Battle For The Chaos Born - Part 7

Start from the beginning

"I'm a hedgehog," Amy repeated again, more to herself this time. "And I'm here to prove that I can fight like one."

For a brief moment, Amy could have sworn that she had the confidence to accurately identify the 'expression' Metal Sonic was pulling but that moment was gone before she could begin to think about it.

"...hEdGEhoGs..." Metal drawled, slightly irritated, slightly proud, "...dO seEm tO be ThE ulTimATe LIfEorMs oF thE uNiVErSe, dOn'T ThEY?"

"Just because Shadow is one doesn't mean-"

"i rEfer noT tO SHADOW. aLL hEdGehOgs." Amy stared at him, anticipating a foul move coming her way. "tHE PlanEt'S fIrST tRue ROyaLtY aS chOsen By tHe pOwERs of CHAOS iTseLf. sUcH a lEgAcy."

"...What do you mean?" the young hedgehog frowned, "Chosen by... Chosen by Chaos? Stop spewing every word you have in your vocabulary and let me turn you into shavings!"

"YOu DOn'T bEliEvE mE?"

"Considering what I know about you? No, not really. You're another of Eggman's products - how trustworthy is anything you say?"

Metal's feet touched the ground.

"woRrY nOT," he snarled, "I aM fINisHed taLkiNG."

- - - - -

The unearthly screech that came from the doll as Tails drove his screwdriver down through its blank face caused several ears to pivot back in discomfort. The combined efforts of the Allies had resulted in victory over most of the battle robots and the only remaining contenders was a sparking Tails Doll that was still wriggling its twisted body across the floor and Metal Knuckles, still locked in a ferocious fist-fight with the one he had been modelled after.

Now that Knuckles' allies had little to do and few enemies to occupy themselves with, the metal echidna was soon to find itself brutally assaulted by the likes of Omega and Shade who both found the robot particularly offensive. It took several headshots before Metal Knuckles dislodged himself from his primary enemy and backed off a little to confront these new attacks. Big the Cat was giving the Tails Doll a wide berth as he clambered over the remains of robots to reach the Guardian of the Master Emerald who was just recovering.

"Are you okay?" the large cat asked as Froggy bounded down his arm and perched on Knuckles' shoulder.

"Fine," Knuckles answered stiffly, cracking his back. He didn't feel the need to list the cuts and grazes and gashes that had been kindly given to him.

Around the room, Omega and Shade were knocking seven or eight bells out of Metal Knuckles, Blaze and Silver were finishing off the robots, Cream and Charmy were covering the entrances to be sure that no more were coming, Vector and Espio were over at the computer with Shadow and were desperately attempting to find a way of cancelling the future detonation, the Tails' Doll was being assaulted by Cheese, Amy was still missing and Tails...


Well, this wasn't the first time that Knuckles had quickly sussed that they were down by one fox.

"And here I was sure that Tails was the responsible one," Knuckles muttered to himself upon noting that his friend was now nowhere to be seen. "The sensible one. The one that promised me that he wouldn't let Sonic influence him so that he wouldn't feel the need to go off on his own after someone and..."

The Tails Doll broke his concentration with another screech and hoisted itself up into the air, knocking Cheese aside like a balloon. The red stone that hung above his head flashed ominously as he let out a high-pitched call.

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