The Stripper - Prolouge

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Candy Collins

''You disgust me!'' I yell at Charles

He has a tight grip on my arm which hurts a lot and he also has a grip on my neck so I can't leave his sight.

''Babe, you're not going anywhere.'' He brings me closer.

I'm shaking of fear and I can't stop my tears. This guy is a freaking lunatic!

''P...please Charles, just.. just let go of me!'' I stutter between my words.

''I told you, you're not going anywhere Candy. If you try to leave me after all these years, you're a total bitch! I was there for you when no one else was, I helped you get over the fact that your parents died in a car crash, I was always there for you, you can't think of leaving me. You won't leave me, that's just it!'' He shouts right at my face.

A few more tears starts to fall down and I can't even move. I was stuck. I can't move a feet 'cause of how tight he was having a grip on me.

''You know what, maybe I'm a bitch but I don't love you anymore Charles, I just don't. I'm really thankful for everything you've helped me with when no one else was willing to, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to be with you anymore. I loved you once, but I don't now. I just don't!'' I half-yell at him with tears streaming down.

I'm so scared of what he might do. It's Charles, trust me, he's capable of anything. Everything. That guy has serious issues but he has been there for me and I thank him for that but lately he has been going crazy and I don't want to be with him anymore. He literally hits me when I don't listen to his orders or don't do them fast enough.

''Don't say that!'' He slaps me with the hand that had a grip on my arm just seconds ago.

He turns my face around so I can face him again and then he brings me closer to him.

''Shh.. we can work this out baby. We can work this out.'' He pulls me closer and smashes his lips against mine.

I hold my lips straight, not moving them once but he continues kissing me. I don't know what to do, he was still kissing me with so much force and if I pulled away, he would probably kill me.

He starts to move his hands to my shirt and tries to take it off. I pull his hands away, making him realize that I don't want to have sex with him but he continues trying to take my shirt off. By now, his right hand was on my thigh while his other hand was grabbing my boob.

''CHARLES!'' I yell as I pull him off of me and run away into the bathroom.

Just as he hits the bathroom door, I luckily lock it. I start taking deep breaths and sit down, leaning against the bathroom door. I'm shaking of fear and tears and I don't know what to do next. I mean, the bathroom doesn't have any windows and my phone was nowhere near me.

''Candy, I said open the fucking door!'' Charles shouts behind the door. I just ignore him.

He starts banging on the door, so hard that I start to shake of fear even more.

''You don't think I will be able to open that door? Well, watch me sweetheart!'' He yells once again.

I move away from the door 'cause I knew that Charles is capable of anything and he would probably open that door with a chainsaw and then force me into having sex with him.

I lean my back on the bathroom wall, still shaking of fearness. Why did it has to be so fucking hard to just get out of here? I don't wanna live this life anymore. I'm tired of getting abused EVERY single day, 24/7 and I hate living in fear. How did I even get here?

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