*Chapter 10*

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Does anyone even like this story? Also gore warning.

Y/N felt her head spinning again, similar to when she was knocked against the wall by Katsuki.

Wait, Katsuki? Where is he? Where is Shoto? She tried to move her body but was stopped by being cuffed to a hospital bed. "What the-"

She realized that her bed was tilted so that I looked like she was standing almost. Enough so she could see what was in front of her.

It was a large window, similar to the ones she would see in interrogation rooms. On the other side of the glass was Shoto, still deactivated, he was held down to a chair by thick metal cuffs.

"Shoto!" Y/N yelled, hoping he would just wake up. "I see your awake. Like what you see?" Dabi walked in front of her, smirking and crossing his arms.

"Are you serious?! Don't do this!" Y/N protested, glaring at Dabi. He shook his head. "You know I have to do this. Either way, I'm going to enjoy it. Torturing this stupid piece of scrap metal."

"Your just a puppet for the TA you know." She snapped. The man came closer and grabbed Y/N's chin harshly and squeezed her cheeks. "I don't care. There isn't much purpose for me in this life anyway, so might as well be useful right?"

She tore her face away from him. Toga entered the room and stood next to Dabi. "The machine is ready. Start whenever." Then she skipped away.

"You hear that? It's playtime." Dabi turned away and entered the door that leads to Shoto's little chamber room. He went behind the chair and switched him on.

The scientist watched as Shoto began to scan his surroundings, finally seeing his lover. He gasped and tried to get out of his bindings, despite being heavily chained up.

He called her name but his voice was muffled. Dabi slapped him across the cheek, making his hair fall across his face. Y/N yelled his name. She could see Dabi's lips moving.

To Y/N's horror, her heart dropped when Shoto looked up at her with tears in his eyes. "I love you." He said. Giving her a sad smile. "NO!" She thrashed in her hospital bed, desperate for freedom.

Her wrists began to hurt and swollen up from the metal cuffs banging against her skin. That didn't stop her. Her adrenaline kept her from feeling the pain.

Dabi pressed a button on the back of the chair, which electric shocked the android, making him yell out in pain. His fingers gripped the chairs armrests, putting dents in them.

The mad man smiled in satisfaction as he continued to smash the button with his fist, Y/N screaming and crying for him to stop.

Suddenly, Dabi stopped, and Y/N was relieved for a second. Then froze when she saw him. Head of the TA, Tomura Shigaraki. He came into Y/N's room, scratching his neck.

"If it isn't the pesky little girl who decided to bend our rules." Shigaraki said, patting Y/N on the head. "What are you going to do him?" She asked, her voice stuck in her closed up throat.

"What do you think I'm going to do to him?! I'm going to tear out his core of course!" Shigaraki laughed, pulling out an android scalpel. Android scalpels were made to cut through their metal skeletons.

The scientist thrashed again, screaming curses at the blue haired madman. "Don't worry, it will only hurt for a little bit." He smiled at Y/N, tracing his finger along the blade.

He entered Shoto's chamber. Dabi moved out of the way and made his way back to Y/N's room. The man stood next to her, leaning against the wall, watching with complete amusement.

Shoto looked weak and tired, which broke her heart even more. Shigaraki stabbed the scalpel through the middle of the android's chest, dragging it down and opening up his body.

Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and looked away. Dabi grabbed her chin and made her watch. "Your missing such a show. Open your eyes and witness his end." The man whispered in her ear, licking it right after.

When she refused to open her eyes, Dabi gripped her cheeks, so hard he could feel her teeth on the other side of her soft flesh.

Shoto didn't yell, scream or even move as Shigaraki tore open his insides. He just looked down to the side, his eyes glassy. The madman reached inside Shoto's body and felt around for his core, his heart.

When his hands felt the familiar shape of it, he latched onto it and tore it from the inside, and brought into the artificial light to see. His core was glowing red, and the light inside blinked softly, following the similar beat to a regular human's heartbeat.

His eyes closed and he had stopped breathing. Something what felt like a cold breeze hit Y/N's face, making her shiver.

Shigaraki handed the core to Dabi, who put it in his pocket. "I'll keep this for the time being." Shigaraki stood in front of Y/N. "I don't know whether if I feel generous enough to give you another android. You might break them too, and cause them to die just like this one. I will say though your not allowed to work here anymore."

"I don't care about my job. Why don't you just kill me and forget about me huh?" "No, I don't kill humans! That would be too cruel!" Shigaraki said, laughing. "So cruel that you would think I would kill you. I wouldn't want to waste my precious time with you."

Shigaraki undid her cuffs and Y/N rubbed her red wrists. "Since you no longer serve a purpose here, your free to go. I don't care what you do. As long as you don't come back here anymore."

He scratched at his neck, and left the room. Dabi wrapped his hand around her waist. "If you come with me, I will give you everything that the stupid android couldn't. I'll make you feel better than him."

Y/N tore herself away from him. "No. Leave me alone. The last thing I want to do is become your little toy!" She walked slowly into Shoto's chamber and crouched in front of him.

His flesh was cold, and his body was lifeless, bloody, and messy. That didn't stop her from placing her hands on his cold cheeks. Her thumbs massaged them gently. "Your skin is still soft you know." Y/N managed to say.

She released him from his bindings and he fell into her arms, lifeless. Y/N laid him on the cold, hard ground. Her fingers planted themselves on her lips and she kissed them before touching her lover's lips with them.

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