How they first met you

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Penny: You met her when Mother asked you to babysit George, before Mother and Father left, you and Penny met each other, with a stare.

George: You met him when Mother wanted you to babysit him.

Sheepy: Penny mentioned her name before, and she decide to make you guys best friends so you can hang out with her.

Pandy: You met her while she was hoarding stuff for the Silver Paws. But you never got the chance to talk to her.

Kitty: You decide to go to the mall to get new clothes, but you got hungry and ordered something from 'Kitty's Kitchen' you guys started to talk to each other and meet her everyday in the mall.

Doggy: You met him when you started being an officer and hang out with him with some coffee.

Mimi: You were in the safe house with Pony and Zizzy, then Mimi came out and asked what you guys wanted for dinner, Mimi gave you a little wink and decide to cook your favorite food.

Dinopiggy: You were at an abandoned place, you felt unsafe. You heard a rustle from the bushes and then Dinopiggy jumped on you. You panicked but Dinopiggy jumped off immediately saying 'Sorry' almost a thousand times. But you started to visit him more often.

Daisy: Your mother wanted you to buy another TV from Daisy's Television Shop, you met Daisy and decide to compliment her on how cute she is, She blushed and she gave you the TV. It was pretty awkward..

Pony: You met him in a glasses shop before the infection, but you met him again in the carnival map.

Memory: You met her in your dreams.. You had a weird feeling about her, but you weren't quite sure..

Angel: You met her while she was arguing with Devil (Devil is a boy in here) she then looked at you, and blushed with embarrassment and she flew back to Heaven.

Devil: You met him when Angel left him, he winked at you and did the korean heart finger, you blushed at him and he went back to Heck.

Giraffy: You heard a voice behind you when you were talking to Zee and Zuzy, you looked behind you and then look up and see a tall Giraffe behind you, he was checking if you're okay, and just making sure you're alright.

Foxy: You met him when he was little, you saw him playing with juggling balls but he failed, but you confronted him and practiced with him, after the infection you went back to the Carnival and hugged him and crying that you're glad he's back.

Elly: Elly was looking at the gallery of interesting art, she bumped into you and you two looked at a picture, she started saying stuff about the pictures meaning. You became interested and decide to exchange numbers with her.

Soldier: He was doing push ups to prepare for stuff. You saw him doing some push up and blushed and accidentally starred at him for too long, but then he noticed you and waved. You were in panic but you waved as fast as possible in embarrassment.

Zompiggy: You saw them dead on the ground in the metro, "Uhh..." You said. "I think they're dead." said Bunny. 

Badgy: You saw him when his arm was injured, you tried to help him as much as you can but he says that he's fine. But you're still worry for him and hope he's fine now.

Bunny: After escaping from the school Bunny was always beside you, even when you're not with her. She even started to having feelings for you.

Skelly: You were at the graveyard to visit some family members. You saw Skelly next to an abandoned shed near the graveyard. You thought it was just a Halloween decoration, so you ignore it.

Clowny: (Oh boy this is gonna fun to write) You weren't in a really happy with your life, you were all misunderstood by people, your parents said that maybe you should see the Carnival, "But I'm too old to see a Carnival." You said to your father "Oh, come on champ, it'll be fun!" answered your father. You were in the carnival with your father. One of the employees, Clowny, saw that you were pretty sad. So he made a joke for you. You laughed and laugh with him and you guys started to bond something.

Tigry: You saw him practicing in the Silver Paws base while trying to save Zizzy. But you starred for too long and he saw you, he gave you a flirty look and you instantly turned around like nothing happen :,)

Mousy: Your mother and Mousy's Mother were best friends, whenever you and Mousy wanted to hang out with each other. She's always happy to see you helping her with walking, and also teaching her kicks! Even tho you suck at em. But she's still happy to see you smile and try your best!

Parasee: When you invade the Plant you saw Parasee in of the containment cells, you looked really scared, and just ignore it.

Zizzy: You met her in the Carnival, she looks pretty cool and you really got inspire by her so much.

Ghosty: You met her/him in an abandoned ship, you were pretty scared but also flustered by seeing her/his face. So you complimented her/him and Ghosty blushed and ignored you like nothing has happen at all.

Robby: You met him when you were done buying clothes from the Mall, he looked pretty cool and gave him a smile. When it was the infection, you got attacked by him, you remembered who he was. "Robby?" Then, Robby stopped his chainsaw and looked at you with a menacing stare, it felt really cold, but he then said "I remember you." He slowly became your ally as he started to get his memory back and also fixing him, but he actually liked the way he looks now.

Billy: Billy was on his break and saw you walking by the construction site, he winked at you and you waved back, you were pretty good friends, or more..

Budgey: He/She was actually one of Ghosty's friend, He/She said that they'll spare you if you join their crew, and you did! (And yes you became a crewmate of a pirate!)

Torcher: You were hanging out with your Soldier friend, then he introduced you to Torcher, you said "Is it pretty hot or is it just Torcher?" He laughed, "Nice joke" But it wasn't a joke, but a flirt..

Poley: You saw that he had a car accident near the Police Station, you let him to stay at your house, and he became more better! and flirty...

Rash: You caught him stealing stuff, you tried arresting him on your own, but he pinned you onto a wall and gave you this flirty look, and he'll let you go if you don't arrest him, and you did what he said.

Willow: You found her in the alley stealing stuff but decide not too as she gave you a menacing look, oh god ;-;

Dessa: You actually known her for a while, you were best friends with her but at that time she was still a boy (Dessa is trans :0) you supported her to no matter what! "You really are a great friend" said Dessa.

Oh god this was exhausting but fun lol, hope you enjoyed!

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