The Stripper - drunk and failure

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Candy Collins
Loud bangs were all I could hear. A loud bang after another. I rub my eyes slowly as I hear another bang.
"Geez, calm down.." I murmur to myself.
I get up from the bed with so much force leaving Chris alone in one side of the bed, sleeping like a baby. He must be a heavy sleeper, cause who wouldn't hear this?
By the time I get to the door, the person behind it has knocked almost 50 times. I open the door, only to find a pretty messed up Jason Gage. Oh man, what happened to him?
"hey darlin" The smell of alcohol makes itself comfortable in the air.
"Godmorning to you too Jason!" I roll my eyes at him and walk inside.
I feel the way he's burning holes in me by only looking at me while I go to drink som water.
"What made you so bitter this morning sweetheart? Aren't you so happy to see me?" He talks unconfident.
No, I haven't missed you Magic Jay! It's freaking six in the morning, of course I haven't missed you!
"You're drunk.." I state, getting uncomfortable by his steps towards me.
"What do you mean drunk Candy? I only had a few beers, I'm not drunk." He says with a drunken voice, cupping my cheek with one hand and stroking my hair with the other.
He's seriously freaking me out like this. Chris? Help?
"It's best for you to take a nap Jason." I move his hands off of me.
I hate taking care of drunk people but I always end up being the one who gets to take care of them. Life isn't fair. Especially not to me.
"Make me breakfeast." He protests while sitting down on one of the kitchen stools.
I sigh loudly at his behavior. Trust me, it's enough how annoying he is usually, he doesn't need to prove his annoyingess even more during his period of drunkness.
"What do you want for breakfast then?" I ask, really annoyed.
Sure, I would love to make breakfast and all but not to a guy that wakes me up six in the morning only to show me the drunk side of his and only to then ask me to make him breakfast.
"I.. want.. you!" He replies with a shaking voice.
Oh, sweet. He wants me? Haha, the alcohol seem to be affecting him a lot.
"Seriously Jay, what do you want?" I grump at him.
He gives me a dirty look and says
"Well, why don't you surprise me darling?" then laughs like he's high on something.
Are you sure he's not on drugs? No? Okay..
I decide to make the classic and probably most easiest breakfast ever, pancakes.
I start pulling out some ingridients from different dressers.
"I admire the view." He chuckles.
Argh, does he have to be such a pervert when he's drunk? Seriously! I turn around to face him with a serious look but ofcourse he has to comment on that too.
"Oh baby, give it to me! That's definitily a turn on." He beams at me with a cheeky smirk.
Oh, god, help me!
I go back to mixing the ingridients and within a few seconds, I feel two strong hands on my waist, making me shiver.
"You're so.. beautiful." He whispers in my ear and sniffs at my hair.
His husky voice goes right through me as I keep my eyes focused on making the breakfast for him.
After a while, he lowers his hands down my butt and starts rubbing the left side of my butt. I turn around to face him.
"What do you want Jason?" I ask uncomfortably to his dreamy face.
He starts getting closer than ever and at the same time rubs my cheek gently.
"I told you.. I want you." He whispers in between deep breaths and crashes instantly his lips on mine.
He kisses me softly and I can't stop myself from responding his soft lips with the disgusting taste of alcohol and a body smelling like sex.
Just when he's about to ask for entrance to deepin the kiss, I push my hands on his chest with so much force to pull him off of me. I can't let myself be fooled by this guy. I've been fooled too many times before to be fooled once more. Even if that means that I got a slightly spark right there when his lips synced with mine.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Why did you break the kiss? Don't you feel the same way about me?" He puts a hand on his chest, acting like he's hurt.
I look at him with so much confusion. He just kissed me and I responded to it. What the actual fuck Candy? How could you?
I act like nothing's happened and go back to finishing the pancakes when I feel lips on my neck, kissing me softly.
I feel weaker than I'm supposed to.
"Please, Jason.. stop!" It comes out more likely as a moan.
Why does he have this affect on me? Why?
"I thought your parents named you Candy because you were as sweet as the candy you eat but I guess I was wrong. You're only looking for a guy that can pay you whenever he wants to get near you, isn't that so Candy?" He says my name sharply at the end.
Oh Jason.. if you only knew.. A guy that pays me? Hardly! I want a guy that loves me, is it too much to ask for? probably.
I don't bother answering him, instead I put the pancakes on a plate and then on the kitchen counter in front of him.
I go back to bring him some water with aspirin that might help.
"Oh missy, are you giving me drugs or what?" He points his finger at me, just like you do to a kid when they've acted badly.
And missy? Seriously? How much has he really even had?
"Take it with the water, it will make you feel better." I gasp annoyingly.
I want to sleep, who's with me?
I see him take the aspirin and drink the water then all of the sudden he burps.
Oh yeeks, how amazing! I roll my eyes at him and bring him syrup, nutella and sugar for him to put on the pancakes.
"Aren't you going to eat with me sweetheart?" He asks, smiling to himself.
You don't know how hungry I am, but.. Oh well..
"I made the pancakes for you." I state then make my way to the coffee machine to make us both coffee.
I feel two hands on my waist just like before.
"I won't eat until you don't eat with me Candy." He kisses my neck once again.
I hate the way how his presence makes me feel weak. A part of me just wants to kiss him with all I have and the other part wants to hit him with a brick. I know..
"God morning you guys!" I hear a strong voice fill the kitchen room.
Jason takes his hands off of me so fast I couldn't even keep up.
"God morning Christian." I say softly with a smile.
Oh, crap! I said Christian. Oh no, busted!
"How did you know my name's Christian?" He asks confused.
Eh, uh, I heard you and Jay fight last night maybe?
"I assumed Chris was short for Christian." I try to laugh it off.
Thankfully he joins me with a small laughter and asks for some coffee too.
I take three cups out from one of the dressers and then fill then with the liquid that will keep me energized through the day, hopefully.
"So, Candy.." Chris looks at me all smiley and everything.
How can somebody be so happy in the morning, seriously?
"Yeah?" I smile and take a sip of my coffee
"It's your first day at work today!" He yells out of excitement.
Ahh, he's so adorable.
"But I already have a job.." I say sadly and look down at my cup.
Chris hasn't even looked at Jason once. It's like he's not even there. But I see him, too clearly and at the moment he seems to be enjoying his pancakes. Lucky thing Chris didn't catch us together..
"I'll take care of that, I'll try to get Linda's number from Jay's phone and I'll handle it, I promise." He assures me.
Yup, he's definitely the opposite of his brother. His chocolate eyes shines through the lightness in the room. I want to bang this guy for sure.
"And who told you that you could get he..her number from my phone?" Jay speaks up out of nowhere.
Can't he be a little more nicer for Christ's sake?
"Oh god Jason, are you still hangover?" Chris seems to be very annoyed by that too.
"That's none of your business!" He raises his voice at him.
Why does hot guys always need to be so pathetic? It is killing me! Although I can't really say that ALL good looking guys are pathetic, one in this room sure isn't.
"You're supposed to show Candy around today at work and sit there a few hours to see how she works and so on!" Chris calmly says.
My look gazes at the window further away that shows nothing but rain and I know that this day is going to be crap.
Of course, mostly because it's my first day at work and I'm gonna suck and because I'll have Jay as my babysitter..
"What, am I her lap dog or something?" Jason uses the same tone as before.
Argh, Jason, argh. And he's calling me bitter.. Yeah, right!
"Jason, enough! You're not working early today so please just be with her until I'm done dealing with Linda. Okay?"
He raises his voice at him, more annoyed than he was before.
I see how tense Jay is but he tries not to yell at Chris once again.
"It's okay, really. I don't need any of you two come with me." I say out of nowhere, hoping that they won't have to argue no more.
Jason looks at me then looks back at Chris and gives him death glares and then he finally decides that he will come with me only on one condition..
"If I get to sleep for an hour?" He asks with black bags underneath his eyes.
Chris looks at the big clock in the kitchen and smiles at Jason; "it's your lucky day today brother. Her shift doesn't start until 8:30."
Oh thank god, now I have time to relax for a little bit for I get to go to work with my enemy that I was kissing moments ago. Ugh, kissing..
"Sweet!" He beams, probably happier than everybody in the room right now.
Both Chris and I look at him like he's, idk, a weirdo? Yeah. Then it suddenly hits my mind.. Not that he's a weirdo - cause he is. But the fact that I still don't have any clothes to wear, not even to work..
"I'm off to bed guys." Jason mumbles with a sleepy yet sexy as fuck voice.
We both watch him go into his room and close the door lazily behind him.
"Excuse him." Chris apologizes.
I feel your pain Christian. It must be hard to be brothers with him.
"It's okay, really. But, it came to my mind that I don't have any clothes to wear for work.." I bite my lip nervously.
I don't want to ask for clothes or something but if I'm going to work, I can't show up with a pair of boxers and an oversized shirt..
"Oh, of course! Thank you for reminding me. I will call my assistant and tell her to bring you a pair of jeans and a t shirt for work. We'll go shopping later so you can pick your clothes out by yourself but that's all you need for work at the moment." He smiles at me and takes a sip of his coffee.
Assistant?! I need to learn to get used to this..
"Thank you so much Chris." I give him a delightful hug.
He responds to my hug and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Will you be okay if I leave you here alone with Jay? I need to go and take care of a few things at work first before I go and talk to Linda and solve all of this.." He puts a hand on my shoulder gently.
Hot. more hot. even hotter.
"Of course, you go ahead!" I smile at him.
He has worn a pair of classy jeans and a sexy white Oxford shirt. He looks just like a trendy, young and hot business man.
I watch him put his coat on and put his shoes on before he takes his car keys and get out of the house with a big smile plastered on his face. I wish I knew him decades ago.
I stand up to walk into the living room when I bump into Jason.
"Watch where you're going!" He gives me a grimace and walks back to his room to probably sleep.
God, I will never understand that guy. I roll my eyes and sit on the couch to turn the TV on. There's gotta be something that isn't about car wash or whatever right now.
"Nope. Naahh. Oh my god, kill me!" I mumble to myself, getting angry at the fact that nothing good is on TV by this time of the day. Although, it is actually only morning at the moment.
My hand soundly touches my lips slowly, remembering every single taste of Jay's kiss, minutes ago. It sounds so wrong to say this but it feels so good. So good, that I have kissed him and I don't even know why. I shouldn't think like that, should I? But his soft lips on mine just felt right. And the sparks.. I know people say that they only exist in movies but I think I'm pretty sure that I felt something right there. Is it also by huge slump that his husky voice or presence always gives me shivers? Or am I just getting insane right now. Argh, I'm so frustrated..
"Chriiiiissss are you home?" I hear a happy voice fill the room.
I turn around to face a tall beautiful blonde girl with blue piercing eyes. Now let me tell you something, she is GORGEOUS!
"Oh hi." She gives me a smile and hands out her hand for me to shake.
"I'm Candy." I give her a shy smile.
I look nothing compared to her with my oversized shirt and messy hair.
"Roselyn." She shakes my hand.
I see that she has three fancy shopping bags in her hand that's probably for me.
"Chris asked me to bring clothes to a girl, I guess that girl is you?" She raises an eyebrow as a question mark.
Yup, she looks perfect. And no, I'm not a lesbian..
"Yes, it's for me." I give her a warming smile.
She hands me the bags with a big smile and asks about Chris.
"He went back to work." I reply simply.
"Oh okay. Well, it was nice to meet you but now I have to get back to work. I'll see you around?" She pulls out her hand again for me to shake.
"I'll see you around." I shake her hand.
I listen to her black heels making their way towards the door, once I hear the door shut, I quickly run into Chris's room and start opening the bags.
Jeans, two American vintage t shirts, low white converse, deodorant, perfume and beautiful jewelry. Simple and classy.
I look at the tags and my eyes are literally about to pop out. Who the fuck buys clothes so expensive?
So I've literally spent over an hour, laying on Chris's bed with my new clothes on and just thinking. about the kiss.. Jay and Chris.. By now I look at the watch that says 7:30 and I know that I have to wake the beast up.
I stand up from the bed and walk into Jay's room without even bothering to knock cause I know that he's still sleeping like a baby.
I walk over to his bed and get down on my knees.
"Jay, wake up." I say softly, nudging his arm.
"Mhhh.." He groans in his sleep.
His precious lips are closed in a perfect shape and his biceps.. oh his biceps..
"Jason, wake up." I raise my voice a little bit.
"What do you want?" He mumbles mostly in his sleep to probably somebody else who doesn't exist.
Can I please threw water at him right now? Cause I would seriously do that.
"MAGIC JAY wake up!" I shout at his name and drag his blanket to the floor.
By now my mouth is hanging and my eyes pops out.
"OH MY GOD!" I put a hand on my mouth, my eyes locked on his huge cock.
He looks at me annoyed.
"What's your problem?" He asks annoyed.
I try to cover my eyes with my hands, hoping that he will cover up his dick soon enough but I don't see him moving a finger.
"Oh geez, it's not like you haven't seen it before." He rolls his eyes at me.
"Yeah, but that was during sex." I say annoyed.
It is huge to be honest and he's aware of that. That's why he doesn't have a problem shoving it around people's faces.
"Well, if you're uncomfortable with it, get out of here." He gets closer to me.
Oh fuck.
"Don't forget that you're coming with me to work in an hour." I smirk at him knowing that he will explode.
I see the confusion in his eyes.
"And when the fuck did I agree to that?" He yells with a tense expression.
"When you were drunk. Before you got to bed." I say in an oblivious tone.
He runs his hands through his hair in frustration and then walks even closer towards me.
"Now, I think you should get out of here. I need to take a shower, unless you wouldn't mind joining me?" He returns with a smirk, shoving me out of the room.
Who wouldn't want to join you? Not do I only want to join you but I want to fuck you too.
"I'd rather puke." I say and walk out of the room with confidence on the highest level.
You can thank me later.
I walk back to the kitchen to drink some water and then go back to Chris's room. Lately, Chris's room has more felt like a home than a room. More than a home to be honest. I feel safe and comfortable here, even though it's a house that only suits rich people.
I lay down and suddenly it hits me. Linda. She will be so devastated when she hears that I want to quit. Quitting your escort job is more likely making a sin. It's a SIN quitting so I don't know how Chris is going to get a deal with her but Linda's tough. She's not easy to fool. For her, quitting your escorting job will put you on a level between life or death. For real.
This is killing me! What is this? At 17, I'm supposed to live my life to the fullest, go to parties, get drunk, have friends, have a house, a family, a boyfriend. Yet, I'm the total opposite. I don't remember ONE day being happy..
But now the flashbacks runs back into my mind. The time when I was actually happy. When daddy swung me round and round and round at the beach near our beach house. I remember the joy, the laughter we shared. I remember that I was eight and all I could say was "Daddy, daddy, I feel free." it felt like nothing mattered, like life was the only existing heaven. I remember mommy who used to cook dinner for us at those precious moments, we had always a nice meal to come home to whenever we had played our lungs out. I really really loved my parents. The way they loved each other though.. that's the kind of love I want to feel someday, to feel like my partner is the only thing that matters to me and to feel loved and to love. They say that there's a God up there and that He's the most kindest. Yet, I struggle in life so much, either He's testing me or He hates me. Either way, I can't tell.
"Knock knock." I hear a sarcastic voice fill the room.
I wake up from my thoughts and face Jason who's looking at me like I have something plastered on my face.
"Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
I know I look stupid but you don't have to think that too..
"I'm gonna go get ready now so if you have some girly stuff to do, do it now so I avoid having to wait for you later." He points out.
Please stop talking and just let me be watching cause I swear that towel that's wrapped around your waist making your abs and v lines show, will, I REPEAT, will get off soon. But the way you talking, ain't the way I would want you to be. But keep using that voice, it sounds like heaven.
I don't even bother answering him and soon, he notices that too, so he decides to leave and as soon as he's out of sight, I jump up from the bed and run to the huge mirror in the room to get ready.
Mr Magic Jay, you're not gonna give me mood swings just because you have them yourselves. I'm paranoid at the moment, don't make me get annoyed by your presence too.
I look at myself in the mirror. Okay, Candy Collins. Now this is a real time job, so you want to look appropriate. How? A bun or a ponytail? Hmm.. a bun or a ponytail?
"A bun or a pony-" I murmur to myself but suddenly get caught off by a strong voice.
"Go with the ponytail." He stands by the door, eyeing me from bottom to the top.
"Thank you." I smile at him.
He walks away without any single word. Okay..
I pull up my hair into a ponytail then go and get the makeup from one of the bags and place them on the table that Chris has all of his colognes on.
After five minutes, I feel like I'm finally done. The makeup is simple yet cute. Just the way I like it.
"I'm done!" I yell out to the emptiness, hoping that Jay will somehow hear me.
I don't hear any signs of him, so I decide to go into his room that is wide open. Once I'm inside, I watch as he puts his cologne on.
"I'm ready." He smiles at me.
His outfit is to kill for. A flannel long sleeved shirt with jeans and a pair of low grey converse. Somebody shot me please?
I walk to the front door and wait for him to grab his car keys so we can finally drive to the diner.
Once he has found his keys, we walk outside to an amazingly looking car, Range Rover and when he opens the passenger door to me, I'm left with confusion. Jason, opening a door to a girl he hates? Wow.
"What?" He asks annoyed, once he's in the car.
"Nothing. Just surprisingly odd to see you opening the door for a girl you hate so much.." I mostly say sarcastically but mean every single word.
"Hate is a strong word Candy." He replies and then hits the gas pedal.
Okay, did you take something?
We're finally in front of the diner after several minutes of quietness in the car. I at least tried to start a conversation but every time I did, he acted dumb and increased the volume of the music, that son of a bitch.
"Danny, Jocelyn." He greets a guy and a girl behind the counter.
"Hey Jay." Jocelyn replies and I can instantly see the amount of irritation she has on him but that a part of her face expression says, oh dear lord, you look like a sex god. Because it is true, he does look like a sex god, if not more.
"This is Candy, your new waitress." He introduces me.
I shake my hand with Danny's first and then with Jocelyn. May I add, Danny is a super hottie too!
I feel my nerv wrecking body shaking all the time, but I try to shrug it off.
"Okay, since my dad isn't here today aka the boss, I'll have to deal with you." Danny gives me a smile and gestures for me to follow him.
So, I guess that's the bosses son and also Chris's best friend.
"You can put this on." He hands me an apron that you tie around the waist.
"Thank you." I smile at him.
Wow, he looks good. Is this finally paradise where I get to meet thousands and thousands of hot guys or is this just a normal life?
"It's your first day, so don't stress." He gives me a smile and then I follow him back to Jocelyn.
"Those who sits on table 14 came in minutes ago, so you can start by taking their orders." Danny demands, but not in a horrifying way, thank God.
I walk towards table 14 and pray to God that I will make it through the day. My guts are telling me that this is the beginning to hell and my thoughts are shouting "Linda, Linda, Linda!"
"Hello and welcome to Wendy's. May I take your orders?" I give it my best shoot and smile at all of the four.
"Is there a 'getting the waitress with the ponytail' on the menu?" One of the guys jokes and soon his three other mates jumps in.
Brb, rolling my eyes.
"Can I take your orders?" I repeat myself again.
When they see that I look dead serious, they drop the act and I go to writing their orders down.
Once I'm done, I walk back to the counter and give the orders to the chief and see a hand raising up.
I walk to his table, number 6 and raise an eyebrow at him.
"What?" He gives me a small smirk.
Son of a..
"Hello and welcome to Wendy's! May I take your orders?" I ask politely with so much force of course.
"Scrambled egg with bacon, please miss." He acts out.
I write down his order and walk away giving him a nod.
Exactly for an hour ago, I came in here and took my first table and guess what? I nailed it perfectly. Guess what now? All I can hear is people screaming that they want a better service and that I suck and etc etc. Chris hasn't came yet or even talked to Linda cause he claimed that he will be stuck at work until tomorrow and Jay is so mad at me because he has to get on time to the stripping shift and it doesn't make it better that I've crashed thousands of plates and glasses.
"Danny, I promise, I can prove you better." I try to explain to Danny, hoping that he will understand but he only gets more frustrated so I shut my mouth up.
"Fuck this shit, give me an order book." I hear a loud sigh.
I turn around and see Jason standing there, looking dead serious.
"Omg would you do that for me?" I hug him really tightly.
He pats my back with force and says; "if it means that I'll get out of here sooner, then yes." He replies and takes a order book from the counter and starts with table 13.
I run down to table 8 and take their orders and soon Danny joins in and takes table 17.
"Oh my god, I'm such a failure!" I sigh loudly after that we've closed the diner.
Danny was rabbling up some stuff about how mad his dad would get if he knew about this and Jay was just murmuring about the fact that he didn't get to go and work his shift as a stripper.
"I'm so sorry that you missed your shift Jason, I really am." I put a hand on his and look him in the eyes, showing how sorry I truly am.
"Whatever." He says and gives me an ice cold look.
I don't try to think about it so much so I look up to Danny and tell him that I'm sorry too and all he says is that we at least got it in the end.. kind of.
I've been so paranoid this whole day because of Linda and everything and I just, I just had to mess the only good job I could get by thinking about that fucking bitch all the time.
I'm so exhausted, I just want to go home and cover my face in blankets and pillows and hide the scam that I feel. Now I will never get to prove that I can better than this, never!
Finally, after hours of making a mess out of the whole diner, we're in front of the huge building where one of those houses belongs to Jason and Christian.
"Is there any stairs here?" I ask tiredly.
"Yeah, why?" Jay looks at me confused.
"I want to take the stairs." I say and give him a questioning look about where they are.
I just feel like I need a moment for myself even if it lasts for one minute.
"Okay, I don't know why in hell you so would like to take the stairs, but it is to your right." He points to a blue door and before I even know it, I open it and start taking the stairs.
Once I've reached my destination, I reach to open the door but it doesn't open and it surprises me that Jay hasn't still gotten here when taking the stairs was way longer then taking the elevator..
I take the extra key I got to borrow and go inside to an empty house.
"Magic Jay?" I yell to practically nothing.
Okay.. Where the fuck did he go?
Suddenly the door knocks so I walk towards it to open.
"You little piece of shit, you scared the hell out of-" I open the door only to see Linda and .....
"We found you sweetheart." The guy whom I've tried to chase from for months says with a hateful look and tries to open the door up more.
Omg hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter, it's been painful writing it cause so many parts got deleted a few times but I re wrote them and hopefully you'll like this chapter!
Yay, I ended at a cliffhanger ;)
Got some ideas from loovestuff , so thank you for that:) and also for the new cover for the story!!!!
don't be ghost readers, don't be afraid to vote and leave comments below :)
(Picture of Danny on the side)

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