=Story Guide/Introduction=

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Hey guys! I know what you're thinking... me? Doing an actual story? Yes! Actually, I've wanted to for quite some time! I'm quite excited to get right into this.... as I've been planning this mentally for some time now. Anyways, enough of me babbling... I should get to some immediate things:

- This is not a Oneshot book. A full story will be coming through chapters! Yes! An actual book! YAYY!

- This story was formed via RP format. Now, this story will not be written in that, since that's quite lazy and what not (Not like I have the messages or anything). I will get into who I made this story with near the end! This RP has been complete, and I have the full story in my head. Yes, some things are going to be slightly different, but I'll still keep to the main storyline and fillers.

- Slow updates. I'm sorry peoples, but with school, so there won't be a set update schedule. However, since my motivation for this story is quite high, I will try my best!

- This is Todobaku (Obviously). If you don't like this ship, why the fuck did you click on the book in the first place!?

- There will be smut consistently throughout chapters. Now, this doesn't mean every chapter, but some will definitely contain it. Whether you skip over it or not is completely up to you, and that is valid by your own choice! So don't feel bad about skipping parts that make you uncomfortable ~ ^^

- I should also mention trauma. As much as this story has it's sweet moments, there are some indefinate triggers further into the story. I will put warnings for things such as Suicide mentions, Cutting, Cheating, Rape, M-preg, Misscarraige, and basically anything that has to do with that- at the start of the chapter AND before the event occurs. So you will be warned to prevent any sort of negativity this story may impact on you! So please: read at your own risk!

Annnd- I think that covers some stuff? Now...this AU is indeed Soulmate, however, our take on it is different then others and there is terminology some people may not be familiar with.

There's also the fact that we literally created an entire fantasy world and I want to give you brief ideas on what the characters will be! So, without further or do... let's get to that!





North- The Might Kingdom.

-Ruler: All Might (Yagi Toshinori)

-Characteristics: This Kingdom is known for it's widespread acceptance and love. Wisdom and witty behaviours seems to control the people who live there, and thier reputation is quite high. Don't mess with them though, as a smart established Kingdom with a heroic and determined leader isn't something you should be dipping your nose into!

-Specialties: Pretty Gems and jewels. Quite the mining industry with multiple followers. The civilians seem to also have a peculiar liking towards the dish "Katsudon", a tender pork cutlet dish generally served on a bed of rice and smothered with Tonkatsu sauce. Mmmm, sounds to die for~!!


East- The Bakugou Kingdom

-Ruler: Masaru and Mistuki Bakugou (for now)

-Characteristics: Now... this Kingdom has some mixed reviews. The people that live there are content with staying. Used to the odd yet beautiful surrounding. They won't allow anyone to change them, as they think they're perfectly fine and cozy where they lay! However, from the outside.. it's not as great. Since the Kingdom is known to deal with creatures outside of their own species, they get relentless threats and bad Omens flung thier way. This has turned some of them even feral to other Kingdoms, getting named the "Barbaric Kingdom" from close to the start of thier upbringing. Thier ways are indeed wierd, but they don't really give a rats ass on what other people think about them.

♡~Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be~♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz