Curiouser and curiouser...

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Travelling East through the country of South Island, Shadow had calmed down from Omega's disappointing report and was now trying to get a hold of his remaining Team Dark teammate.

"Rouge?" he barked, "Come in, Rouge, are you there?"

"I'm here," Rouge's sultry voice replied over his communicator, "what's the issue?"

"Found anything from Amy?"

"Oh, have I?" the bat laughed gleefully, "Get your head round this: Sonic might not have been born on South Island."

Shadow's eyes widened. "What? But that's..."

"Where the world first discovered him and Eggman, yes," Rouge was nodding on her end of the comms having hidden herself away in Amy's bathroom, "But Amy's just dropped the bomb that Sonic's birth certificate, which is something considered as mythical as the realm of Atlantis, doesn't say he was born on South Island. In fact, archived GUN reports heavily suggest that he was born on one of the Abandoned Isles."

The Ultimate Lifeform hated it when everything he thought he knew was thrown into question which, thanks to fate's cruel sense of humour, only seemed to happen too often to him. So many people had made a big deal about Green Hill and about how Sonic and Eggman's duel had come to the attention of the rest of the world that it was widely assumed that, since Sonic had been so young, it had been the area he was most familiar with, i.e. his place of birth.

Sonic had never said he wasn't born there. Did he even know where he was born?

"It is certain that Sonic was born of natural circumstances and does not possess an approved license?" Omega drawled slowly.

Rouge let out a sigh.

 "For the last time, Omega," she answered, "they did the tests and found that Sonic was born naturally. He wasn't created in a laboratory like Shadow was."

"Remember what I taught you, Omega: question everything," Shadow muttered out of the side of his mouth, nudging his favourite robot.

"Shadow," Rouge warned, "your comms are still on. I can hear you."

Shadow was a bad influence on Omega sometimes and the bat worried that the dark hedgehog might fill the poor robot's mind up with extravagent stories and twisted ideals. Omega, on the other hand, seemed to be lost in deep thought about the idea of Sonic's birth.

"Processing...error!" he suddenly bleeped, "Knowledge of natural conception and birth contradicts the logic of Sonic's abilities. Does not compute...does not compute..."

"Now look what you've done," Shadow growled down his communicator, "Omega's having a breakdown."

"Just give him a few thumps, see if that sorts him out."

"Omega isn't an old computer, Rouge."

"Of course not! He's our sweetie!"

"Never say that again." He gave Omega a thwack on his back and, after a sickening grinding noise, the large E-Series Robot seemed to calm down. "Are you okay, Omega?" Shadow asked, genuinely concerned.

The robot's optics flickered. 

"Affirmative," he squeaked, "Apologies. My data systems overloaded."

Shadow shook his head, more pleased by the fact that his friend was okay. 

"Don't worry about it. There are many things about that Faker that don't add up and it makes MY head hurt too. He never did tell me how he could perform Chaos Control with a fake emerald."

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