The Stripper - Help me, I'm feeling

319 12 4

Jason Gage

"Jason, baby, hi!" Christy sucks at her finger as she threw's herself at me. Disgusting.

"What do you want Christy?" I annoyingly push her off of me.

Yeah, lately I've came to think that I actually hate her more than I thought I was. Yes, I usually use her as a sex toy but don't tell me she isn't asking for it. Although.. Lately, since Candy has came around, I've found myself pushing all the other girls away. Man, it sucks to have feelings. I never have feelings. For real.

"What's your problem today babe?" Christy fake giggles and threw's herself at me again.

"Seriously, get off of me!" I yell at her and push her off of me so that she lands on the dance floor.

Yeah, I might have been harsh to do such thing but I wasn't in the mood for some Christy sex. All I wanted was Candy. Her beautiful smile, her beautiful body, her. I seriously couldn't compete with that and I don't even bother to.

"Freddie, where's the car keys?" I ask my best friend who's stuck with an obsessed girl that can't stop talking about his previous stripping dance moves.

Yes, our stripping shift just ended. And all the girls loved it as usual. And no, I'm not saying this because I'm self obsessed but to work hard, you need to put on a great show. So we did.

"Behind the bar table, where you heading bro?" He tries to shrug the obsessed girl off of him. I think her name is Ally.

"I thought I would head home." I say as I look for my keys behind the bar.

"Man, you're not gonna take Christy tonight?" He whispers behind me.

I think he means taking Candy but of course

"Not feeling for it." I shrug.

No, he doesn't know about me and Candy. And I would like to keep it that way. For now. I mean, we're not really a 'thing' anyway.

"Please tell me you're joking?" He furrows his eyes at me.

I give him a dead serious look, making sure he knows that I'm serious.

"Dude, I hardly recognize you anymore. What's happening to you? Please monster bring back Magic Jay." He hits my spots jokingly.

This guy is crazy but he's the best at the same time.

"You idiot, I'm leaving now." I roll my eyes at him and start walking towards the door.

"Stay alive bro." He shouts after me jokingly.


"Now I've got you in my space
I won't let go of you (never)
Got you shackled in my embrace
I'm latching on to you (never)" I sing along to the radio in the car.

A little girl laughs at me in another car next to mine at the traffic stop so I start making funny faces at her.

I start driving around the corner and stop the engine when I pass by a flower boutique. I feel the need to buy Candy some flowers. A girl loves flowers, right?

"Evening." The cashier greets me with a huge smile plastered on her face.

She has cute little bangs down her forehead and blue eyes. Her badge says 'Loreal'. She's cute but nothing like Candy.

"Hey. Um, I was wondering.. well there is this girl that I would like to get flowers for but um, I do--" I don't get to finish before she interrupts me.

"So this girl.. A lover or someone you're dating?" She asks, knowing that I'm unsure of what kind of flowers to get her.

What can I respond to that? I mean.. I do like her, I think.. but we're not dating nor are lovers..

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