*Chapter 6*

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"An android gone rogue huh?"

"Yep! What should we do about that, Mr. Shiggy?"

"I told you not to call me that Toga! Anyway, we should get the android back here and fix him before anything happens. I don't need a android making other androids go rogue too. That could ruin our perfectly good society wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, your right. So what can we do then?"

"I want you two to go find that scientist girl and take her android away. Tell her we only need it temporarily. Then we will give him right back once we fix him." Shigaraki said with a creepy grin.

"Shigaraki. What are you planning to do on how to fix the android?" Dabi asked in his coarse voice.

"Deactivate and dispose of it of course!" Shigaraki said, his arms moving around to express what he meant.

"Alrighty! Let's get to work Dabi! We got a android to catch!"

"Whatever let's go you blonde idiot."

🤍Back in the Lab❤️

Y/N was on her computer typing another report out when she got a notification that a new email has made its way into her mailbox.

"What..?" She whispered under her breath.

She clicked open the email and began reading it.

Dear Y/N L/N,

We have been notified that your android has gone rogue. He has broken the barriers of which we set up that we're not meant to be broken. We are coming to you to pick up the android and fix it. We will return it back once we finish.

Regards, The TA

Y/N furrowed her brows and immediately got up from the desk and ran to Shoto. "We have to leave this place."

"What? Why?"

"The TA has found out that you've become sentient. They think you've gone rogue. We have to leave now."

"I understand. But what about your friend next door?"

I'll send her a message later. Come on! We have to go before they catch us!"

Y/N grabbed her bag and stuffed some supplies inside before shouldering it and opening the glass doors.

Shoto grabbed her wrist. "Can I hold your hand?"


Y/N looked both ways down the hallway making sure no one was coming down.

After checking, she went down the hallway and peeked around the corridor to find a strange looking female and male at the front desk.

"Hello lady. We are here to pick up an android." The girl said. She had a smile on her face.

The lady working at the desk didn't budge, instead ignored her and kept typing away.

"Sheesh. This one must be an android too. Let's just go find girl." The male spoke.

Y/N recognized them as Toga and Dabi. She watched them start to walk toward the same hallway they were in.

"We have to hide!" Y/N pulled Shoto along with her back down the hall into a small storage closet.

Y/N shut the door. And listened to the sound of footsteps coming their way. "Are those the people trying to take me away?" Shoto whispered.

"Yes. They work for the top leader of the TA. I didn't think it was this important."

The two of them listened as Toga and Dabi forcefully opened the glass doors to her lab.

"Looks like they ain't here. Should we try the girl's house?" Dabi's voice was muffled but enough to understand what he was saying.

"Yeah. She probably got the email and is trying to escape with her little android. We got to catch her before Shiggy gets mad at us."

Y/N listened to the sound of their running footsteps down the hall. She sighed in relief and opened the door.

"Alright it's safe now. But now they know we are on the run. No doubt that soon the police will be looking for us too."

"Then, where will we go?"

"I don't know. Maybe the US but that might be difficult to get to. We there by boat or by plane. Plane will definitely be faster but we risk getting caught."

"Whatever decision you make, I will make sure we don't get caught. After all, I don't want them to deactivate me. Then I would never see you again."

"I know. That's why we have to find a way out of this country first. I have a friend who might help. He is an android who works alone. His owner died some time ago. We should find him and ask for help."

❤️Timeskip Brought To You By Todoroki Dressed In a Strawberry Shortcake Costume🤍

Y/N rung the doorbell and waited patiently, clinging to Todoroki's arm while waiting.

The door opened after a few seconds, revealing a long time friend. "Oi, what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry Katsuki, but we need your help. Please."

The android grumbled before opening the door completely to let them in.

"Is this your android or something? Why are you clinging onto him?"

"It's a long story, Katsuki. But right now I need you to tell us the best way to get out of here. I know you work well with this kind of thing, so we are here to ask for your help."

"And why are you trying to escape? Ya kill a guy or something?"

"No, well, Shoto here has tried to be more sentient, like you, but the TA caught him and now they are trying to deactivate him for good."

"What's the problem? Just hand him over and get a another android. It's simple. Why are you so difficult?"

"Well Katsuki, to make the long story short, me and Shoto are together, and I don't want to replace him with anotherq android. It wouldn't be the same."

Katsuki let out annoyed sigh. "Your always so annoying. I should be your babysitter and make sure you don't get into anymore illegal trouble."

"We agreed to not talk about last time."

"I wasn't talking about it, dumb*ss. Whatever. I got a plan, and it involves me going with you."

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