The Stripper - Confession

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Jason 'Magic Jay' Gage

"...I fucking love her." I murmured under my breath.

It took me four words to say to leave two large mouths hanging and four huge eyes wide open.

"You fucking what?!" Freddie decides to bark at me with bright red face and one hand in a fist.

Candy looks at me with so much confusion as her eyes sparkles, ready to cry any minute. But why would she cry? Why would she even think about crying? Happy tears? No, her face really tells me otherwise. She doesn't feel the same. Here I am, telling two people that I care about that I love this girl in front of me and she looks scared. She looks confused and nervous.

"Can you fucking stop yelling all the freaking time Freddie?!" I raise my voice at him as I set my eyes this time on him instead of Candy.

Freddie lets go of the right fist he had been holding and starts blinking a few times to check if it was really me who was speaking. I know he was confused. Hell, I was confused by the words I murmured out! I've never loved somebody, but I do know what love means. I'm pretty damn sure and I feel exactly all of that towards Candy, the way you're supposed to feel when you love somebody.

And I really don't understand why Candy's crying right now. I really don't understand why she's literally crying and it's driving me crazy.

"You're not supposed to say that!" She cries out even more.

What the fuck did I do wrong? I thought she actually loved me back. Way to go, Jason!

"Oh, so you mean that you expect me to open up but when I do, I'm not supposed to, huh?" I tense at her words.

I'm still dead still on the bed, not having the urge to move a finger. I was still left in confusion and so was the rest of the people in the room.

"I can't even believe you didn't tell my any of this. I'm your fucking best friend Jason! Or at least I thought that I was.." He expresses himself towards me, still with anger emotions.

I didn't want to tell Freddie because I thought this thing was lame. I thought that having a girlfriend was lame. That loving somebody would never ever even come to my mind. That Candy was just a little baby who needed some place to stay. But things went differently. I fell for the girl that I've left crying now. I fell for her beautiful smile, her big brown eyes, her innocent yet sexy personality and her perfectly shaped face. Her height, it made me go crazy. She's soooo shorter than me which makes it feel like I can embrace her even more. To be honest, everything about her is perfect. Yes, she's got flaws, but don't we all? Isn't that what makes us all equally beautiful? At least, now I know that Candy wasn't anything compared to us 'equally beautiful people'. She's a gift from the above. Now, explain to me, how can somebody like us people every come across her perfect self? How can somebody have the kindest heart ever and yet be so evilish at the same time? Evilish in the sexy beasty way of course. I might sound like a homo now, expressing my feelings and all. But is it worth holding everything inside when you can't anymore? When the only thing you can think about is who will be the person, waking up next to you or the only person you're thinking about is the person you wake up next to?

To be honest, I don't even know what it feels like to be in love, but if it feels like this then I don't want a ticket back to the way things used to be before.

Before Candy stepped into my life, I had the crappiest life ever. Nobody believed in me the way Candy does. Nobody put my feelings before theirs and nobody even cares about me more than they cared about Chris.

And the girls that I used to sleep with.. all of them were out for one thing, money. They all wanted me because they knew that I was living a rich life and that I had a rich brother.

Sure, Candy had sex with me the first time because of my money.. but she didn't even know who I was. She didn't even care. And it was actually her job! And somebody actually forced her. Or due to the circumstances, she had to make a living and the only way she could was to become an escort. I don't blame her at all. In fact, I envy her. How can somebody in a tiny little size be so brave and strong? To lose their family, to go through rape, to live outside doors and so much more, still be alive today? I can't even imagine myself like that. Maybe because I've learned to live in a life where everything has been taken cared of and where you don't have to worry about anything. But now, I do worry. I worry so fucking much about her that she's the only person I lately care about. It's like, she's the only person standing out in a crowded place full of people. The surroundings get blurry and all I see is her. Her beautiful face with the beautiful smile that leaves a dimple after it.

I don't know what's more crazy.. the fact that I'm thinking about this or the fact that I'm actually feeling like this? Whatever it is, I don't quite hate it anymore. In fact, I think I could get used to it.

"I was in denial Freddie, you have to understand man!" I calmly say as I take fists of hair into my hands in frustration.

In the corner of my eyes, I still see Candy's tears falling down but I don't run up to her to brush them away. I would want to do that with the bottom of my heart! Seeing her hurt, kills me. My body feels weak and I fall into pieces. But I just told her that I loved her and I didn't get the words said back. I didn't get anything but tears. Which only left me in worse condition.

"Hey guys." A strong voice filled the room.

As soon as the person's eyes meet ours, the smile fell and it instantly formed to a big shocking one.


Hey & thanks for reading!

I know that lately, I've been writing so short chapters that it's starting to get boring. But I've become soooo lazy after the fact that school has started again!

And today, I've been so fucking lazy, I don't even know what I've been doing all day.

But I decided to write this quick chapter, to keep you guys updated!

I hope you like! Vote&comment

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