=Chapter 7=

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~Eyy! Sorry if this comes out late... or if updates get a little slower. I'm going through a rocky tunnel right now, and... just things are getting bad. If you're reading my other book (the Dekubaku one) do not expect any further updates from that as I don't have any inspiration to write anything further then what's on this one. Hopefully things will get better though- so. Yeah! Sorry about that! >~<; I hope you enjoy this for whenever it comes out!~

"Goodnight Katsuki... I love you.."

  That morning, it was all perfect...

  Content silence, clear weather,  peace, and even better- warmth for the two.

   The trees rustled softly together from the wind, the breeze making the two bundles pull tighter and closer together. Thier body heat was one. They were one. Finally in synch with one another. How they've always wanted it.

  Right there... in the middle of a spiral amongst trees... layed Shoto and Katsuki snuggling happily together with just a ragged cape as a blanket. Soft snores layed between them, rocking the men into a rhythmic lullaby. It was the most calm sight that even once layed in that forest.... Or so someone would think..

  Suprisingly, Shoto was the first to awake once the light started to shine too much in his eyes. The orangy yellow made quite the difference then the draped stark black that normally his eyelids would cover over his vision. He groaned, moving his neck up from where soft riffs of hair became his pillow and popped all the bubbles that formed in his joints through the awkward position during the night. God this was a little too uncomfortable for him...

   Ignoring that, his gaze shifted to the angelic blond. His soft skinned face pushed cutely into the bare of Shoto's chest, arms wrapped desperately around him. He doesn't remember unbuttoning his shirt last night...hmm. He's read up that alot of Omegean- like- creatures enjoy skin on skin or... scale on scale contact. Whatever it is- they enjoy thier company close with thier lover! And it was obvious that Katsuki took after that quite heavily.

  He reached his elegantly long fingers up to trace the blond's cheekbone, the cute face and vanurability being more special then anything to him. The soft snores and the rise and fall of their chests set a calm rhythm...

  Shoto couldn't help but be settled down into another slump, the mood and setting getting to him.

  He maybe closed his eyes for about five minutes until he heard and felt movement tucking into him until sharp fangs bit into his neck. Wait- what!?

  The duo eyes flashed open in shock, his mouth hanging open as the now awake Katsuki hovered over him, his semi- sharp fangs pushing deep into Shoto's wide open flesh. They both groaned, a weird feeling of pleasure seeping into both thier bones.

  Once Katsuki finally let go, Shoto was breathless. "And.... here I thought... this was gonna be... a... simple morning!"

  The blond only shrugged, lapping up the blood around the wound and his lips. It's not like he's a vampire or anything... he just enjoyed biting.  "I just forgot to do that last night. Good to know that you liked it though~"

  The different coloured eye brows moved into a shape of confusion, the red eyes catching them as they did so. "Never did it say that the Alpha got marked... at least you could've given me a warning, Katsuki!"

  The blond only huffed a pitiful laughter, his hands sliding down to rub at the other's stomach. "Yeah yeah, whatever.... morning nonetheless! God!"

  Shoto's firm expression melted away into a small smile, one of his hands meeting Katsuki's on his stomach while the other brought his chin down to kiss him. It was short and sweet, the tender feeling of love blossoming in both of them. And what an odd feeling that was.... but it was one they would never want to lose now that they had it.

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