The Stripper - Flashback

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Candy Collins

"Candy?" I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door. Jason.

His beautiful green eyes wander up to me as I greet him with a warming smile.

"Hi Jason." I smile at him as he stands by the door.

He looks so sexy in his pair of boxers and white shirt.

"I thought I would just check up on you. Would you like breakfast?" He softly says.

His husky voice gives me shivers but I manage to hold back my cheeks from getting bright red.

"I would love to, thank you." I smile at him and receive a smile back.

With that, his tall figure turns back on his heel and closes the door behind him.

It had been exactly a week ago since I was kidnapped by Linda and Charles. One week ago when I got home. Three days ago I got the guest room. And yesterday.. they gave me a new chance at work. Everything has happened so fast.


"I have the money, now let her go!" Jason yells at Charles with so much frustration in his eyes.

"Let her go, huh? How do I know that you haven't called the cops on us?" Charles yells with nervousness.

I was looking at them as they were shouting and yelling at each other. One in pain and the other one in fear. Linda was standing next to the car, bored. Everything was like in slow motion. Nothing was happening other than two men arguing. Or at least fighting from a few meters distance.

"Please Charles, let me go!" I cry over the tight grip on my arm.

I was tired of all this, I just wanted to go home.

"Well, tell your rich boyfriend to hand us the money first." Linda replies drily.

No way in hell that I was going to let Jason pay them 50,000 dollars cash.

Jason was moving forward toward us and all I could do was shake my head at him to assure him that this wasn't a good idea.

"I'll give you the money but I want to make sure you let go of her." Jason moves a few steps closer with so much concern in his eyes.

I knew they were going to let me go as soon as they got the money. All they wanted was the money. But I would never let Jason pay that much to set me free from these idiots.

"Please Jason, no." I cry out and try to loosen Charles grip but instead, he only grips me tighter.

Jason makes eye contact with somebody but I'm not sure who. He's standing in front of Charles and is nodding his head to someone or something and then drops the money and puts his hands in surrender. With that, he takes a few steps back and gives me a long lasting eye contact.

Soon, I feel two strong voices fill the field we were standing at and other men moving Charles and Linda's arms behind their backs. Cops. I sigh in relief as tears starts rolling down my face in happiness.

Once I feel that Charles grip isn't where it was before, I run into Jason's arms and hug him with all I have.

"Don't ever do that to me again." His shaky voice whispers into my ear as he hugs me tighter.

Don't ever do that to me again. That was all I had to hear before my heart instantly fell for him. Literally.

"I'm so sorry Jason." I bury my face into his chest.

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