=Chapter 17=

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~I know, I know... cliffhangers suck. But I'm glad to know you guys are interested in the story so far!! Warnings for this chapter include: well... none! Just some fluff for the next few chapters until things hit rock-bottom again. Enjoy!~

"Do I... know you..?"

  Katsuki was shocked. There wasn't a damn possible way for his poor little heart to break even further, but it somehow did... "Y-you're... you've gotta be joking..."

  The mismatched man shook his head, shifting obviously uncomfortably under the now shaking blond. "Can you uhm... get off of me? I hate to sound rude, but. I seriously don't know who you are, even though you look very familiar, and I need to maybe get back to my family.... is this because I'm the prince of the Todoroki family? Please don't tell me this is a kidnapping..."

  An absolutely flabbergasted blond just sat there with his jaw hung open until he created a foul expression and stomped off, trying not to show weakness. Even though, if that was an up-to-date Shoto, he'd have zero issues with it. "Hey- I still meant what I said!! This isn't supposed to be rude... I just. I don't know what's going on! You're very beautiful though..."

  Katsuki paused and gripped onto the doorframe, trying not to crush it under his anger and glared at the wincing Todoroki. "You... this is not the time to be pranking, Shoto! I was genuinely worried about you! So much for being fucking kin-"

  Shoto seemed to get up with little issue, despite his injuries. He stumbled over to the accusing blond and patted through his hair, jumping back in realization of what he was doing. "What the-... oh! I'm sorry... I don't know why I did that. You're so cute and so familiar... I've had to come across you at some point."
  Through gritted teeth, the barbarian kept in his raged sadness and deflated into nothing. "I'm Katsuki Bakugou, prince of the Bakugou Kingdom.... to which you're currently a resident of..."

  The face he was given back made it a little more real as Katsuki now understood that this wasn't a prank. Rather, a large accident. What if he never remembers him again!? Or.. or... they don't get along? He can't do that!! A deep breath managed to keep him calm. "Why would I live in the Bakugou Kingdom? My father would kill me... not that I have anything against your people. You're surprisingly not as aggressive as I imagined..."

  Fumes were practically leaking stream out of Katsuki's ears. "That's the reason why your here. Your Dad didn't agree with us... and. Well. He knocked you out so bad you lost your memory..."

  "Agree?? Agree with what about us?"

  Oh yeah. He left that important detail out, huh? Maybe intentional, maybe not. He's mostly scared of how the Todoroki would truly react to him when he knows nothing about the other... it was frightening. But no time to be scared!! Bravery and patients is what he needed the most. "Well, you see. We're Soulmates... lovers... mates... whatever you call it. I'm in love with you, and when you had your memories, you were inlove with me. I hope. We were even planning on getting married, but... well. Can't see that happening if you remain that way."

  It was time for Shoto to be utterly shocked. "You were going to be my husband!? Damn, I really got the long-end of the stick on that one!"

  Katsuki's face hued a bright strawberry red, complimenting his eyes." Y-yeah yeah, whatever! Just shuddap!"

  A hand cupped his cheek, thumb trailing his cheekbone. It made the blond forget he even lost his memories in the first place and almost leaned up for a kiss, but realized that was far too risky and early. "Heh... yeah, sorry. I still don't have memories, so doing something like that is kind of awkward for me. Apologies. You're just so beautiful, I had to touch... I can definitely see myself falling in love all over again. Always liked brat types."

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