*Chapter 2*

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"My name? It's Shoto 4126707. Is there something else you'd like to call me?"

"Yes, actually. To keep formalities short, let's keep your name at Shoto."

"Registering new name, Shoto. Thank you, my new master."

Y/N nodded in return, turning away from her new android and biting her thumbnail.

She hid the blush on her round cheeks, and she could feel her heart wavering. Stop it. You just met him. You don't even know him yet.

"It is a nice to meet you. What shall I call you?"

"Please address me as Y/N."

"Then I will call you Y/N. You have a lovely name."

Feeling bashful and flustered, she put her hands behind her back and looked down to her side.

"Thank you."

"Is there a mode you want to select? I can be anything you want me to be."

Time to get serious.

Y/N cleared her throat, putting her fist in front of her lips. "Your purpose is to be you. Be yourself."

"I do not understand." He said bluntly. "What is a self?"

Y/N pointed her finger in the air. "Actually, android, make this your life goal."

"Thank you for giving me a purpose. I will do my best to reach that goal. To by myself as you have instructed me to do."

Y/N nodded in response, afraid if she spoke at all, her voice would give away what she was feeling, although, the android probably already knew because he could scan her and figure it out easily.

"I can see that by your heart rate, your attracted to me, maybe very attracted to me." He pointed his finger at himself.

Y/N turned around and put her hands on her face, covering the red on her cheeks.

"It would help me a lot if I study you, because, I you already have a self. I would assume so. If not, I can help you, along the way."

"I do have a self, well I already had one ever since I was born you know." She said timidly, not noticing him get out of the box and stand up.

"You know why you were sent to me right?"

"Of course. I am a highly advanced android. It's my duty to serve you and be your companion. I was created for those who need me. Like I am designed for you."

"Oh, thank you."

"No need to thank me, it's part of my life's purpose. It adds to the one you've given me. To be myself. I could say I have much to learn."

"I may not have the same flesh and organs a human has, but I believe I can be like you."

"You think you can become like me? A human? But why? I was so sure your kind thinks they are far more superior than us measly humans."

"Well I don't. I don't think your a measly human. In fact, humans fascinate me, I like to study them, to study you. Your human aspects are so intriguing."

"Oh, my apologies if I seemed harsh to you or the androids."

"It's okay, I didn't view it as an insult, I just thought you had a misunderstanding, or maybe I had a misunderstanding."

Y/N hummed and looked down at the floor. "We should go home. It's getting kind of late." She motioned you the giant window outside, as it was dark already.

"Alright. I will come with you."

"Okay. But first I have to talk to Ochaco."

"Who is Ochaco?"

"She is a friend of mine. She works in the facility with me. Her lab is next door, let's go."

The glass doors opened for her and they walked out together, stopping at Ochaco's lab doors.

Peering inside the glass doors, Y/N saw Ochaco talking to her android, Deku. She knocked on the doors to get Ochaco's attention.

"Oh! Please open!"

The glass doors opened immediately and Y/N walked inside with Shoto. "I'm leaving now Ochaco, I'll call you okay?"

Before Y/N could turn away, Ochaco grabbed her friend's arm and smirked. "So that's your android?"

She motioned to Shoto behind her, who seemed to be having a conversation with Deku.

"Yes, what are you thinking about Ochaco?"

"You scored yourself a nice android ya know? He looks kind of cute. Tell me if anyone goes on with you two." Then she shoved her friend toward Shoto.

She stumbled and Shoto caught her, relishing in their faces being really close to each other.

Ochaco giggled mischievously. "See you soon Y/N!"

Y/N blushed and straightened herself, and clearing her throat. "Okay we can go now."

They left Ochaco snickering at the two. "Are you alright? You seem incredibly flustered. Was it from the fall? Or is it something else?"

"D-don't worry about it! I'm completely fine!"

"Are you sure? Your stuttering and your heart rate is much higher than normal."

"It's okay! I'm just fine! Please don't worry about it Shoto!"

The android backed off and gave her some space. He felt a feeling that was new to him.

His face fell, when Y/N told him to not worry about it. He was of course concerned for her, and wanted to make sure she was okay but felt... hurt when she refused his help.

Y/N walked along the hallway, Shoto hurrying to catch up with her.

They walked in awkward silence, but Y/N noticed her android, had a solemn look on his face, like he had been hurt.

She slowed and tugged at his arm. "I'm sorry, I was just really flustered by the fact you were so close to me."

"Oh then, I shouldn't be as close to you then? I-I can stay in the lab if you want. If I ever make you uncomfortable, then I can give you space."

"No! It's not like that! In fact, I do want you to be more close to me, it's just that one moment made me flustered."

"Right. Then I shall do what you ask. Would you like me to be more physical with you?"

"U-um if it alright with you. I would like that very much."

"Alright. I asked because I don't want to do anything that involves you without your consent."

Y/N nodded. Before she could walk away, he gently grasped her hand and smiled at her. "Is this okay?"

She blushed and turned away. "Y-yes, thank you Shoto."

"Your flustered again, I think it has to do with you being attracted me. I dare say it's... cute."

"U-uh yea! Let's get back to my apartment!"

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