The Stripper - Green as the forest

549 14 5

Candy Collins

''You're very prett-y!'' I hear somebody whisper in a creepy voice in my ear.

I gently rub my eyes and get up from the heavy bench as I start staring at the alcoholic guy in front of me.

''What's up?'' I ask him as I pull my hair up in a bun.

''Just hangin'.'' He says in a drunken voice.

He looked pretty young, around 32 maybe? I didn't really fear talking to alcoholics. In fact, I love how they always speak the truth when they're drunk. But I gotta say, the alcoholics over 40/50 y are very creepy. I mean it.

''It's a nice day.'' I point out.

I love when the sun is shining and the sky is bright blue. That's one of the main reasons why I love New York City.

''It is. But your clothes are very dirty my friend.'' He sips from the bottle in his hand as he talks.

Very true. My clothes stink and they are very dirty but everytime I try to pull out money from my savings to buy a new and simple outfit, I can't. I feel like I'm betraying my whole ''saving up'' plan for an apartment that is very very needy. I mean, I would rather have a roof on top of my head instead of sleeping outside almost everyday. So I rather save up instead of spending on some clothes.

''I know.'' I sigh.

I take my phone up to see what the clock is pointing at and right now it was 12:43 pm. I sigh once again, remembering that my BOSS told me that she had shown a picture of me to a guy who was interested in me, having sex with him. What I practically had to do was to get over to his house around 2 pm. Something I usually do with every guy I have intercourse with. I go to their house, give them what they want and they give me the money that I need and then I have to leave. Just like that. Sometimes I wish I hadn't taken that stupid bus from Washington to New York but then I think ''and if I stayed, we all know what would happen'' worse. so no thank you, I choose to live this life instead. I mean, I'm already broken in pieces and there's no pieces left to break.

''I'm sorry but I have to go. It was nice meeting you.'' I tell the guy in front of me then get up and leave.

I walk to the nearest diner to get some breakfast so I don't go around with a growling belly. Wendy's. They're stuff is cheap and cheap is good. I walk inside, pick a table and then order an ice tea along with some pancakes and wiped cream.

After a while a waitress comes out with my food and puts it down on the table, giving me a small smile. I smile back, watch her leave and then make my mouth go very full with pancakes and cream. yum. I felt the way people were staring at me, like I was some homeless person who hadn't ate for days but I was. that's me. Honestly, I usually always try to block them out, I focuse on them less because if I focuse on them much more than I focuse on my life then I wouldn't have a life. (A/N haha sorry for so many "focuse" in that sentence)

After a while of sitting and eating the delicious pancake, I'm feeling like I'm going to throw up. I get ill every time I eat food. Sometimes I throw it all up. I didn't use to be like this or have this problem but lately it's like everything I eat comes back up in vomit. I eye the clock for a good second and realize that it's only a half an hour left to my next session so I have to get going cause it takes a good 20 minutes walk to the guy's apartment. I think he goes by the name ''Magic Jay.'' Haha, seriously.. don't ask. I start walking towards the exit door without bothering to look around when I suddenly bump into someone.

''Ouch!'' I hear a strange person's voice cry out.

''I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I swear!'' I look up to big chocolate brown eyes.

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