*Chapter 8*

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This book reminds me of Wanda and Vision, you know from Marvel. Just a thought. Also nothing has been updated in a long time and I'm so sorry 😂

"Wake up. You have to get up Y/N."

The former scientist stirred at someone gently shaking her awake. The morning sunlight was peeking in through the thin curtains.

She opened her eyes to see Shoto at the side of the bed, with his hands on her shoulders. Looking around the room, she realized that they weren't on the boat anymore.

"Where are we? Where is Katsuki?"
Y/N sat up, fixing her bed hair. "He is in another room. We made it to the US. You just went to sleep for a long time, it got me worried."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay. You just were very tired, it's understandable."

Just then, a ding was heard on the nightstand next to Shoto. He picked up Y/N's phone and saw that a new email had come through.

"Here." He handed the phone to Y/N, who took it and opened up the email. To her horror, it was from the people who were sent to retrieve Shoto from her.

Dear Y/N L/N,

It seems as though you may not have understood what we meant. Your android is defective and is broken. You will return him to us, or there will be consequences. This is your only warning. Return your android to us.

Regards, The TA

Lowering her phone, Y/N turned back to Shoto. "We aren't safe still. We don't know what they might try. Whether if they tell authorities here that we are on the run. I don't know what we should do."

"For now, I think we should stay hidden. Keep a low profile. It should hold us off for a while. We can talk with Bakugo about it if you want."

She nodded in agreement. "Okay. It sounds good." Shoto smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Everything will be okay."

"What happens if they get you? What will I do...?" Her voice trailed off.

"They won't get me. I won't let them. Who will be there to protect you? Who will be there to love you? Y/N look at me."

His fingers curled under her chin as he made her look at him. "If I ever am separated from you, do not worry. I will find you. I promise."

Y/N lunged at him and hugged him as tight as she could. "I love you so much."  Her eyes brimmed with fresh tears.

When they had pulled away, Shoto wiped away her tears with his thumbs and he gave both of her cheeks small kisses.

"Let's get ready and meet with Bakugo. Then we can start moving on from there."

She just nodded and brushed past him, getting off the bed. Her bag was on a chair next to the window. Digging through it, she found some clothes at the bottom. They were wrinkled, but it would do for now.

Shoto smirked to himself and decided to be a tease. "You don't want help?" He gestured to her clothes that she was holding.

It took a moment for it to sink in, but once it did, she turned into a red mess, putting Shoto's red hair to shame. Y/N looked away at the wall. "I can d-do it on my own."

Then she immediately started sprinting to the bathroom to get out of the sticky situation. Shoto laughed at her but stopped when there was a pain that spiked in his head.

He clutched his head and there was a video message that projected into his vision. The pain stopped as the video played. There was a man with purple scars all over his face and arms standing in the camera.

"Android Shoto 4126707. This message is regarding your disappearance. Along with your little... companion. I've been told that you have gone rogue. You've stepped out of line. Now you will pay the price. We already have you little sh*ts multiple warnings, yet you still resist. We're coming for you, Shoto."

The video deactivated and Shoto had a frightened look on his face. "We aren't safe. Not yet. If our paths ever cross, I'll be sure that Y/N will make it out alive. As long as she lives, I know I can be sure that I've fulfilled my life's purpose."

Y/N came out of the bathroom, dressed and her hair done. She saw Shoto's scared expression. "Hey, is everything alright?" The android looked at her. "No. I just got a message from the TA threatening to take me away." He furrowed his brows and stared at the floor.

"Hey it's okay. You already know that you won't get caught. Because I won't let them take you. Just as I know you certainly won't let them take me from you." She hugged him and drew circles on his back.

"I know. I'm just scared. It's strange because androids aren't programmed to have real emotions. But now that I feel love for you, I have to learn to control them."

"It's not easy controlling emotions. In fact, humans that can control their emotions and see the most dangerous people on the world. So don't worry about it. Everything will be okay. Let's go meet up with Bakugo now."

Y/N opened their door and peeks out the hallway for any sign of people nearby. There was a man with a black hoodie down the hall, waiting for the elevator. There was pale blond hair sticking out from the hood.

"There is only one person in the hallway, he looks a bit sketchy though, he was wearing a black hoodie and waiting for the elevator."

Then, something like a lightbulb went off in her head. Grabbing her backpack, Y/N pulled out two baseball caps. One was white, one was black. She handed the black one to Shoto.

"Here. Wear this. We should try and hide our identities for now. We don't know who might be on to us." Then she fitted her own cap on.

The two of them then swiftly left their room to walk towards Katsuki's room. The man who had blond hair turned to their direction, studying them both from behind. He narrowed his eyes at them before withdrawing from the elevator doors and walking the opposite direction.

Knocking on Katsuki's door, there was a grumble from inside, followed by a stomping noise. He aggressively opened the door. "What do you f*cks want?"

"Can we come inside?" Y/N asked crossing her arms. Katsuki rolled his eyes and just left the door open. "Hurry up before someone sees you."

They entered and closed the door behind them. Katsuki was talking to himself, mostly about how annoying Y/N was.

"Alright what did you guys bother me for? I already got you here, now what do ya want?!" He snapped harshly at the two of them.

Shoto was getting ticked off with Katsuki's attitude. Usually it didn't both him, but since he was talking badly about his lover, it made him mad.

"If all your going to do is throw a tantrum, we will just go without you. If you don't want to help us, then there is no need for you to come with us." Shoto said firmly.

But this only made Katsuki spark inside. "What did you say you prick?!" He yelled back at him. Shoto furrowed his brows and clenched his fists. "You heard me. Are you going to help us or not?!"

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