need to learn how to get along! I don't know what this is all about, but you need to get it together! If you two continue to fight like this and not be able to work with anyone other than yourselves, then we're all completely screwed! Wonderworld will be destroyed and all of us will meet our deaths much faster than fate had intended for us." Traisha's eyes seemed to be electrified. They were glowing, and never before had I seen her stand like this. She wasn't angry, but she was standing her ground. "So, are you two going to get it together and go out there for everyone else instead of yourselves?"

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