=Chapter 1=

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~Alright, now we can finally get to the story! I'm proud to announce that I'm overjoyed to finally write this, and I seriously hope you guys enjoy!~

   And now it starts.... Four Kingdoms... Four very different leaders... yet a pair of two were fated. Just two. And that's all that's needed for one person, as having too many lovers in this world would just complicate everything! It's all they ever needed. Their other half, the last peice to their jarbled puzzle, their Soulmate.


  A ball. That's the kind of thing that's always planned in these lands. Each and every Kingdom has customs as to who holds the most luxurious and elegant gatherings through moons to come! For now though, it was the Bakugou's turn to hold such a privilege in their own part of the land, which, for one snarky prince, meant more inconveniences.

  "If we hold more of these, you're bound to meet your Soulmate eventually!" The 'hag' would banter on about, or- "Just trust your instincts and find the person you feel the most connected with at a slower pace would be best." Is what a kind hearted father figure would be dully mumbling about over a trinket for a teacup and beaten up book for entertainment.

  "King stuff..." is what Katsuki guesses.

  As being the first and only born son of the Bakugou bloodline, he is indeed next to the throne. A prince, if you will, which- the hotheaded young adult seriously didn't like being referred to. In fact: the mere thought of being born into royalty never really appealed to him! He much rathered classes outside of the Kingdom as a child and sneaking out over the boring endless information on how to run the damn ancient place. Ruling is basically all his after his parents decide to kick the bucket on responsibility and leave it to hang on his shoulders.

  Quite the parents, huh?

  Even as a child, they were never really... well. There for the boy. He always learned from his mentor, Kirishima Eijiro. A bright headed Hybrid with what seemed like a shinier smile then even the finest of gold and gems.

  He learned everything from him. To the way his manners are quirky and unfriendly, right down to the way he snarls and glares at anyone who passes by him- oh wait! Nevermind, that's just Katsuki himself!

   The things he was taught as a young boy were nothing but the tightest ways of Instinct, culture, and the most updated science there was out there. He was definitely no man to mess with when it came to intelligence and athletics for that matter.

  As pristine preparations came from excited maids hustling in early morning, to the smell of a long and hard working feast in the evening,a cool air prickled down the ash blond's back. Almost a thrill... but, it couldn't be! Why? He's always absolutely hated dancing! There's surely no WAY he could be even remotely looking forward to the one tonight, right? The angered thoughts of whatever those damn pesky dressers were going to put him in for the occasion was enough to dull his mood for the time being. But deep inside, somehow... something just felt like it was going to go right for once.


  On the other side of the land, quite the different tale was being told. One of which a hard and grudged family settled restlessly.

  A family with mere but four children was rough already... add on the fact that 4/4 of them were completely not in the intentions of the mother to the children.

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